Back To Qiqi Farming To Raise Children

Chapter 788 Killing a Pig to Celebrate (6,000 words)

"Oh, how bad is this?

Yuanyuan is just a child, and occasionally he won a prize in a competition, so it's not good to have a celebration party, right? "

Xu Shiyan can understand the feelings of the leading teacher and the province.

But it will be Chinese New Year soon, if I go back to the provincial capital to hold a celebration party and go all the way home, I am afraid that it will be New Year's Eve when I get home.

"Don't, don't, Mr. Xu, this is what the leader means.

Mr. Xu, please don't refuse, and come back with us. "The team leader said pleadingly.

"Student Xu Haiyuan won the league championship this time. This is our honor. It is a great achievement."

This is the truth. Over the years, Kyrgyzstan has often won the first prize in competitions regardless of junior high school or high school.

But the national championship, this really has never happened.

Everyone has said that, what else can Xu Shiyan say? Then I can only agree.

So I discussed with the team leader teacher, and everyone will return tomorrow.

In this way, the leading teacher took the students back to pack up their things, and took everyone for a stroll in the afternoon.

Xu Shiyan reserved a table in Donglaishun, and invited the children and teachers from this province to have a meal in the evening.

On the afternoon of the 24th, a group of people boarded the return train, returned to Changchun from the capital, and arrived at the provincial capital on the morning of the 25th.

Thanks to Xu Shiyan who called the leader in advance, keep everything simple in winter and don't make it too grand.

At any rate, he didn't wear red and hang colors like Xu Shiyan did a few times before, and he didn't arrange too many people to meet him outside the station.

Seeing this, Xu Shiyan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, if a group of students were to wait outside the station for an hour, wouldn't they all freeze to death?

The four stayed in the provincial capital for two and a half days, and it was really a celebration of all kinds.

Many leaders from relevant departments attended, anyway, I don't know whether it is for Xu Haiyuan or Xu Shiyan.

In short, no matter who met Xu Haiyuan, they would praise Xu Haiyuan, and then praise Xu Shiyan and his wife for raising a good son and so on.

The principals and directors of several key high schools in the province came to win over Xu Haiyuan, wanting Xu Haiyuan to study in their schools.

The conditions are all good, and all fees are free.

If the high school participates in the competition and wins the ranking, the minimum bonus is 10,000 yuan, and there is no upper limit. There are rewards for excellent grades in the college entrance examination.

In a word, as long as Xu Haiyuan goes to study, they will agree to any conditions.

Now, Xu Shiyan didn't know what to do.

He really wanted to send Xu Haiyuan to study in the capital, even if he borrowed it.

In Xu Shiyan's heart, it is the capital after all, the place with the most concentrated resources in the country, and it is incomparable to other places.

The capital's educational resources are still very good, and the teachers are there. Even if Xu Haiyuan borrowed to study in the past, he would not suffer a disadvantage.

But when these people in the province said it, Xu Shiyan was shaken again.

The provincial key high school should not be much worse than the capital, right?

The main reason is that there are many benefits to studying in the province, not to mention the exemption of tuition and miscellaneous fees, scholarships and the like.

The key is that when Xu Haiyuan comes here, he can directly apply for a student status and take the college entrance examination directly in the provincial capital, which is much more convenient than the capital.

Xu Shiyan thought about it and couldn't make a decision, so he simply told others that he would contact him after discussing with the child and the child's grandparents.

Anyway, there is still half a year before the admission to the high school entrance examination, so hurry up.

Those principals and directors also understood that with so many people coming to fight for it, they would definitely not be able to agree directly.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for other schools in front of everyone.

After discussing it later, just contact in private, everyone looks good.

On the morning of the 28th, Xu Shiyan really couldn't live anymore, so he hurriedly talked to the leader and planned to go back.

"Okay, Chinese New Year is coming soon, go home and reunite with your family."

The leader waved his hand with a smile, indicating that Xu Shiyan could leave.

"One more thing, after the year you have to go to the capital for a one and a half month training.

This is recommended by the province, and most people don't have this opportunity to learn. We must seize the opportunity and not be lazy. "

The leader looked at Xu Shiyan with a smile, and said an address.

When Xu Shiyan heard it, hey, it's amazing.

That is probably the best school in the country, the place that all cadres who are eager to make progress most yearn for.

To go there for advanced studies, at least the county level must be recommended by the province, which is a very rare opportunity.

Those who have studied and trained there will not have a bad future in the future.

