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Chapter 772 I want to buy a bigger one

The siblings walked and muttered, not too loudly.

Xu Shiyan in front of him could only shake his head and sigh when he heard it clearly.

To be honest, if anyone becomes brothers and sisters with these two, the pressure is really great.

You know, the feeling that no matter how hard you try to catch up is futile, and you will even be thrown further and further away, it can really drive a person crazy.

There are these two monsters in the family, Xu Shiyan never dared to tell the two younger ones, see how your brother and sister are doing, learn from your brother and sister, and other such things.

I was really afraid of hitting the two younger ones, afraid that they would be unbalanced, and also afraid that something would happen to them in the future.

In fact, in Xu Shiyan's view, a child like Xu Haiqing is normal.

What kind of things do you do at any age, you should be naughty and play as you please.

Of course, you can't say this in front of Xu Haiqing, otherwise that brat would have to cock his tail again.

So, it is difficult to raise children, especially the few wonderful children in the family, it is even more difficult.

Xu Shiyan was thinking about it when Su Anying and Su Anzhen came out of the kitchen.

As soon as she saw Master Xu Shiyan, Su Anzhen laughed.

"Second brother-in-law, it's been a hard journey, hurry up and take the child into the house to rest, while my second sister and I are cooking.

It's too hot, so we won't go out to eat at noon.

I learned how to make fried noodles with other people. Let's eat this at noon. "

"Then it's hard work for the third sister, it's better to eat at home, it's comfortable and at ease."

The weather is so hot, I really don't want to go out, it's better to eat at home comfortably.

The brothers Xu Haiyuan also hurriedly greeted Su Anzhen.

Over there, Nan Xiaoming and Nan Xiaoliang came over, and the children gathered together, chatting and laughing, not to mention how lively it was.

Nan Zhendong helped Xu Shiyan put his luggage and other things into the back room, Xu Jinping made a pot of tea and brought it up, and the two sisters-in-law sat in the living room chatting.

Ever since Nan Zhendong and his wife came to the capital to manage the shop last fall, the two brothers-in-law haven't seen each other again.

During the Chinese New Year, Nan Zhendong and his wife went back to the Northeast, but Xu Shiyan's family was in Yangcheng at that time.

When Xu Shiyan and the others returned home, Nan Zhendong and his wife took their children back to the capital.

It's rare for the brother-in-law to meet, so naturally they have a lot to say.

Nan Zhendong rarely asked about the situation at home, inquired about how his father-in-law and mother-in-law were doing, and cared about Xu Chenghou and his wife.

Then ask the other brothers-in-law, especially Ji Tongzhong, if they are doing well.

Also, what is the market for ginseng at home this year, how is the mallet in the field, and whether the weather is good or not.

The main reason is that Nan Zhendong has only been here for a short time, and he doesn't have many acquaintances.

Unlike Ji Tongzhong, he can get acquainted with everyone quickly.

So Nan Zhendong is quite boring here. Apart from looking at the store and taking care of the business, he doesn't have many friends and buddies to chat with each other.

This unexpected brother-in-law came, wouldn't Nan Zhendong just start chattering? To rest in peace, how can he be such a broken-mouthed person.

Xu Shiyan could understand, and besides, he had a lot to say to Nan Zhendong, so the two chatted very warmly.

While talking, Su Anying came in with a large bowl of noodles soaked in cold water.

Su Anzhen was holding a square plate with several bowls and plates on it.

Among them is a large bowl of fried sauce, and the aroma of the sauce can be smelled from afar.

In the other plates, there are vegetables such as shredded cucumber, shredded carrot, and blanched bean sprouts.

"It's time to eat, come and taste the fried noodles I made." Su Anzhen greeted everyone with a smile, and they all came to eat.

Xu Shiyan and the others took a nap on the train in the morning, and it was already past twelve o'clock, and Xu Haiyuan and the others were already so hungry that they howled like wolves.

As soon as he heard about the meal, Xu Haiqing was the first to rush over, and hurriedly sat at the table, staring at the sauce and noodles on the table.

Especially that bowl of golden-brown, shiny, and fragrant sauce made Xu Haiqing's saliva drool.

"You don't need to eat it, just use this sauce, the noodles at noon today must be delicious."

Xu Haiqing's mouth made Su Anzhen feel elated.

He quickly brought over the empty bowl, and first gave Xu Haiqing a bowl of noodles.

"Here, here you are, try the third aunt's skills." Su Anzhen put the bowl in front of Xu Haiqing with a smile.

"It's good to eat. Your mother and I rolled a lot of noodles today. It doesn't matter if you open your mouth and eat."

As Su Anzhen spoke, she served noodles for the big guys, and then told everyone how to eat the noodles.

Put the dishes into the noodle bowl, then scoop up a spoonful of fragrant and oily sauce, and mix like this.

