After leaving Shuguang Commune, there was no one passing by. They were probably all working in the fields. Only Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue and his wife were walking on the dirt road.

The weather is already a little hot, the sun is shining brightly, and the blue sky and white clouds are very beautiful.

However, there is no feeling of exposure in the hot summer.

Feng Qingxue walked for a while and finally couldn't help it anymore, "Ajiang, don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Words? What words? No." Lu Jiang was quite confused and touched the top of his head.

Unlike Feng Qingxue who wore a big straw hat when going out, Lu Jiang didn't even wear a military hat. His skin was tanned and his big white teeth were conspicuous.

"Blind Shan's words and his intention of asking us to burn the Yuanyang Book." Feng Qingxue said, looking at Lu Jiang with her eyes, meeting his eyes directly, "I don't believe you don't find it strange at all."

Lu Jiang smiled and said, "We don't know whether Blind Shan's words are true or false, so why should we believe him?" Anyway, he didn't believe that Xibao was a lucky star.

"If you don't believe it, then why did you insist on burning the Yuanyang book?" Feng Qingxue didn't want to be fooled. She knew his true thoughts when she saw the smile on his face, "You are not Xibao, so you can't pretend to be nothing. Seems like he understands.”

Lu Jiang held her arm, "It's not about whether you believe it or not, whether you are determined or not. I just feel that since the blind man said that your birthday and horoscope are not in the Yuanyang book, why don't you burn it and keep it? Although we have received the marriage certificate, it is already Legally married, but in the old days, the Yuanyang Book was the real marriage book. Except for you, I don’t want to appear in the Yuanyang Book with other people’s birth dates. When I was a child, I heard an old man say that the birth dates of a man and a woman are written in the Yuanyang Book. In the future, there will be couples underground, which shows that the Mandarin Duck Book is really important. I remember when I was a child, I saw ghost marriages. Two families married dead and unmarried men and women. Leaving aside the wedding scene, the most important thing is. The thing is to write the birth dates of the two people on the Yuanyang Book."

Feng Qingxue was moved in her heart, "You haven't thought about anything?"

"What are you thinking about? What's there to think about? It's you, and it's enough for you to be by my side." Lu Jiang's attitude was very serious, "I only know that you are our lucky star, not Xibao."

The wife he married was the woman in front of him from beginning to end, and there was nothing wrong with it.

After hearing this, Feng Qingxue leaned on his shoulder, but the straw hat was too big and the sharp brim hit his face.

Hearing his ouch, Feng Qingxue quickly left his shoulder and looked up to see that the brim of the hat had left a red mark on his face. Because of his dark skin, it was almost invisible if you didn't look carefully.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ajiang, does it hurt? I'll blow it for you!"

"It hurts!" Lu Jiang did not hesitate.

Feng Qingxue stood on tiptoes and blew into his face until she saw the expression of enjoyment on his face, then she stopped angrily and slapped his arm, "You..."

"Blowing like an orchid!" Lu Jiang said with a smile, a little regretful that his wife would not continue.

Feng Qingxue held his arm and said as he walked: "Ajiang, have you ever heard of borrowing a corpse to bring back a soul?"

Lu Jiang was shocked, "It is often recorded in novels about gods and ghosts, but I have never heard of it in reality."

"Would you be scared if you met him in real life?" Feng Qingxue was a little uneasy. She didn't know whether she was right or wrong in confessing to Lu Jiang, but she knew that Lu Jiang was already suspicious because of the blind man's words. If she didn't Say, then it will become a lifelong barrier between them.

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