"Leader, don't worry, I will definitely study hard, and I will definitely live up to the expectations of the leader." Xu Shiyan assured with a serious face.

"Well, I know you are reliable, so let's do it.

Go back and give your parents a good one. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, even if I wish the second elder a new year in advance. "The leader waved his hand and let Xu Shiyan go.

In this way, the four of them got on the train and walked back.

When we arrived at Hunjiang, it was four or five o'clock in the morning on the twenty-ninth.

Xu Shiyan thought that there was nothing wrong, so he could have breakfast later and then take the car back to Songjianghe.

As a result, as soon as I got out of the car, I was taken away by the station staff before I even got out of the train station.

Guan Enxue had already arranged someone to wait at the station, because he was afraid that Xu Shiyan would sneak away with his wife and children.

No way, I stayed in the city for another day.

The city also prepared a very grand celebration and commendation meeting, and even distributed prizes and bonuses to Xu Haiyuan.

In the evening, a celebration banquet was prepared, and even Guan Enxue and others attended.

"Boy, if I don't arrange someone in advance to stop you at the station, you will definitely run away with your wife and son."

When Guan Enxue saw Xu Shiyan, he complained.

"It's still the secretary who manages things like a god.

The main reason is that the Chinese New Year is approaching, and I feel like returning home, so I want to go home early. "

What can Xu Shiyan say? Said that he was afraid that the laborers in the city would mobilize the public to organize those celebrations? How could you talk like that?

I can only use the excuse of being homesick, and go there with a haha.

"Well, looking at the Chinese New Year, I feel homesick, which is understandable.

I don't want to keep you here any longer. The celebration banquet is over tonight, and I will arrange for someone to take you home tomorrow morning. "

Guan Enxue nodded. It took another half a month to go out to the capital to compete, and it was normal to be homesick.

"No, no, the road is slippery in winter, and driving is more troublesome. We can take the train tomorrow morning, and we will be home by one o'clock in the afternoon."

Xu Shiyan quickly waved his hands, and walked from Hunjiang to Songjianghe, and the driving route was basically the same as that of the train.

If you can’t run fast in winter, it’s better to take the train to be safer.

Xu Shiyan insisted that Guan Enxue didn't argue with him, and just as other people came to say hello, he changed the topic.

Many leaders in the city attended the celebration banquet, and the most educated people came.

Xu Shiyan took the opportunity to discuss the high school with the leaders of the Education Bureau.

"Oh, Mr. Xu is an amateur at first glance.

In terms of grades, the key high schools in our three eastern provinces are no worse than those in the capital.

Let me tell you, Mr. Xu, don't bother, it's not worthwhile to go all the way to the capital to study, or borrow it. "

Unexpectedly, the bureau chief laughed when he heard it.

"The High School Affiliated to Northeast Normal University in our provincial capital is a well-known good school.

If you listen to me, let your child study there and keep it right.

Besides, it's close to home, and the student status is directly transferred, so it's so convenient. "

Xu Shiyan hasn't studied for a few years in total, and Donggang is a remote place, so he can't usually get in touch with it. How does he know this?

Originally, Xu Shiyan also planned to find someone who understands him later, ask him carefully, and make a decision after inquiring clearly.

Hearing what the bureau chief said now, Xu Shiyan finally understood.

After arguing for a long time, he almost went far away and sent his son to the capital.

"Hey, thank you Feng Ju for pointing the maze, you say I don't know anything about these things, that's for nothing.

Thanks to meeting Feng Ju today, thank you very much, come on, let me toast Feng Ju. "

This can be regarded as a great help, so of course Xu Shiyan would like to express his gratitude, so he hastened to toast.

The celebration banquet was very lively, and it didn't end until after nine o'clock.

Xu Shiyan and others stayed in the hotel, had a good night's rest, got up early the next morning, had a casual meal, and went straight to the train station.

By the time the train arrived at Songjianghe Station, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon on the 30th of January, the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month.

"My God, this trip took longer than last time.

If there is any delay in this, we will be thirty years old when we come back. "

When the train arrived at the station, Xu Shiyan said with emotion while walking down with his luggage.

Su Anying and Xu Haiyuan behind them both laughed, and the chemistry teacher over there couldn't help laughing either.

The group got out of the car just like that, walked out along the crowd, and went straight to the exit.

Before they could come out, they heard someone calling them.

Take a closer look, good guys, Xu Haibo, Xu Haitao, Xu Jinfeng, Xu Jinxiu, the nephews and nieces at home are all dressed thickly, waving from outside the station.

Looking behind the children, Xu Shi'an and Xu Shixiang are also there.

