Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1092 Taking advantage of the situation 3

Although the truth has been revealed, the Lu family and Guancheng have still been affected to a certain extent, especially Guancheng. Even if everyone knows that he has not played a hooligan against Wang Lingzhi, they can't stand it and pass it on to others. Everyone thought that Guancheng and Wang Lingzhi were having an affair. Otherwise, how could Wang Lingzhi use his reputation to report it?

Feng Qingxue was worried about this at the beginning and wanted to discuss it with Guancheng and then take precautions to prevent Wang Lingzhi from taking risks.

When he was in the army, didn't Wang Baozhu just want to use this trick to harm people?

Now, she particularly regretted not going to the old man's residence to look for Guan Cheng that night after being reminded by her sister, so that what happened the next day caught them off guard.

Guan Cheng comforted: "Auntie, don't blame yourself. This happened so fast. None of us thought of it. I thought of this when I was drying garlic. I ignored Wang Lingzhi who came to see me. I wanted to tell her to respect herself and stop being so frivolous, so as not to attract gossip about me. But then I thought, wasn’t it just a reminder to her that I would use this as an opportunity to cause other people to misunderstand and force me to have sex with her? She gets married."

Little did he know that someone else had reminded Wang Lingzhi before he said it.

Wu Lijuan, Guancheng squeezed out these three words through his teeth.

"Wu Lijuan is a classmate of you and Wang Lingzhi. You should have gotten along with her. What kind of person is she?" Although Feng Qingxue did not believe Wang Lingzhi's behavior of passing the responsibility to Wu Lijuan, she believed that Wang Lingzhi's words were not groundless.

Guan Cheng thought for a while, "He is very scheming."

"Scheming?" This is a solid derogatory term.

"Yes, they are very scheming." Guan Cheng said, "Actually, most of the people in our team are a bit stupid. It's not stupid stupidity, but simple stupidity. Because they are simple, they can't think of conspiracies and tricks. They usually just do it for trivial matters. Noisy over trivial matters, gossiping behind the scenes, or favoring boys over girls, very few people would think of using conspiracy to harm others. Wang Lingzhi said that Wu Lijuan asked her to do this. I don't believe it. Wu Lijuan is not that stupid, but I believe it must be Wu Lijuan. Reminded Wang Lingzhi.”

After listening to this, Feng Qingxue asked: "What benefits do you think Wu Lijuan will get after Wang Lingzhi does this?"

Guan Cheng shrugged. Although he had some guesses, he was embarrassed to say them out.

Feng Qingxue understood and couldn't help but sigh, looking at his face that was still gentle and handsome and slightly fairer than ordinary people even under the scorching sun every day, "Having a good son in a bad family is just like having a good daughter in the family. They are all good friends." It's a good thing for everyone. It's a good thing that Tianjun joins the army, but you are at home every day, so I'm not surprised at all. "

At this point, Feng Qingxue frowned and said, "You're already like this. In a few years, when Tianzhi and Ayu come of age, I'm afraid the same thing that happened to you will happen. Oh my god, what should I do?"

Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu have a Xiao mother and a Xiao aunt. They are both a bit more handsome than their brothers. They will definitely be troubles when they grow up.

Guan Cheng chuckled, "Auntie, it's too early for you to worry."

"I am preparing for a rainy day." Feng Qingxue said seriously, "Learning from the past is a lesson from the aftermath. We must take precautions in advance. Your two brothers are not as tenacious and calm as you."

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