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Chapter 748: attitude is clear

This is not a question of bragging or not, Gong Hao is also quite helpless: "I don't believe it, there is nothing I can do... It's been demolished..."

The boat is done, I can only say, bear it.

Fortunately, Chen Yizhi was still a good candidate. He held back his energy and stayed there every day.

When the Xin'an parts factory was ready and the next day it could stop work for installation, he said he was done.

"First try to replace it with the parts factory. After the test, there is no problem, and then let the refrigerator factory stop work."

There is a time gap between the two, so they can modify the other set of equipment.

Gong Hao gritted his teeth, but agreed: "Okay."

Anyway, Lu Huai'an agreed, so he believed him this time.

First remove everything, and then pull over the new equipment to install.

Not to mention, it's pretty quick to install.

The progress here is basically a daily report.

Lu Huai'an couldn't come back, so they told them to hurry up: "If the factory is shut down for a day, it's a loss of money for a day. Try to speed up."

Of course, the quality must also be guaranteed.

There are quite a lot of demands, Chen Yizhi slandered and caught his subordinates to work overtime together.

After everything was installed, Gong Hao also ran over.

Seriously, this device was cut and assembled by them, well, it's not very good-looking.

It used to be shiny, but now many places are solder joints.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Yizhi wiped his hands with a towel, without raising his head: "Just talk and don't practice the fake handle! What do you want to do that looks good, and it's easy to use is the truth!"

There's nothing wrong with that.

"Then, turn on the power." Gong Hao frowned, staring at the device: "If possible, I'll ask someone from the Environmental Protection Agency to take a look tomorrow."

It can be regarded as a clear road, and there is no need to panic if it is reported later.

"Absolutely." Chen Yizhi walked over quickly and pressed the switch.

He walked in front with the blueprint, and told Gong Hao all the way: "We have changed here, and this, this, here, the performance has been improved..."

Until the last link, the sewage was discharged.

"Color... but it doesn't have any color..." Gong Hao didn't understand this, so he could only look at the most basic: "Then, I asked someone to come over to sample?"

"Yes." Chen Yizhi was confident and did not panic at all: "As long as it works, you know, it means that our theory is feasible."

After that, you don't need to worry too much.

Gong Hao waited for a long time. Although there was some noise, it was the humming sound of the normal operation of the machine, and there really was nothing unusual.

"That's fine." Gong Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, showing a smile: "Then I'll make an appointment later, and ask them to come over tomorrow for sampling and testing."

If it is determined that there is no problem, this batch of equipment can be officially put into use.

Chen Yizhi hummed and pondered: "I'll keep an eye on it here, observe it for a few hours, and then test it again. If there is no problem, we'll start preparing to dismantle that set of equipment."

That set of equipment is the new equipment of Xin'an Refrigerator Factory.

"Okay." Gong Hao also knew that the matter was urgent, so he didn't say much: "Call me anytime if there is any situation."

Immediately, he sent a letter to Lu Huai'an, explaining the situation here: "It's going well for now. If there are no accidents later, their upgrade this time should be a success."

Lu Huai'an sighed and sighed lightly: "I've been waiting for your news. It's fine. The upgrade is successful. We can also start to buy more equipment here and update those from other factories."

Personnel from the Environmental Protection Agency went to the site to conduct sampling, and after a rigorous analysis, they determined that the equipment was acceptable.

The treated sewage and drainage have reached the standard and will not pollute the surrounding environment.

In fact, originally, the sewage from their parts factory was nothing, and it was not a chemical factory, so it didn't have such a high standard.

Let them say that this set of equipment is more than enough for the chemical factory, and it is really overkill for the parts factory.

But this is also the freedom of others, and they will not say anything.

Chen Yizhi worked hard, convened his staff, and began to upgrade another set of equipment.

The two sets of equipment are the same, so they have experience with this set, it is not so difficult to cut, and the appearance is much better.

At this juncture, Gong Hao also received a call.

There are actually letters in the suggestion box.

"Yo, this is really strange." He went for a trip in person, and took advantage of the fact that there were few people in the evening, and brought the letter back.

Lu Huai'an was still curious and asked him to read it quickly: "Let's see what the content is."

"Okay." Gong Hao opened the letter while calling him: "Dear leader..."

The more I listen, the more strange it becomes.

This person is really interesting. He still complained about sewage discharge, but this time, it was directly forced by words, which means that the current international environment believes that my country's environmental pollution is very serious. Regardless of the life and death of our descendants a hundred years from now...

"Let's close the factory?" Lu Huai'an couldn't help laughing. He really didn't know what kind of idiot could say that.

