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Chapter 445 Participating in the Groundbreaking Ceremony

The farms, ginseng market, ginseng land, wandered around everywhere, and saw everything that should be seen.

Xu Shiyan didn't have any thoughts, so he went back to work directly.

The city will be relocated soon, so Su Anying recruited some people to set up a special house demolition team.

If the house has moved out, ask the house demolition team to check and accept it. As long as the captain of the house demolition team signs it, the accountant of the company here will settle the relocation compensation and rewards.

Sign for a family, and immediately pick up the house.

Most of the houses in these years are adobe houses, with the roof removed and the doors and windows cut out.

Crowbars, sledgehammers, and picks were used to hammer and smash the remaining adobe walls, and the house would collapse in minutes.

It is also a good thing to pile up the wood and so on separately, one pile that can be used, and another pile that cannot be used.

There were less than 20 houses in total, and they were useless for two days, and all the houses were removed after moving, just in time to break the ground and start construction.

On the morning of August 1st, the ground-breaking ceremony of Canshi City in Donggang Township started amidst the ruins.

For this event, Donggang is also extremely lively.

Donggang Central Primary School was originally on vacation, and for this event, all the children from the drum team, waist drum team, and dance team were called back to perform.

Comrades from a participating art troupe also came to help out, and the singing and dancing was particularly lively.

A large banner was also specially pulled up above the venue, which read the groundbreaking ceremony of the Donggang Town Ginseng Market.

This is because there are no such conditions in later generations. If there were, hot air balloons, various banners, etc., could all be produced.

Guan Enxue, Chang Hongfa, Jiang Yunfeng and other county magistrates and secretaries all arrived.

Relevant leaders from the Bureau of Specialty Products, Bureau of Agriculture, Ginseng Company, Ginseng Research Institute, and Ginseng Society also came along.

The four state-owned venues in the county and the villages and towns participated in the venues, and they all arranged for people to come.

The three forestry bureaus of Songjianghe, Quanyang, and Lushuihe also arranged for people to be present.

On the Songjiang River side, it happened to be Guo Shouye.

But Xu Shiyan was too busy to chat with Guo Shouye, mainly Xu Shiyan's classmates from the Agricultural University, many people came.

Shao Yong, Jin Yongqing, and Pu Zhengzhe all came.

"Brother Shiyan, congratulations, my brother and sister are really capable, and have invested in such a big project."

In fact, everyone here knows that the participation project was Xu Shiyan's idea, but Su Anying is the legal person of the company, and she came forward for everything.

"Brother Shao, Brother Jin, can't you come over a day earlier?

Come early, let's get together for a drink, brother, you have to rush today, right? "

Xu Shiyan was also very happy to see his classmates, especially those who lived in the same dormitory.

"You brother Shao is not easy now, he has been promoted to deputy county, and he is busy, if he can spare time to give you a show, it will be beautiful.

Still thinking we'll come early? Dreaming. "

Pu Zhengzhe laughed as soon as he heard it, and patted Xu Shiyan on the shoulder and said.

"Yo, brother Shao, why didn't you tell me when I called you about such a big matter?

Congratulations, you are amazing. Among our classmates, you are the first one, right? "

This group of students are indeed candidates for deputy county-level cadres, but even if they want to be promoted, they should be promoted after returning from their studies.

How can anyone get promoted after halfway through college?

"Hey, don't you know?

In their county, because of Clivia's matter, many people have been dealt with, and many positions have been vacated.

Besides, Brother Shao tried his best to dissuade you at the beginning, calling back several times to explain the situation, didn't those people not listen?

So this time when Brother Shao went back, he directly referred to the deputy county. "

Jin Yongqing and Pu Zhengzhe are in different positions, of course they know more than Xu Shiyan, so they have to explain it to Xu Shiyan in a low voice.

Only then did Xu Shiyan realize that there was a reason for the co-authorship.

"Brother Shao, help me more in the future."

As for this matter, it is not appropriate to say congratulations. After all, Shao Yong and his county lost a lot of money, and a lot of people were lost.

But if there was no such thing, it would definitely not be so easy for Shao Yong to raise it.

Xu Shiyan thinks it's better to change the topic, so as not to embarrass Shao Yong.

"Still helping you? You are the God of Wealth now, and I still want to ask you to help me.

Can you see what projects we can develop? Give me a trick.

Now that you participate in the competition, you are well-known in the whole province, rich, and earn more than 10 million US dollars a year. You can ask, who wouldn’t be envious? "

Shao Yong understood Xu Shiyan's thoughts, so he continued to follow the words, with a look of wanting to blackmail Xu Shiyan.

When everyone heard this, they all laughed, "Yes, yes, Lao Shao's words are reasonable.

Brother, please go to our place some other day, and help us think about it, what projects are there.

Let us also get some projects on the other side, and export to earn foreign exchange.

We don't ask for much, and we don't want ten million. If we can have five million a year, we will be satisfied. "

Jin Yongqing and Pu Zhengzhe put their arms around Xu Shiyan's shoulders on the left and right, and smiled half-truthfully.

"Okay, when I'm free some other day, I'll come to you, and you can eat, drink, and have fun, as long as I'm satisfied."

Xu Shiyan knew that they were all joking, so he followed suit.

How can men have so many serious conversations together, they are considered civilized.

Just as there was shouting over there, the ceremony was about to begin, Xu Shiyan and others hurried over, each found their own seats and sat down.

In this kind of ceremony, all the leaders must speak one by one, the county, the town, and the general manager of the investment company, that is, Su Anying, all have to go up and say a few words.

Needless to say, Guan Enxue, Chen Jianzhang, etc., they are all professional, and there is no problem with the scene.

The most surprising thing was Su Anying. I didn't expect her to speak on stage with a calm expression, and the whole process was unscripted.

"Hey, brother and sister are amazing, Xiao Xu, you wrote this manuscript, right?

Brothers and sisters can do it, I don’t read the manuscript the whole time, and I don’t stop in the middle. "

Lin Qiyue was the attending secretary, so he would definitely come on this occasion, and he happened to sit next to Xu Shiyan.

Seeing Su Anying's demeanor on the stage, Lin Qiyue was also in admiration.

On this occasion, if his daughter-in-law were to go up, she would definitely have her calf twisted from fright, and she would speak out of script throughout the whole process. It would not be easy to say a few words.

Xu Shiyan was also full of pride when he looked at his wife who was smiling and speaking calmly on the stage.

At this moment, he finally found his roots, because his child is smart, and he followed his wife.

It is true that he wrote this manuscript, but it only took one night for Su Anying to hand it.

Look at others, not only memorize it, but also the expression and tone are natural, flowing smoothly and smoothly, without any pause in the middle.

As far as this ability is concerned, it is quite convincing.

Thinking of this, Xu Shiyan also felt a little regretful.

The daughter-in-law of his family, if she had studied at the beginning, she might be a cadre somewhere now, and she is definitely not in the current situation.

Of course, if Su Anying had read the book, she would definitely not marry him, an old farmer. This might be fate, and the marriage is destined.

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