Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1021 Returning to Mother’s Home 2

Wang Zhengguo held Fu Bao in one hand and waved with the other, "Most of you are older than me, how can I sit in the upper seat? Today is Xi Bao's birthday, so we will sit according to age, and the oldest person will take the seat."

He is not an ignorant person, how can he be rude?

Except for the two school teachers in front of me, the others are all Taishan Beidou in the academic world. Before, I had never met them.

Now that they are in trouble, he treats them kindly, which can be regarded as a good relationship for Wanglou Brigade and his family. After all, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, anyway, the folks in Wanglou Brigade listen to him, and he has nothing to lose.

Wen Ruyu was the oldest and Feng Qingxue's teacher, so everyone unanimously recommended him to take the seat.

"There are no outsiders here, so I would be disrespectful." After Wen Ruyu sat down, she waved to Xibao, "Xibao, you are the birthday girl, how about sitting with grandpa? Don't ask your grandpa Jin, he can't answer Ask your tricky and weird questions, and when you grow up and study hard every day, you will understand why radios and telephones make noises."

"Radio?" Wang Zhengguo then noticed the radio on the bill. The broadcaster's sweet voice came out, but the content was some recent news and the old leader's top instructions.

This kind of news is difficult to get in the countryside. There are no radios and newspapers cannot be bought.

Therefore, any instructions from above are passed down layer by layer. The countryside is often the last to know, and the news is very backward.

Everyone slowly stopped talking and listened quietly for a while. However, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue knew that some news was in the past, such as the ban on student gangs, the requirement to protect national property and save the revolution, etc. It was March. , but there are also some new contents, such as our army shooting down 26 US military aircraft, etc., which is particularly exciting.

After broadcasting a report, Wang Zhengguo said: "This is good, this is good, Ajiang, Xiaoxue, if you buy a good radio, we can know the instructions from above earlier and make corresponding arrangements to deal with the outside world."

Everyone strongly agrees with this statement.

Feng Qingxue invited them to sit down and asked the Guancheng brothers and others and Feng Qingyun to serve the dishes.

The dishes on the three tables may be the same or different, but they are all rich.

The main courses are all braised pork, followed by a series of pig offal, stir-fried fat intestines, cold pork head, soybean and pig trotters soup, fried pork liver with red pepper or cold pork lungs, pig hearts and pig tails. Because there is not enough food, there are some On the table are stir-fried pork livers, some with cold pork lungs, pig hearts and pig tails, and finally there are fried bacon with dried beans, steamed air-dried chicken, roasted tofu, stir-fried vegetables, cucumber scrambled eggs, loofah and egg drop soup, cold peanuts, Soybean sprouts stewed with vermicelli.

Lu Jiang brought out a jar of wine. It was not Maotai or Fenjiu, but Northeast pure grain wine stored in Feng Qingxue's space.

Most of the men drank, but none of the lesbians drank, so they chose to sit at the bottom table with a few young children and let the old and young men at the two tables above eat and drink.

Although Xibao was at the table, he did not sit down. Instead, he stood between Wen Ruyu and Jin Ruochu, and Lu's father sat in the third place.

Xibao picked up the small wine cup in front of Wen Ruyu and put it steadily into Wen Ruyu's hand. He turned around and gave Jin Ruochu another glass, "Grandpa Wen, Grandpa Jin, let's drink."

"Okay, okay, you are the birthday girl, and we have to drink the wine served by the birthday girl!"

After Jin Ruochu finished speaking, he and Wen Ruyu raised their necks and drank the wine completely.

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