Township Chief Chen and Deputy Township Chief Wang had the same feeling. The latter said to Chen Dazhi: "Li Chengdong is shouting that his good days are over. He insulted the female soldiers in the first place and only removed his chin without beating him. He is already lucky. I think Comrade Lu Jiang can be a military commander without being angry. If he didn't take into account the rules and influence of the army, he would probably take action. "

Chen Dazhi hummed, "Then we will hold him in custody for now without giving him water, and wait until the secretary comes back from the county party committee to deal with it. If you insult the active female soldiers with dirty words, if the common people know about it, they will give Li Chengdong's skin." Peel it off.”

He is the commander of the militia battalion, and he knows best the people's admiration for soldiers.

The older people have all come from wars, which is equivalent to losing their lives to the Lord of Hell. It is only thanks to the wise leadership of leaders and the bloody fighting of soldiers that we have achieved today's prosperous and peaceful times, and do not have to live in the midst of chaos and chaos.

Secretary Zheng waved his hand and asked Chen Dazhi to look at Li Chengdong. He was about to speak to the two sworn brothers when Deputy Township Chief Wang suddenly asked Township Chief Chen: "Second brother, I see that your attitude towards Comrade Lu Jiang is a bit intriguing. Is there something we don’t know? We’ve been friends for almost forty years, and I’ve never seen you be so passionate about anyone.”

Secretary Zheng looked at Township Chief Chen. He also noticed this and was about to ask.

Township Chief Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Have I always been so enthusiastic? Comrade Lu Jiang is a senior general in the army. Although he is the acting commander, the word "acting" will definitely be removed in the near future. Let's When did Shuguang Commune have such a big shot? Moreover, his father, wife, and children were all met by the old leader, and he was right to be warm to them. Who wouldn’t be warm to them? Even in the city, the cadres of the municipal party committee would be like this to them. Enthusiasm, not everyone is lucky enough to meet the old leader.”

"Speak like a human being!" Secretary Zheng said crisply. He and Deputy Township Chief Wang didn't believe these words at all.

Township Chief Chen said helplessly: "Actually, there is no other reason. The Lu family is my benefactor. What I am today is inseparable from the kindness of the Lu family. I have never had the opportunity to repay, so naturally I have to be more enthusiastic towards Comrade Lu Jiang." ”

Secretary Zheng and Deputy Township Chief Wang said in unison: "We worshiped each other when we were in our twenties, and I have never heard you mention it!"

"Didn't I tell you before? I was born in poverty, and my parents were sharecroppers. But I was lucky. I was chosen as the companion of the landlord's young master, and I had the opportunity to read and write. After I got married, I had the opportunity to go to the city. After gaining experience, he was later sent here to form the Shuguang Commune, which he did for more than ten years. "

Secretary Zheng suddenly realized, "That landlord's family is the Lu family?"

Chen Xingguo nodded, "Yes, I am one of Comrade Lu Zhiyuan's companions. I grew up with Wang Zhengguo, and it happened that I later became brothers with the seven of you. The Lu family has a kind heart, low rent, and almost no Exploiting and oppressing working people, if anyone encounters a problem and asks them for help, they will help me without saying a word. My mother died early, and my father married a stepmother who beat me and scolded me. It was only because the master and his wife felt sorry for me that they chose me. I became my companion and escaped from the sea of ​​misery. The people I should be filial to most are actually my husband and my wife, but unfortunately I never had the chance. So I say that good people and bad people should not be distinguished by their composition, but by their moral character."

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