The noodles are cool and smooth, the diced pork belly in the sauce is salty and delicious, and the various vegetables are refreshing and crisp, mixed with a rich sauce.

Such a bowl of noodles in summer is definitely a good product to cool off the heat.

"Well, it has to be my third aunt's craftsmanship. It's amazing, it's so delicious."

Everyone sat down and moved their chopsticks, and Xu Haiqing took a big mouthful.

While eating, she gave Su Anzhen a thumbs up, praising Su Anzhen's cooking.

"Well, Aunt San is very good at cooking, and she cooks delicious food."

Over there, the three brothers and sisters Yang Haoyu and Xu Haiyuan also nodded in praise.

"Well, if it tastes good, eat more. What do you want to eat, tell the third aunt, and the third aunt will make it for you."

Su Anzhen was so coaxed that she couldn't close her mouth.

"You two, you only know how to eat, and you don't have a good word.

I cook for you all day long, and I haven't seen you boasting a word. Why don't you know how to learn more from your cousin? "

Su Anzhen turned her head and saw her two sons eating noodles in silence.

Su Anzhen became angry all of a sudden, and punished her son after arresting her.

Nan Xiaoming and Nan Xiaoliang were stunned at once. Didn't they say to talk less when eating?

The two of them ate honestly and didn't say a word of nonsense. Why is my mother angry? Who are they provoking?

"Look at you, what are you doing?

Xiaoming and Xiaoliang are used to eating your cooking all day long, so you can't praise them every day, right? "

Nan Zhendong saw it and hurriedly rescued his son.

"You two too, you just know how to be bored. Your mother has been busy all afternoon, so you two should talk to each other anyway."

It's not easy for a man. He has to protect the child and also take into account the feelings of his wife. If he doesn't get the balance right, the wife will fry the pot.

Anyway, Su Anzhen didn't fry the pot today, but just gave her son a double stare.

"I figured it out. Serving you all day long won't be a good thing."

Nan Xiaoming hurriedly put some vegetables in her mother's bowl, and added some sauce.

"Mom, the main reason is that the noodles are so delicious, we both patronized to eat, and we didn't have time to talk about it."

Anyway, this baby is not stupid, so he reacted quickly, so he quickly coaxed her.

Nan Xiaoliang's reaction over there was a bit slow, and he also came back to it at this time.

"Yes, yes, the noodles are delicious. Mom has worked hard."

Husband and son coaxed her, it would be embarrassing for Su Anzhen to be angry again, so she pursed her lips and nodded.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, take a break after eating, don't go out to play when the weather is too hot.

Waiting for the evening to cool down a bit, you two take your cousins ​​and the others to play around for a while. "

"Not to mention, it's a good time for you to come this year.

I heard people say that the temperature in June of previous years is quite high, sometimes 35-6 degrees or higher.

So far this year, the temperature has not reached the highest point yet. The local old people say that the weather this year is considered comfortable. "

Su Anzhen chatted with Su Anying while eating.

"Tomorrow morning, you and your brother-in-law will take the children to the square to see the national flag being raised, and then go to the Forbidden City in the morning.

Don't worry about whether you can finish shopping or not, just come back at noon.

It's good to take a nap at home in the afternoon and go out for a walk in the evening.

Anyway, just go out early in the morning and evening, don't rush outside at noon. "

After all, Su Anzhen has lived here for more than half a year, so she knows a little about the climate of the capital, so she gives advice to Su Anying and the others.

It’s rare to come back to the capital. Among other things, raising the national flag, visiting the Forbidden City, and climbing the Great Wall are a must.

"Well, that's fine, I'll listen to you." The younger sister expressed her kindness, and Su Anying naturally appreciated it.

After the family chatted and laughed, Su Anzhen was worried about the store, so she wanted to go back and have a look.

After Xu Shiyan and his wife thought about it, they should go and have a look.

So I kept the children at home, told them not to run around everywhere, and took a rest at home, and waited until the evening when the heat was not so hot before going out.

Nan Xiaoming and Nan Xiaoliang also stayed here. The children either watched TV in the house or played in the shade of the yard.

The yard is small, and there are no trees in the yard.

What children can play is to draw grids on the ground, or play yo, or catch tiles and so on.

Xu Haiyuan didn't like this kind of activities, but Xu Haiqing and the two brothers from the Nan family had a good time playing.

The Zhencaotang shop is on the outskirts of the DC area, so its geographical location is not as good as that of Xu's small courtyard.

Of course, for Xu Shiyan, being able to manage several properties within the second ring road of the capital is already very satisfying.

If this is put aside for thirty years, it may not be possible to buy it no matter how much money is spent.

Xu Shiyan and his wife stayed at this side of the shop for a long time.

In the summer, I thought that many people were not willing to come out, and the business of the shop was probably mediocre.

