
Feng Qingxue remembered what Guan Cheng said in front of her.

Since Guancheng has not met the right person and has no intention of starting a family for the time being, Feng Qingxue will naturally not force it.

When it comes to their children's marriage, Lu's father and Lu Jiang both respect their children's wishes. Marriage and love belong to them. Only they know whether there is love and whether it is suitable.

It is better to lack than to abuse. This is Lu Jiang's experience. In the past two days, he has often talked about educating his nephews.

"Cousin, I'm sorry, I made your trip in vain." Feng Qingxue apologized first.

Jin Cuihua was stunned, "What? You don't agree?"

Feng Qingxue smiled slightly, "Just like what you said, sister-in-law, although I am similar to their biological mother, I am not their biological mother after all. I really can't make the decision on marriage alone. There is also my father-in-law above Tian Juan! This It’s one of them.”

"The first one? What about the second one?" Jin Cuihua asked.

"The second thing is that my Tian Juan has a partner. He is also a soldier and a medical soldier. He has already reported his love to the army. Didn't Ajiang and I go to the capital a while ago? We just went to visit the in-laws." Feng Qingxue did not hide this. In fact, I also wanted to use this to dispel the idea of ​​​​playing matchmaking for Lu Tianjun in the brigade.

"Tianjun has been in the army for more than a year and he has a partner?" Jin Cuihua couldn't hide his shock, "Where are they from? Xiaoxue, you are not a person who knows everything. Who knows what they are planning!"

Feng Qingxue chuckled and said: "Which soldier in the army failed the political examination? Besides, this child and I have a very good relationship. When I met her, Tianjun was still studying at home! In the future, we will not worry about our relationship Conflicts arose. To be honest, I am very happy for them that they can get together. So, if anyone wants to be a matchmaker for my Tianjun, my sister-in-law should tell them so that they can avoid being politely rejected by me. It doesn’t look good, and I feel uncomfortable.”

"Oh, how come the whole family is a soldier? They are really young." Jin Cuihua thought for a while and realized that the girls she asked to be matchmakers couldn't keep up with them. No wonder Feng Qingxue refused, "You just didn't tell me where that girl was. I heard that Tian Jun is serving as a soldier in the Capital Military Region. Is that daughter from the Capital City or is she assigned to the Capital Military Region? "

"My ancestral home is from other places, and I am now settled in the capital." Feng Qingxue did not hide it.

Most of the old revolutionaries who fought in the war of resistance came from all over the country. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, according to their work arrangements, some settled in the capital, while others guarded various military regions. Once their work was relocated, their food and oil relations would be relocated accordingly.

Everyone always respects the capital, and Jin Cuihua is no exception.

"Listening to what you say, Yufang is not lucky enough to be your niece-in-law." Jin Cuihua was quite regretful.

"Yufang? Which family's daughter is she? I remember that our brigade did not have such a girl." Although she had left the Wanglou brigade for several years, Feng Qingxue still knew whether there was a girl named Yufang in the brigade.

Jin Cuihua smiled and said: "He's not from our brigade, he's from the Red Star brigade, his name is Liu Yufang."

As soon as she heard the name Liu Yufang, Feng Qingxue thought of Liu Jinhua, "Liu Yufang, Liu Jinhua, both have the surname Liu!"

"Liu Yufang is Liu Jinhua's niece. Of course, she is not a relative, but she lives in the next room. She is hardworking and capable, and earns full work points every day. Who wouldn't say that she is a good girl who manages the household well!" Jin Cuihua said here, Suddenly I remembered that Liu Jinhua was Wang Zhengjun's wife, "Speaking of which, you two are related."

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