Wang Jiao rubbed the back of her red hand and looked at her little cousin in confusion.

Feng Qingyun pointed at the carton and said: "Cousin, do you know what's in the carton? What's in the carton is cream cake. It's a very delicious cream cake. It's very precious. We don't sell it here. If there is, It’s for sale. My sister never failed to buy us food before. You often live in the city. You know best whether there is anyone in Huaihai City. My sister bought two cream cakes and gave one to you. Don’t be rough. It was knocked down and broken by rough hands and feet, but the butter cake was soft and sweet, and could not withstand the collision. "

Wang Jiao was so drooled by what she said that she quickly swallowed it.

"Cream cake?" She looked at the carton as if she were looking at gold. She rushed over and kissed the carton twice. "When I lived in the city, I heard people say that the cakes sold in Shanghai are very good. There are several kinds, such as white cakes that cost ten yuan a box, cream cakes that cost five or six yuan each, and fruit cakes. There is no ticket, but they are all expensive. "

"This is the cream cake. It's been brought all this way by my sister and brother-in-law. Cousin, don't just eat it for yourself. Leave some for the dog and goat eggs." Feng Qingyun was worried that she would eat alone, so she quickly warned her. One sentence.

Wang Jiao kept swallowing and waved her hands, "I know, I know, I'm not a stepmother."

Feng Qingyun looked at her sideways. Although she was not a stepmother, she did the same things as a stepmother. Her parents-in-law basically took care of the children's food, drinks, and toilets. Zhang Yuejin relied on Zhang Yuejin to support the family. She could only do a little housework or do it for herself. Order something delicious.

Wang Jiao was also self-aware and noticed the look in her eyes, "Don't look at me like that, I will save some for them."

Really, how could the gentle and lovely Xiaoxue have such a sister? She is not gentle at all, not cute at all, she is too smart, and her mouth is unwilling to forgive others. She stabs people's hearts like a knife every day. However, my mother often praises her for this and that, and is ten times better than herself. But there is no Xiaoxue. Okay?

Feng Qingyun knew Wang Jiao's virtues well, and while taking out other things from the basket, she nagged: "Cousin, I'm not telling you, you are a mother, shouldn't you be good to your children? Cousin-in-law again It’s not that I don’t have the ability to support the family. Look at how my sister treated Xibao and Fubao. They were holding them in the palm of their hands and holding them in their mouths. I was afraid they would fly away. How happy are the children who grow up in this situation? ? And didn’t develop bad habits.”

Goudan, who was forgotten at the door, ran in, took out the tin frog with one hand, held it in his hand and showed it to Wang Jiao, "Mom, Mom, look, my eldest cousin gave me and my brother the tin frog to play with. It's new. , bought from the capital!”

Wang Jiao was stunned for a moment, then immediately said: "Xiaoxue is so polite. What kind of tin frog does a child want? It must be very expensive."

Goudan's reaction was to cover the tin frog on his chest, "My eldest cousin gave it to me for free."

Feng Qingyun glared at Wang Jiao, "They said it was given to Goudan. It's expensive or not. It's my sister's money. Why are you so distressed? It's just a cream cake with many tin frogs on top. , why didn’t you say it was expensive?”

"How can a tin frog be compared with a cake? It can't be eaten." Wang Jiao said plausibly.

"Why don't you say that the cake will be gone once you eat it and can only turn into shit when you pull it out, but if the tin frog is not broken, it can be played for many years? How cost-effective?"

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