Unexpectedly, the shop made a lot of money in one afternoon.

Of course, Jishengyuan's health care products account for the majority, and other Northeast specialties are less.

Jishengyuan's health products can be said to be quite famous all over the country, and have been unanimously recognized by consumers.

Sales of health care products in summer are not as hot as winter, even so, the turnover of the store is not low.

Nan Zhendong and his wife are in the capital. The store here is not small, and it also has a warehouse. There is enough space.

Therefore, the agent of Jishengyuan health care products in the capital area is naturally Nan Zhendong and his wife.

For this item alone, Nan Zhendong and his wife earned more than 100,000 yuan last year, not to mention the profit sharing of other goods in the store.

The couple can buy a house so quickly, settle down in the capital, transfer schools for the two children and settle down, can they do it without money?

"Brother-in-law, if I say too much gratitude, it will be too empty.

No matter what happens in the future, as long as my brother-in-law asks, even if our husband and wife go through fire and water, we have to let my brother-in-law do it. "

Nan Zhendong is not as eloquent as Ji Tongzhong. It is very rare for him to be able to say these words, and they definitely come from the heart.

"There's no need to go through fire and water.

If you two know anyone, please help me find out, is there anyone selling houses in this east and west city?

I plan to buy another house in the capital, preferably a bigger courtyard house. "Xu Shiyan laughed as soon as he heard it.

Now is the age of peace, who is going through fire and water?

"Buy a house? Oh, it's easy. Brother-in-law, do you know what's most popular in the capital now?"

Over there, Su Anzhen was overjoyed when she heard it, and purposely set up a question for Xu Shiyan to guess.

"What's popular? I don't live here, so I don't know."

Xu Shiyan was stunned for a moment, he stayed in the Northeast all day long, how could he know what was popular in the capital?

"Second sister, second brother-in-law, the most popular thing in the capital now is to go abroad.

It's not the kind of government-sponsored going abroad, or to find a way to go abroad by yourself.

Think about it, how expensive is it to go abroad at your own expense? Can ordinary people get the money?

Many people in the capital are planning to sell their house and go abroad with the money to earn money. "

Su Anzhen shook her head while talking, she really didn't understand those people.

Foreign countries are so good, so the moon in foreign countries is rounder than domestic ones? Going outside can make a lot of money and get ahead? I don't understand.

"Didn't we buy a house at the beginning of spring? Don't say it, I really inquired a lot and knew a lot of middlemen.

Zhendong, the second brother-in-law may not live here for a few days.

Or you can take the second sister and the second brother-in-law to go around and find someone you know to inquire about.

If there is a suitable one, and both of them happen to be here, they will buy the house if they are optimistic about it. "

Su Anzhen was quick to do things and never dragged her feet, so she immediately told her husband to ask Nan Zhendong to lead Xu Shiyan and the others to find those middlemen.

"Okay, let's go then." Nan Zhendong just told him to do whatever he wanted, so naturally he didn't refuse now.

So he drove Xu Shiyan and Su Anying out, and found the middleman who bought the house before him to help him, and asked if there was any house for sale in Dongxi City.

"In a place as big as the capital, there are plenty of houses, and there must be houses like the one you mentioned.

But the price is hard to say, too expensive. "

Nan Zhendong took Xu Shiyan and his wife to find a man named Jin Liu.

After hearing Xu Shiyan's request, Jin Liu said so.

The courtyard house Xu Shiyan wants to buy is definitely not the kind where a dozen households live in one courtyard.

It's a single family house, and it needs to be slightly larger. This kind of house is hard to find, and the price will definitely not be low.

"How much can it cost? I heard Mr. Jin mean that there should be such a house.

You might as well tell me about the price, I heard that if there is room for accounting, then let's go and have a look. "

Xu Shiyan smiled, no matter how expensive the house is today, how expensive can it be? With the net worth of the couple, they can't afford it.

"Well, according to Mr. Xu's request, there is really a suitable place.

In Dongcheng, the courtyards with three entrances are very neat.

As for the original owner, he used to be a nice family. There was a lot of trouble in those years, so the house belonged to the public, and later returned to his children and grandchildren.

The eldest grandson of his family is anxious to go abroad recently, so he plans to sell the house passed down from his ancestors and go abroad with the money.

So, his asking price for this house is not low, calling for 200,000 yuan. "

Jin Liu looked at Xu Shiyan, the person in front of him seemed to be a worker, and he didn't look like someone who could spend 200,000 yuan.

"Ah? Two hundred thousand? Is it too much?" Nan Zhendong exclaimed when he heard this.

The small courtyard that his family bought at the beginning of spring cost only tens of thousands of dollars.

Nowadays, most people are rushing to build buildings, and the bungalows in this alley are not very valuable in the eyes of ordinary people.

A set of yards costs 200,000 yuan, which is definitely a lion's mouth.

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