Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1090 Taking advantage of the situation 1

Wang Lingzhi's behavior is not ordinary bad, it is extremely vicious. In order to prevent Xiao Li from liking Xiao Wang and having to get married because Xiao Wang said that he was acting like a gangster to him, everyone expressed their determination to punish Wang Lingzhi severely. .

Especially the oldest member of the Wang family, tapping his cane on the ground, "We must serve as a warning to others!"

As an elder of the Wang family, this is what he said, let alone others.

"Third uncle, Lingzhi is still young, but she is a young girl! Please spare her, didn't she just say a few words that were not serious or serious? There is no one in this country who has not gossiped behind someone's back. Why do you have to punish her when it comes to her?" Wang Xinlai's wife burst into tears and runny nose, blocking Wang Lingzhi behind her after hearing everyone's condemnation of her.

Grandpa Lu San squinted his presbyopic eyes and sneered: "Others are making irresponsible remarks behind their backs and not punishing them, but it does not mean that their behavior is right! You, a girl, are very courageous. In order to achieve your own goals, you go to The commune reported that the Lu Jiang family exploited and exploited their two adopted children, and also accused Guan Cheng of playing rogue to her, forcing Guan Cheng to be your family's son-in-law. Don't blame me for repeating it again and again, your daughter is really vicious! If two cadres from the commune hadn't personally come to investigate and make secret investigations in the brigade, and bring justice to the Lu Jiang couple and Guancheng, wouldn't it be possible for your family to succeed? "

Wang Xinlai's daughter-in-law immediately knelt down on the ground and pulled Wang Lingzhi to kneel down with her. "Grandpa Lu San, Lingzhi is young and ignorant. Look, the Lu family and Guancheng have nothing to lose. You and everyone should spare Lingzhi." Right? Her father and I will definitely beat her and discipline her when we go back, so this won’t happen again!”

Wang Lingzhi originally only wanted to destroy the reputation of the Lu family and Guancheng, and make Guancheng compromise and marry him, but he never expected that things would take a turn for the worse, and that he would be punished when it got to this point!

A face, as white as snow at this moment, with fear in his eyes.

She held her mother's hand tightly, "Mom, please save me quickly. I don't want to be punished. I don't want to be punished. I am willing to marry Guancheng to compensate him and compensate for his reputation!"

At this time, she still couldn't forget Guancheng.

Hearing her daughter's reminder, Wang Xinlai's wife immediately knelt down in front of Guancheng and said, "Guancheng, Guancheng, open your mouth and talk. For the sake of Lingzhi being infatuated with you, she doesn't have any bad intentions towards you. Yes, just let her go. You are the person involved. As long as you forgive her, no one will punish Lingzhi again!"

Guan Cheng dodged before she came to him, and reached Father Lu's side in a few steps.

After standing still, he looked at Wang Lingzhi and his daughter with cold eyes, and said calmly: "The Lu family who adopted me and raised me suffered an unjust injustice, and my reputation as a good young man has been tarnished. This is what you call no evil intentions. ? It’s so ridiculous!”

If the two cadres of the commune were not responsible and did not listen to partial beliefs but came to investigate and collect evidence, then, with such a reputation, the Lu family and he would have faced countless troubles, countless criticisms and struggles, He had seen too many cases in the city where people were arrested just because they were looking for something. Many of them were caused by gossips from others.

"It's not me, it's not me, it's not my idea, it's Wu Lijuan, it's Wu Lijuan!" In order to escape guilt, Wang Lingzhi immediately put the blame on Wu Lijuan, "It was Wu Lijuan who asked me to do this. She said that as long as she does this, Guancheng will be with me!"

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