Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1028 Returning to Mother’s Home 9

Xibao stepped on the chair to grab the radio on the desk, but Father Lu was so frightened that he hurried forward and took the radio away in advance.

"Xibao!" Feng Qingxue was so angry that she slapped his butt, "It's very dangerous, do you know? It's a trivial matter to fall down and smash the radio. What if it hits you? My uncle said you were a lucky star, but I think you are a bad guy. right!"

Xibao turned around, covering his buttocks with an innocent face.

"Grandpa's radio. Dad said he bought it for grandpa. I'll take it to grandpa so Grandpa Jin can find the little girl inside!" He said confidently, "I'm big, I'm very energetic, I can Work.”

Hearing what he said, Father Lu's anger suddenly disappeared, "Yes, Xibao may have done it. He helped me get the hoe today."

Xibao looked at Feng Qingxue with a look on his face that was about to praise me.

Feng Qingxue laughed angrily and stretched out her hand to compare the height distance between him and herself, "Did you see it? This is the gap. You are a child. You even said you are a child. Children should not take things that adults can hold. Otherwise, it will hit your foot and break it, which will be very painful.”

"It hurts?" Xibao touched his head.

Seeing her son's puzzled face, Feng Qingxue suddenly realized that Xibao's luck was indeed good. He had no illness or pain since he was a child, and had very few bumps. Although he was bullied by Qi Gang's son Qi Xiang when he was a child, he has not had any problems since then. If you have suffered a loss, you probably don’t know what pain feels like. Even if you knew it when you were a child, you have almost forgotten it.

Fu Bao took Feng Qingxue's hand and said, "Mom, I want to sleep."

"Okay, okay, let's go to bed, Fu Bao." Feng Qingxue looked after her daughter and ignored her naughty son.

The boy jumped down from the chair and urged Father Lu to leave quickly with the radio in hand. Feng Qingxue pretended not to see him as he walked out quietly. He washed her daughter's hands, face and feet before coaxing her to sleep.

I was very tired after a busy day. When Lu Jiang came back, he packed up and went to bed.

The next day, Father Lu finished dinner at his son's house. Before he had time to look for his third uncle, his third uncle came to find him.

"Zhiyuan, come here, let me tell you something." The ninety-year-old man is leaning on a cane. He has a white beard and eyebrows, a hunched back, wrinkles all over his face, and no teeth in his mouth. He looks like an old man. Standing at the door of Lu's house.

Lu Zhiyuan and Lu Jiang hurriedly said: "Third Grandpa, please sit in the room. If you have anything to do, let's talk about it in the room."

Lu Jiang stepped forward and helped him into the house, sat down, and asked Feng Qingxue to pour water.

Grandpa Lu San squinted his old eyes, looked at Feng Qingxue for a long time, and praised Lu Zhiyuan: "Zhiyuan, I thought this child was lucky back then, but I didn't expect that he actually agreed to my words."

"Yes, you are right. Xiaoxue is the lucky star of our Lu family and has always been." Father Lu has never denied it.

"You are all here, so I will tell you easily. I asked a blind man to come here a while ago to see the feng shui of our ancestral graveyard and the fate of several children..." Grandpa Lu San slowly told the story of yesterday. Wang Zhengguo recounted what he had said in detail, taking a breath for a while, not forgetting to drink water to moisten his throat. "Although I don't know what single blind man means, A Jiang has to go to Caohu with his wife." Once again, we would rather believe it or not.”

Father Lu didn't mention what Wang Zhengguo said, but nodded directly and said: "According to what you said, I have to go, I must go."

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