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Chapter 704: Infallible

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Lu Jingshu sneered and stood around her chest: "Yo, second uncle and second aunt, this is really interesting. I heard that you changed your name and surname? Qiming? Are you worthy too?"

"You, you..."

When the two saw Lu Huai'an behind her, their hearts trembled.

"Then what... Huai'an, the second uncle really didn't lie to you. He also said at the beginning that he would adopt the baby for me..."

Lu Huai'an and Shen Ruyun looked at each other and remained silent.

They hurriedly looked at Shi Zhiyuan as if asking for help, but unfortunately the latter was full of eyes full of Lu Jingshu, and didn't even glance at them.

"Go away." Lu Jingshu didn't think of herself as an outsider at all, she pushed the two away and walked inside.

While walking, he greeted Lu Huaian and the others: "Come in."

Shi Zhiyuan thought she was calling him too, so he hurriedly followed, and Uncle Lu and his wife hurriedly stopped him.

"Zhiyuan, didn't you say she won't be back in two days?"

"Did you tell her?"

Some impatiently pulled their hands away, Shi Zhiyuan frowned: "Of course I didn't say it, I want to say how I could have called you here, I'm so annoying, I can't handle this, just walk!"

If they coaxed Lu Huaian to recognize them yesterday, there would be so many troubles.

Even if Lu Huai'an wanted to go back and regret it, it was too late. How could it be so easy to get rid of him if he called him father.

The two also thought of this, showing a bit of remorse.

More, it is in doubt.

If he didn't say it, how did Lu Jingshu get the news?

Come back so fast?

The two of them looked at each other, regretting and hating: "I made you cry yesterday, I want Lu Huaian to confess, nothing happened today!"

"You dead old man, now you're all blaming me again..."

Cursing, the two of them left.

After Lu Jingshu entered the main house, she ordered tea to be served, and chose the main seat herself.

"Since you don't plan to recognize me, what are you doing in such a flamboyant newspaper?" Lu Jingshu wasn't angry, she just looked at Lu Huaian: "Tell me what you think."

From her appearance to now, Lu Huai'an probably already understood what kind of person she was.

Ego, conceited, and does not take into account the feelings of others, at the same time does not like the nonsense of others, and retaliate on the spot.

Therefore, he didn't plan to go around in circles, and looked calm: "I want to know what happened back then, are they still alive?"

"Alive." Lu Jingshu was a little impatient, and pursed her lips: "I don't know what happened back then. What, what do you mean now, do you want to recognize them?"

Lu Huai'an held the teacup and smiled: "To admit... or not to admit, is there a difference?"

"Of course there is." Lu Jingshu blew the tea lightly, took a sip, spit it out again, and smashed the cup: "Shi Zhiyuan, you are really a dog who can't change your shit, where did you get this flower tea from? did it?"

"Don't you like it?" Shi Zhiyuan didn't understand, this was because she liked it very much recently, so he found it specially.

"I don't like it now."

Shi Zhiyuan frowned, not bothering at all, and immediately called someone in to clean, and asked her what tea she liked to drink in a good voice.

"Look at how cheap you are." Lu Jingshu didn't hide her disgust at all, and raised her chin: "Go out, this is my Lu family's business, it's not your turn to listen."

What did these words hurt Shi Zhiyuan? He gritted his back molars.

Just when Lu Huai'an thought he would explode, he actually endured it again.

With a smile on his face, he said that he would go set up an afternoon meal first.

After the tea was served again, Lu Jingshu looked at Lu Huaian: "Okay, there are no outsiders now, so I'll just clarify if I have something to say."

She glanced at Shen Ruyun with a calm expression: "If you want to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan, this woman can't do it."

Lu Huai'an was about to get up on the spot and leave immediately. Shen Ruyun calmly held his hand and raised her eyebrows: "Oh? Where can't it be?"

"According to my father's standard of looking for a daughter-in-law and a grandson-in-law, you are completely out of consideration. You can't do the same with your husband and children, and taking care of the family."

Obviously, Lu Jingshu had endorsed before coming here: "I admit that you have some skills in personal development, but for a family, you are still unqualified."

Shen Ruyun did not give in, not only did she not get angry, but raised her eyebrows: "It turns out that Miss Lu insisted on being single because she knew that she was unqualified to be a wife."


These words really hit Lu Jingshu's lungs. She looked at Lu Huai'an coldly: "You can handle it? You can't handle it. My aunt doesn't mind taking care of it for you."

"Did she say something wrong?" Lu Huai'an held Shen Ruyun back and said coldly, "As a wife and mother, Ruyun is perfect, Miss Lu, don't think she's done a bad job just because you haven't done it yourself. It's definitely not as good as her if you do it instead."

This time, Lu Jingshu was really angry.

She held the cup hard, getting harder and harder, but she didn't even blink her eyes for the hot tea.

After a long while, she took a deep breath: "Okay, but I'm looking at it wrongly. It's a love affair with the Lu family."

