Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1049 Causes and Consequences 1

The two of them have been busy since morning, first from Lu's house to Caohu, then from Caohu to the commune, and now they are going to Shan's house on the way from the commune to home. It's almost non-stop.

Lu Jiang paid it off and walked easily, but he was worried that his wife would be tired, so he helped her rest in the col.

"Have a rest and drink some water. Blind Shan has passed away anyway. It doesn't matter if we take one step earlier or one step later."

"That's right." Feng Qingxue thought for a while, sat on the stone covered with Lu Jiang's sweatshirt, and took out a small folding table and some food from the space, "While no one is around, let's have a good meal and start the meal first. A watermelon."

A large, round green watermelon appeared on the folding table, along with a fruit knife.

"Let's turn on the small stove!" Lu Jiang said with a smile.

Feng Qingxue nodded matter-of-factly, "Yes, because only you know my secret, I don't have to try every means to make excuses, and I have to worry about arousing everyone's suspicion when I take out the things. After all, there is currently a shortage of supplies, and many things don't exist. "

Lu Jiang picked up the fruit knife, touched the big watermelon, and exclaimed, "This watermelon is bigger than the ones you took out before!"

"The big watermelon in the northwest is very sweet!" Feng Qingxue explained, "I flew to the northwest specially to buy it. I bought a lot of fruits such as melons and grapes, as well as dried fruits such as raisins, walnuts, and red dates. Specialties from the place of origin are generally more It’s cheap. The market was not good that year when I bought it. The most expensive watermelon was one yuan per kilogram. The melon farmers had just broken even their capital, so I don’t know how many were losing money. The ones that were cheap were only a few cents per kilogram, and some were piled up if they couldn’t be sold. In addition, many cantaloupe melons were taken away by random locals in the fields and could only rot in the fields. I only paid a few hundred yuan for 200 acres of land. I wish I had paid workers to help them clean the melons in the fields. ”

They had lived together in the army for several years, often eating secretly with their children on their backs. It was not that Lu Jiang had never seen a big watermelon, but he didn't know the origin of the watermelon and always thought it was stored by Space itself.

"Rotting in the ground?" Lu Jiang looked shocked. "In a few decades, will our people's lives reach this level?"

Feng Qingxue sighed, "When the market is bad, it's not just the melon farmers who do this, but also the fruit farmers. It's not uncommon for them to dump their eggs under the cliff. I'm used to it, so when I was buying things, I They all rush to buy things like this. You can save money and buy a lot. When you live in that era, you will know what extravagance and waste is, which is beyond your imagination. "

Those who have not experienced famine times will not know the value of food.

Although Feng Qingxue has a space of supplies that she can't finish in decades at the current speed, she usually doesn't dare to waste a single bit and is reluctant to throw away the leftovers. She doesn't care at all what future experts say about overnight meals causing cancer. remarks.

Lu Jiang stared speechlessly after hearing this.

"Let's not talk about this. Anyway, we can't see this situation at all now. You open the melon, and each of us will get half."

Lu Jiang cut the watermelon in half with a knife, and looked at the bright red flesh and dark seeds. He couldn't help but repeat the old story, "In this world, ordinary people can't eat watermelon at all. Many citizens have to go to the hospital if they want to eat a melon." Apply for a certificate and use it to buy watermelons. Unless there is a good harvest of melons and fruits, citizens can queue up to buy them. There are only a few melons planted in private plots in the countryside, mostly vegetable melons. There are so many watermelons stored in the space, which makes me feel like I am sitting on a mountain of gold and silver.”

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