Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, "A family that accumulates good deeds must be happy, and we are talking about our Lu family. The family tradition is like this, which shows the character of the descendants. But shouldn't my affairs be related to our Feng family? After all, I have been I didn’t know you were such a person.”

"Feng? Your surname is Feng?" Lu Jiang noticed this without paying attention to anything else.

"Yes, my surname is Feng. Not only is my surname Feng, but my name is Feng Qingxue. Maybe there is really God's will in the dark." Feng Qingxue was full of emotion, "I got the space given by God for no reason at that time. At that time, I thought that the end of the world was coming, so I sold off my property and bought a lot of supplies to store in the space. After I came here, I was very happy that I was hot-headed at the time. If I had only an empty space, in this era of scarcity of supplies, I would be able to survive. My sister and I have no choice but to starve to death, let alone save others.”

Saving people is to accumulate virtue.

Because Feng Qingxue always believes that God will not give her space for no reason, and will not let her travel to more than half a century ago for no reason and meet all kinds of people.

"What does the end of the world mean?" Lu Jiang asked curiously.

Feng Qingxue explained in detail.

Lu Jiang touched his head and said, "People in your era just had nothing to do. Although it is said that they are born in sorrow and die in happiness, but instead of waiting for the end to come, it is better to change the current environment and make fundamental changes."

"What can a little person like me do to change? Fortunately, the apocalypse has not come yet. Growing up, I heard people pessimizing about the millennium and the apocalypse in 2012. When I was twenty-two years old in 2012, I did everything I was ready to welcome it. I stored a lot of food and packed my house full. It was still a beautiful day when I opened my eyes until I got space in 2018. "

Feng Qingxue also felt that she was ridiculous at that time, as if she was crazy, but again, she was very grateful that she made such a crazy shopping move under such a sense of worry.

Lu Jiang no longer paid attention to the eschatology, but thought of himself, "Don't you know me? Could it be that I have been doing nothing all my life?"

The smile on Feng Qingxue's face immediately disappeared and she shook her head.

"No, you are very powerful. You are a hero, an indomitable hero!" Thinking of Lu Jiang's fate in his previous life, she felt a little sad, "It's just that you were gone when I grew up, so I don't know about you. For us, For a generation, heroes like you only exist in books and in history.”

After sighing, Feng Qingxue didn't hear Lu Jiang's response and couldn't help asking: "Why don't you speak?"

Lu Jiang swallowed his saliva and put his hands upright, "I have nothing more to ask, nothing more to say, let's omit it, omit the past, don't mention the things of the past life, let's just focus on the present, let's focus on the present!"

He always repeated his own words, Feng Qingxue's thoughts changed and she couldn't help but frown.

"You don't dare to ask about your marriage, do you? Looking at your appearance, do you think you can hide it from my sharp eyes?"

"I didn't ask, I didn't ask, don't say anything, I won't listen even if you say it!" The thirty-five-year-old man actually covered his ears childishly, covering his ears very tightly.

Feng Qingxue laughed in a low voice: "You old bachelor, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will be angry?"

"Old bachelor?" Doesn't that mean that he was never married in his previous life? His only wife is the woman in front of him? Lu Jiang immediately put down his hand, "Don't coax me!"

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