Her eyes paused for a second on their hands, and she raised a smile: "Okay, anyway, I'll give you the lead. After you listen, you can make a choice."

The Lu family is not as good as before, and many industries have been defeated.

There is only one overseas company that is doing quite well and is now negotiating with Beifeng to introduce it as a foreign capital.

"Let me tell you the truth, this company is now second to none in the country."

After speaking, she observed the change in Lu Huaian's expression. Gu Ji

Seeing that Lu Huai'an was unmoved, Lu Jingshu was not angry: "Then, Lu Huiming is not a swindle, he needs ability and ability, and means and means, now Yujing is in his hands, and the other industries of the Lu family also have Most of it is under his control."

If they knew of Lu Huai'an's existence, no one could say what Lu Huiming would do.

With Lu Huai'an's current status, it was not a wise choice to confront Lu Huiming head-on.

"Of course, it would be different if I joined." Lu Jingshu took a sip of tea and threw a bait: "I also have some foundations in Yujing. If you and I join forces to pull Lu Huiming down, I'm sure It doesn't take much effort, after all, you are the serious prince."

Lu Huai'an was not only indifferent, but even couldn't help laughing.

Lu Jingshu, who was happily calculating an abacus, frowned slightly and stared at him displeasedly: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at your naivety."

Lu Huaian raised his eyes and looked at her indifferently: "I think, Miss Lu, you may have made a mistake."


"It's 1991 now, not in ancient times. The Qing Dynasty is dead. Where did the prince come from?"

Lu Huai'an shook his head and stood up: "If I had known that the Lu family was such a group of mercenary people, I would not have wondered why my surname was Lu."

It's not bad to think that he has the surname of Lu Baoguo, although he is also a scumbag.

After he finished speaking, he took Shen Ruyun and walked out.

He walked neatly and swiftly without stopping at all.

He didn't take retreat as advance at all, but he really didn't have the slightest nostalgia for the Lu family and Yujing.

When they got to the door, Lu Jingshu said, "Lu Qiming and his wife are not doing well."

Lu Huai'an's footsteps did not stop.

No matter how bad it is, the son is the ruler of Yujing, how can his life be worse?

He is an ordinary person, so don't sympathize with everyone who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. No matter how poor they are, there are still many industries after going abroad, and even multinational companies.

"Lu Huiming has long known that he is not biological."

Lu Huai'an stopped.

Satisfied with the effect, Lu Jingshu smiled calmly and said firmly: "Your mother is not in good health, and she has been struggling all these years. She has long known that Lu Huiming is not her own."

Lu Huai'an didn't look back, and said calmly, "Where's your father?"

"What can he do as an old man? Lu Huiming coaxes all the assets away." Lu Jingshu got angry when she mentioned this.

But this time, she quickly controlled her emotions: "If you don't fight or rob, your parents will soon have no shelter from the wind and rain. You think that if you give up, Lu Huiming will let go. Ever? You are also a businessman, please don't be so naive."

She walked over calmly and stood still in front of Lu Huai'an.

Reaching out, he stuffed a business card into his chest pocket: "You think about it first, and give me an answer within three days."

Taking a deep look at her, Lu Huai'an took Shen Ruyun and walked out quickly.

After getting in the car, he looked at the entire old house from the rearview mirror.

The sky was a little gloomy, and the whole old house seemed to be under a cloud, so stuffy that people couldn't breathe.

Shen Ruyun was very worried about him and held his hand: "Huai'an."

"I'm fine." Lu Huai'an squeezed back, frowning slightly: "I just... need to clear my mind."

Knowing that he was in a bad mood, Shen Ruyun didn't bother anymore and nodded quietly.

Lu Huaian felt that what Lu Jingshu said should be true.

She is arrogant and conceited, and she probably disdains making up lies.

However, what kind of cooperation she said...

Exactly what the intention is, it is not known.

After getting off the car, Lu Huai'an frowned slightly and asked her to inform the people who went out to check: "Look at how their progress is."

There are still three days left, he can think about it comprehensively.

"Well, I'll get in touch."

I have to say that after spending a lot of money, the effect is really completely different.

The information that everyone brought back this time is more complete and detailed than all the previous ones.

Shen Ruyun sat aside and watched Lu Huaian carefully.

"The date of birth is indeed the same...the tenth day of They were going to go abroad on that day, but Liu Shuzhen was about to give birth, but she couldn't stay in China, so she couldn't go out to sea with everyone, only Able to divert to the plane.

It was too chaotic at the time. Lu Qiming and all the men followed the old man on the boat, and the women who followed Liu Shuzhen were basically women.

In order to be safe, it takes several flights to finally arrive in Dingzhou and go abroad from here.

When she landed in Nanping, she was about to give birth.

I went to the hospital temporarily, and then there was a change of child.

This time, there were not a lot of people who followed Liu Shuzhen.

Madam Lu, Lu Jingshu, Lu Aihua's wife, and their servants.

"It stands to reason... such a configuration should be foolproof."


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