Now in Nanping, these two factories are already facades.

Let them close, the leaders may not allow it.

Let the leaders force them to close? How is that possible.

"And also, what he said should give up temporary economic development in order to protect the environment..."

Damn it, Lu Huai'an cursed, "What kind of brain is this, I feel like the person who reported it back is not the same person at all."

"It shouldn't be the same batch." Gong Hao thought for a while, then pondered: "We are replacing equipment recently, and we have nothing to hide. If others want to inquire, they should be able to inquire, so this person probably heard that we violated the law. Yes, specially reported."

It's the best to be successful, it doesn't matter if he can't, he has nothing to lose anyway.

"Well, last time that person was a little more stable. Without certain certainty, he wouldn't shoot."

"But it's fine." Lu Huai'an thought for a while, then smiled: "At least, it means that this suggestion box is really useful, doesn't it?"

Once, there is a second time, a third time.

As long as that person wants to make a move, he will always be caught.

"That's true."

Nanping is changing equipment, and the basic talent market for Lu Huaian in Bohai City is already functioning normally.

He took Hou Shangwei to run every day, and he dealt with it for several days. In the end, he took down the piece of land he liked.

The price is a bit high compared to the surrounding land, but Lu Huaian feels that it is worth it.

Among them, part of it is due to Chen's work.

Lu Huai'an was also very grateful to him, and took a moment to invite him to dinner.

"Hey! It's just a job, and this is also what the leader ordered." Officer Chen did not take credit, but said with a smile: "After all, in the talent market, Mr. Lu, you have the greatest contribution..."

The two of them touted each other, and Chen Guan pretended to ask casually, "What are you going to do when you take down this land?"

"I'm going to use it to build buildings." Lu Huai'an said frankly: "This location is very good. In front, I can use it to build some facades, supermarkets, shopping malls, etc., right? I think we can build a community…”

Now Bohai is engaged in all kinds of development, factories and company buildings are being built everywhere, but there are fewer houses.

Many people from other places have flocked to Bohai, but there is no place to live.

There are not many houses here, but there will definitely be many people who want to buy them in the future.

Lu Huai'an felt that this was a tricky one.

Hearing that he really had some consideration for this land, and would not be hoarding it, Secretary Chen breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with a smile: "Building a house is good, and shopping malls are also good..."

As long as they don't buy the land and leave it idle, it's fine for them to drag on for a few years and delay their overall planning.

"It definitely won't." Lu Huai'an raised his glass with a smile and toasted him.

After getting the land here, Lu Huai'an backhanded and asked Gong Hao to hand the letter to Sun Hua.

It was put on hold for a few days, and their reasons were also very good: originally they just wanted to collect some opinions on Xin'an Group, but after reading it carefully, they found that this letter did not seem to be written to them, but to the leaders, so it is still a material return to the original owner.

Sun Hua looked at it and was speechless.

He didn't say anything, and continued to hand the letter up.

At a time when the international community is also criticizing my country's environmental pollution problem, my country announced at a press conference that "our country will assume responsibility equal to its economic strength", "We have been committed to proposing a new type of environmental protection that does not limit the growth rate. ways to punish developing countries.”

The Deputy Director-General of the Department of International Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is even more blunt: "We should not give up economic and social development in order to deal with the protection of the environment. Environmental protection is not the purpose, our goal should be to allow our children and grandchildren to live in a beautiful environment. A happier life."

Is our country now living a happy life?

No, many people are in dire straits, facing the loess and turning their backs to the sky, and they can't eat a meal of meat at home all year round.

Even the normal food and clothing can't be solved, so let them consider piano, chess, calligraphy and Is this realistic?

This time, the provincial leaders quickly approved: stop work.

It should be rectified, but it will not work.

Full praise for Xin'an Parts Factory's practice of updating equipment immediately.

This attitude is very clear: it is indeed bad to pollute the environment, and we must put an end to it, but if it is at the cost of economic development, this is not desirable.

After hearing this, many people here in Nanping breathed a sigh of relief.

Really, strictly speaking, what is the Xin'an Parts Factory? Their factory is serious.

It's just that the tree is big to attract the wind, people are eyeing the Xin'an Group, but they don't catch them.

Since the above has given their attitude, they are also relieved. At least, now they don't have to worry about the suspension of production due to this matter.

They also know that the sewage equipment still needs to be updated, but when they inquired about the price of the equipment, they retreated again.

"My mother, it's so expensive."

"Just to drain the sewage, it's not necessary to spend this money..."

"You can change it, but the price... tsk tsk, it's really too expensive."

It's not that they don't want to protect the environment, it's just that the factory is small and can't afford it.

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