"Yo, second brother, fifth brother, why are you all here at the station? Did you come here to pick us up?"

When Xu Shiyan saw his brothers and nephews coming to pick him up at the station, he immediately felt warm in his heart.

"That's necessary, isn't this here to welcome our champion?

Let me tell you, ever since our father knew that Yuanyuan had won the award, he didn't know why he was so happy.

Give us a few calls, let us all come back, we must hold a welcome ceremony for Yuanyuan. "

Xu Shi'an stepped forward with a smile, and hugged Xu Haiyuan up.

"It has to be my eldest nephew. You are really powerful and promising. Second uncle is the rarest thing about you."

Although Xu Haiyuan is not short, but in front of Xu Shi'an, who is more than 1.8 meters tall and has great strength, he is still not enough to look good, and he was picked up easily.

Xu Haiyuan will soon be fifteen years old, and being hugged by someone, this feeling is actually quite scary.

"Second uncle, let me down first."

There were quite a few people outside the station, Xu Haiyuan was embarrassed, and he couldn't shout loudly, so he could only speak weakly.

"Hahaha, my eldest nephew is still embarrassed. Okay, let you down."

Xu Shi'an laughed loudly, then put Xu Haiyuan down, and patted his nephew on the shoulder.

"Good boy, I don't know who to follow with this cleverness, the old Xu's family really pointed at you in this life.

Let's go, get in the car and let's go home, your grandpa and grandma are waiting at home.

To celebrate your award, a pig was slaughtered at home today. "

When Xu Shiyan and the others were walking back from the capital, they called their family and told them that they would be home by the 29th or 30th at the latest.

After Xu Chenghou received the call, he called Xu Shixian and the others to discuss, and asked the sons to come back and celebrate together.

There is no pig at home, so Xu Chenghou bought a pig from someone and made a plan to slaughter the pig today.

Regardless of whether Xu Shiyan and the others came back on the 29th or 30th, the pigs had to be killed.

The brothers Xu Shixian discussed with each other, each asked for leave, and came back yesterday afternoon.

Early this morning, that big fat pig was tied up and sent to the guillotine.

At this moment, it has become a delicious stew, blood sausage, and big bones in the pot.

"My God, our father can really do it."

When Xu Shiyan heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head. This old man, the older he gets, the more he can make troubles.

"Let's go, third brother, let's get in the car first, and we'll talk when we get home." Xu Shixiang greeted the big guys with a smile, and they all got into the car quickly.

Xu Shixiang drove the unit's car, Xu Shian drove the farm, and Xu Haibo drove the car Su Anying drove at home.

In this way, the three cars left the train station and headed straight for Donggang.

When they arrived at the tomb of the martyrs, Xu Shiyan and others got out of the car and wanted to drag the chemistry teacher to the house to have fun together.

Where is the chemistry teacher willing? This is a reunion of the Xu family, and he is embarrassed to participate as an outsider.

There was no way, so Xu Shiyan asked Xu Haibo to drive and take the chemistry teacher home.

He also said that he was busy waiting and went to visit others, so he must thank the teacher well.

Everyone carried their luggage and walked into the gate talking and laughing.

As soon as I entered the yard, I saw the big iron pot in the middle of the yard.

At this moment, there is still a fire under the iron pot, and there is steam in the pot, and the smell of stewed meat wafts out with the heat.

This taste, that's so gluttonous.

"Oh, it's the third uncle and the third aunt who came back. Grandpa, grandma, my third uncle and the third aunt, and Yuanyuan are back."

Xu Haibin is leading Xu Haiyang and Xu Haiqing to play in the courtyard.

Seeing Xu Shiyan and others enter the door, Xu Haibin ran into the house, shouting as he ran.

As soon as the people in the room heard the movement, a large crowd came out.

Xu Shixian, Xu Shide, Xue Xiulin, Wei Mingrong, Su Anfang, Li Zongliang, Su Anhua and others all came out of the house and came forward with smiles on their faces.

"Oh, my eldest nephew is back, this kid is really promising, so rare.

Hurry up, get in the house quickly, your grandpa and grandma are nagging all day long. "

Xue Xiulin stepped forward, grabbed Xu Haiyuan's hand, and other people also surrounded her, and just like that, Xu Haiyuan entered the house.

Xu Chenghou, Zhou Guilan, Chu Xuanhuai, Su Weizhong, Han Cai'e, five old people are all sitting on the kang in the east room.

To be honest, Xu Haibin's voice just now made them unable to sit still, and they were looking out of the room with their heads stretched out.

