At present, the products of participating companies are divided into several sections.

Ginseng honey slices, ginseng Tianma honey, ginseng coffee and other health care products with ginseng as the main raw material.

Drinks such as mineral water, ginseng flower cola, ginseng cola, vitality source functional drinks, etc.

There are also all kinds of medicines produced by pharmaceutical factories, as well as pure ginseng products such as Changbai Mountain red ginseng, natural active ginseng, and fresh-keeping ginseng.

The profit of pure ginseng products is low, not as high as other comprehensive products, and the proportion of raw materials is large.

Therefore, in the past few years, Xu Shiyan intentionally or unintentionally reduced the number of pure ginseng products as much as possible, but developed more comprehensive products.

In the case of fixed ginseng output, create as much value as possible.

According to Xu Shiyan's request, Li Chengrong led the company's professional translators and negotiators to conduct several negotiations with foreign businessmen.

In the end, most of the merchants agreed with the suggestion of the participating company.

The price will not drop, but the participating companies must properly compensate some of the new products.

It should be said that the advance layout of the past few years and the hard work of the R\u0026D team have played a vital role at this time.

Leng Shengsheng While the ginseng market continued to go down and was upset, the ginseng company maintained its orders for this year and did not suffer too much loss.

Of course, there are also a small number of merchants who insist on not agreeing to this approach.

Especially those customers who ordered Changbai Mountain Red Ginseng, Natural Active Ginseng, and Fresh Ginseng.

At present, the international market continues to decline, and people are unwilling to bear such losses.

For this part, after Li Chengrong consulted Xu Shiyan, he discussed with the other party.

If the other party agrees to exchange other products, the participating company can make appropriate compensation.

I really disagree, and this side is not going to do things absolutely, and has to withhold the deposit from others.

According to the amount of the deposit, the corresponding goods will be delivered, and this year's cooperation will be suspended.

Whether we will cooperate again in the future, we will discuss again.

In this regard, some customers understood and agreed to the exchange, while others did not understand and clamored that they would not cooperate in the future.

The team led by Li Chengrong fought hard without being humble or overbearing, and acted in accordance with the contract, trying to minimize losses.

Li Chengrong and others spent a lot of effort, and finally managed to appease the customers and kept more than 90% of the orders.

After the discussion over there came to a result, Xu Shiyan immediately called a meeting with his staff.

Discuss and discuss the focus of processing this year, and once again reduce the share of Changbai Mountain red ginseng, natural active ginseng, and fresh ginseng.

These kinds of pure ginseng products, except for the small amount of orders this year, will not be produced temporarily.

Reserve the saved raw materials for use by pharmaceutical factories.

After the meeting, the managers of various departments of the company immediately went back to hold a small meeting with the employees under them, and truthfully explained the current situation of the company to the employees.

When the workers heard this, most of the company's orders were kept.

Moreover, the Bingshan Beverage Factory and Qingfeng Microbial Compound Fertilizer Factory, which the company invested in as shares, are currently developing well and earning stable profits.

Now, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"This time I put my heart in my stomach, with our general manager here, the company will not collapse.

Your salary and benefits are indispensable.

Work hard and hurry up production, the general manager said, the year-end bonus this winter is also indispensable to you. "

The department heads hurriedly conveyed the spirit of the meeting to everyone.

"Come on, with the words of the leader, what are we worried about? Brothers, go to work.

How the factory develops and how to make money is something that the leader considers.

Our task is to work hard no matter what time or what happens. "

The team leader below hastened to call on the workers to speed up production. The more this is the case, the more they must be stable and not mess up.

In this way, the mood of the workers stabilized, and Li Bingzhuo, Dai Chunrong and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, they can go home and sleep soundly.

The same is true for Xu Shiyan, he hasn't been home for more than half a month, and he can breathe a sigh of relief when the dust finally settles.

As long as we keep this year's orders, we can ensure that this year's profits will not be lost.

As for explaining the next year, there is no need to worry, Xu Shiyan has already planned it.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Xu Shiyan drove back to his parents by himself, and when he entered the door, he saw Su Anying and Zhou Guilan packing up the food and putting it on the table.

Xu Haiyuan is in junior high school, and school ends later than before, around five o'clock.

There is no evening class yet, and I am waiting for the third grade of junior high school, and I will have evening class until after seven o'clock.

Xu Jinping is in the fifth grade. When the school just started, she was selected as the captain of the Young Pioneers, so she was a little busier than before.

For her, it didn't affect anything, the fifth grade homework couldn't help her.

Xu Jinhui and Xu Haiqing got out of school early.

Recently, Xu Shiyan lived in the company and didn't go home. The two children went to school with their schoolbags in the morning and walked back in the afternoon. Anyway, they didn't hear them shouting that they were tired.

At this moment, the two children have already finished their homework and are sitting at the table waiting for dinner.

The whole family was surprised when they saw Xu Shiyan enter the door.

Especially Xu Shiyan's unshaven beard, sunken eye sockets, and wrinkled clothes made Zhou Guilan and Su Anying feel bad.

"Oh my god, you've come back, how did you make yourself? Have you become such a virtue?

You are in the company, at least clean up yourself. "Zhou Guilan couldn't hold back, and babbled a few words.

"Honey, don't talk about that.

When encountering such a big event, how can San'er still be in the mood to clean himself up? "

Xu Chenghou hurriedly stopped Zhou Guilan, not letting her continue talking.

The fact that the son can come back means that the company is temporarily stable.

In today's situation, there is not much fluctuation in the company, which is the best news.

"San'er, come and sit down." The old man waved to his son, motioning him to sit beside him.

"How is the company doing now? Are the workers still emotionally stable?"

Although he already had a guess in his heart, Xu Chenghou was still worried and had to confirm it again.

Over there, Chu Xuanhuai also looked concerned. Recently, there has been a lot of commotion outside, and Chu Xuanhuai has also heard from others.

"Father, Master, the company is still doing well, and most of the customers have been appeased.

Although some costs have been paid, our sales price has not dropped.

More than 90% of the orders have been kept, and this year's profit can be slightly less, but within a controllable range.

The mood of the workers is fairly stable. Today, each section held a meeting and explained the current situation of the company to them.

Everyone can understand, no complaints, it's time to work. "

It should be said that the participation in the field has been developing very well in the past few years, and the workers' backgrounds are quite strong.

No matter when, the thickness of the wallet determines the tolerance of the situation.

The participating workers are quite well-off, even if there is a slight downturn this year, everyone can accept it.

All kinds of panic before, mainly because of the noise outside, the workers don't know where the future is, and don't know if the company will be affected too much and lead to bankruptcy or something.

Now that the company is operating normally and the impact of the crisis is not too great, the workers feel relieved.

"That's good, that's good, as long as your company can stabilize, you don't care about anything else.

If Yingzi really can't continue to manage, then each will find a way out. "Xu Chenghou nodded and said.

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