Seeing Xu Haiyuan coming in accompanied by his aunt and aunt, these old men and women were also very happy, and they all laughed, not to mention how happy they were.

"Grandpa, grandma, master, grandpa, grandma." Xu Haiyuan smiled and came forward to greet the five elders.

"Hey, hey. Hurry up and sit on the kang, it's quite cold outside, have you froze after taking the train all the way back? Get on the kang to be warm."

Zhou Guilan hurriedly moved into the kang, made room for her grandson, and beckoned for Xu Haiyuan to sit beside her.

"Hurry up, take off your shoes and get on the kang, it's warm on the kang."

"Grandma, it's okay today, it's not too cold, and it's almost done on the train."

How could Xu Haiyuan really take off his shoes and get on the kang? So she sat next to Zhou Guilan on the edge of the Kang.

While talking, Xu Haiyuan took out the award certificate from his backpack.

"Grandpa, grandma, master, grandpa, grandma, this is my award certificate."

The certificate of the national competition must be different from that of the provincial competition. Whether it is printed or produced, it is more exquisite.

The certificate case of big red flannelette, with a few large characters in gold stamping on it, looks festive and majestic.

Xu Chenghou took turns holding the certificate to look at it, the joy is beyond words.

"Good boy, the eight generations of old Xu's ancestors have never had a child as promising as you.

If this is left in the past, is it considered a champion or something? Can you be an official? "

Holding the certificate, Xu Chenghou couldn't put it down, looked at it over and over again, and kept talking.

"Father, it doesn't seem like that's the case.

Yuanyuan won a prize in a chemistry competition. If it was in the Qing Dynasty, it should be the eight-legged essay test.

However, our Yuanyuan's level is indeed high, and I feel that if we put it in ancient times, it would be quite powerful.

You will definitely be able to win the Jinshi, and if you don't have enough guarantees, you can still be granted the title of marquis and worship, then you will really honor your ancestors. "

Xu Shide was at the side, pondered for a while, and explained to his father.

"I don't care if it's eight-part or nine-part essay, I just know that it's enough for our family to be promising."

Xu Chenghou waved his hand, so he didn't bother to care about the text.

Anyway, he knew one thing, that in the old Xu family's life, there were children who were promising.

Xu Shiyan and the brothers looked at each other and smiled at each other. At this time, stop arguing with the old man and just say what you like.

"Yes, Dad is right, the children of our younger generation are all very promising.

You can see that Xiaobo is at the Agricultural University, Jinfeng is at the Banking University, and Xiaotao and Xiuxiu are next. I think they are all good.

Pingping, Jingwen, and Jingyi who are further down are also doing well in their studies. In the future, there will definitely be several college students coming out of our family. "

Xu Shiyan sat on the edge of the kang, looked at the nephews and nieces in the room, and said happily.

"Well, that's good. Your mother and I don't expect anything else in this life, but we hope that our old Xu's family will prosper and our descendants will be prosperous."

Xu Chenghou's eyes swept over the children and grandchildren, and he nodded in relief.

"Okay, old man, stop talking nonsense here.

The third child and the others just got home, so they must be hungry, let's eat quickly, and we'll chat after we finish eating. "

Seeing that her daughter-in-law and granddaughters had already packed up the food, Zhou Guilan quickly greeted everyone for dinner.

Xu Shiyan and the others ate in Hunjiang in the morning.

At this time, the car is too crowded, it would be nice to have a seat, where is there any time to eat?

It's already two o'clock, aren't you hungry?

Especially the smell of stewed meat and sauerkraut all over the room made me feel hungry.

In order to congratulate Xu Haiyuan for winning the prize, the family slaughtered a fat pig weighing nearly 300 catties today.

So this meal must be an authentic pig-killing dish.

Sauerkraut and white meat blood sausage, big bones in sauce, bone-deboned meat, pork heart, liver, and tongue platter, fried meatballs, sweet and sour pork ribs, pig ears mixed with cucumber, square meat dipped in garlic sauce.

Although there are only these few dishes, the servings are not small, and several of them are served directly on the basin.

Especially the Fangzi meat, all of which are streaky and three-layer skinned loin meat.

The palm-sized square meat is cooked in a pot and let cool, then cut into slices with a knife.

Mash the garlic cloves and put some soy sauce in it, which is what people in Northeast China often call garlic sauce.

The large piece of cooked meat is trembling, dipped in some garlic sauce, the meat is not greasy and the meat is full of fragrance, and it is safe to eat and still want to eat, and there is no way to stop.

Su Weizhong and his wife, Su Anfang, Su Anhua and others all came, and the three tables were full.

The five old people are all at this table on the kang, Xu Haiyuan is the protagonist today, so of course he is also on the kang.

Xu Shiyan and Su Anying, who had a good time with their son, were also at the same table on the kang.

The children of Su Anfang and Su Anhua's family were young, and it happened that Su Weizhong and Han Cai'e hugged each other and coaxed them to eat.

The twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month is only a few days away from the Chinese New Year.

Xu Shixian and the others all directly took a long vacation and came back, planning to go back after the new year here.

In the spring of this year, both Xu Shixian and Xu Shixiang bought buildings in the county.

Living in this building is much more convenient than a one-story house. You can just lock the door, and you don't have to worry about burning the fire all day long.

Xu Shide's family lives in the public house of the Beigang Township Government, so there is no need to worry if someone is taking care of them anyway.

Brothers and I have discussed it, and all of them will stay and celebrate the new year with parents.

After all, Xu Chenghou and his wife are getting older and older, so spend more time with the elderly during the holidays, so as not to leave regrets in the future.

The children and grandchildren stayed to celebrate the New Year, and the happiest couple was Xu Chenghou and his wife.

This year, a pig was slaughtered during the Chinese New Year, plus Xu Shiyan's benefits from his work unit, and the things sent by brothers such as Guo Shouye, Yang Junxian, Huang Shengli, etc., the family didn't lack anything.

From the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, the old lady led her daughter-in-law and granddaughters to prepare things for the New Year.

Pork in a big pot, pork knuckles in soy sauce, and stewed skin jelly.

In the morning, there are two large pots of noodles, and at noon, steamed jujube steamed buns, hair cakes, steamed buns and rolls with sugar triangles.

Zhou Guilan knows how to make good pasta, jujube steamed buns can be made in various designs, and can also make various steamed buns such as goldfish, hedgehog, and bunny.

Inside the sugar triangle, white sugar is mixed with walnut kernels, peanut kernels, and sesame seeds. It is fragrant and sweet after a bite.

Fat cake is fermented with rice flour and white flour, and sprinkled with chopped dates, honey beans, raisins, etc. inside.

The steamed hair cake is soft and sweet, not to mention how delicious it is.

Not only these, Zhou Guilan also brought out the prepared glutinous rice, zong leaves, candied dates, etc., and led the daughters-in-law to make zongzi.

Pronounced in the Northeast dialect, Zongzi is actually called Earn Zi. Zhou Guilan put money and dates in the Zongzi, which is called Zaoqian, which has a very good meaning.

After the staple food, fry up some snacks.

Put a large spoon on the stove, croquettes, dried fruits, crispy twists, collars, mushrooms, eggplant boxes, meat segments, etc.

Anyway, the smell in the kitchen has never been broken, causing the children to stand outside the kitchen one by one, staring at the delicious food inside.

On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Su Anfen and Ji Tongzhong, who were far away in Yangcheng, and Su Anzhen and Nan Zhendong, who were in the capital, all rushed back.

No one expected that on the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, Han Liwei and Xu Shiqin would also come back with their children.

The couple spent the New Year in Yangcheng last year, so they plan to come back this year.

However, Han Liwei was delayed for a few days because of something urgent, and he didn't get home until the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month.

On New Year's Eve, the Xu family's side will be very lively.

Waking up early in the morning, Xu Haibo and Xu Haitao led his younger brothers to erect lantern poles, hang strings of lights, and post couplets with the word "God of Fortune" outside.

The boys are mischievous, they are doing their work, and they just light firecrackers and throw them away from time to time.

The firecrackers exploded, and the little ones clapped their hands happily and jumped up and down.

The girls were not idle either, sticking window grilles and helping with cooking in the house.

The reunion dinner at three o'clock in the afternoon, a large family of more than twenty people, the scene was not to mention how lively it was, Xu Chenghou and Zhou Guilan were laughing from morning till night, unable to close their mouths.

In the evening, the women make dumplings, the men get together to laugh and chat, and the children have a lot of fun.

Xu Haibo led his younger brothers to find out the glass jar, wrapped it with wire, made a handle on it, and lifted it with a small stick.

Add nails to the small wooden blocks on which the candles sit and place them in the bottom of the jars to make a simple lantern.

A few young people held a lantern, and then they dressed neatly, covered themselves tightly, and went out to play with the lanterns.

It’s still a 6,000-word update, I’ll take it easy and write more.

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