After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, Jiang He couldn't help but sigh, "Erya and I have a heavy burden and can't leave our brothers and sisters behind. How can anyone help me find a matchmaker? There is someone who can find a matchmaker for Erya. The condition is Erya can no longer take care of our family's affairs after marriage. Erya didn't agree. I persuaded her that the children below are older and I can take care of them, but she still didn't want to. "

Among their brothers and sisters, it is easy for girls to find a husband when they grow up, because there are more boys than girls in every village, including the Wanglou Brigade, but it is not easy for boys to find wives.

Feng Qingxue frowned, "It's okay that you are a young man, Erya is a girl, and girls have a limited period of flowering."

"I said the same thing, but I can't persuade Erya. Erya has become accustomed to being the master of the family over the years and has a very stubborn temper." Jiang He chuckled, "I told Erya that if no one marries her within three years, I will marry her." She, this means that the wealth does not flow to outsiders. "

Guan Cheng interrupted: "Didn't Erya hit you on the head with a rolling pin?"

As the eldest among the girls, Erya and her younger sisters take care of all the housework. She also has to protect her younger siblings from being bullied, so she has developed a particularly violent temper.

If Feng Qingxue is gentle water, then Erya is manic fire.

Jiang He smiled sheepishly, not to mention that Erya chased him for three miles with a rolling pin and didn't even give him dinner, saying that his description was too vulgar and that she was a human being, not excrement.

Feng Qingxue noticed a little tenderness and attachment in Jiang He's eyes when he mentioned Zhang Erya, and her heart moved slightly.

Okay, she's not worried anymore.

Jiang He and Zhang Erya were clearly interested in each other. They were probably used to getting along day and night and didn't know how to deal with the coming of love. Before leaving, they had to tell Guancheng to promote the development of the two of them, so as not to miss out on the great opportunity just because of embarrassment. Marriage.

"Okay, the jelly has been delivered. My mission is completed. I'm going back."

Jiang He was thinking about Zhang Erya and his younger brothers and sisters, and left without hesitation.

As soon as he left, he got back to business.

"Zhiyuan, Xiaoxue, for the sake of my old bones running all the way here in the rain, can you give me an accurate answer as to whether you agree to let Xibao stay at home?" Grandpa Lu San thought more and more as he looked at Xibao. The more I like him, the happier he looks, everyone likes him and wants to laugh, "Blind Shan is an expert, we would rather believe him or not!"

Father Lu spread his hands and said: "I respect Xiaoxue and Xibao's wishes. In my opinion, nothing external can compare to the happiness of a child. Indeed, as Xiaoxue said, children without their parents will not be happy. ”

Xibao is only five years old, and now he is seven years old when he goes to school. It is not too late to start studying in a few years.

Feng Qingxue felt relieved. If Lu's father didn't interfere, Grandpa Lu San's proposal could be ignored. No matter how senior the old man was and how reasonable his words were, he was not qualified to force Xibao to stay at home.

However, Grandpa Lu San looked very sad.

He is not angry. Although he is old and senior, he is sensible and understands what Lu's father and Feng Qingxue mean. There is nothing wrong with leaving Xibao living alone at home with Lu's father. It is reasonable for parents to be worried.

Thinking that Wanglou Brigade's crops were related to the people's rations, Grandpa Lu San couldn't help but ask again, "Really not possible?"

"No!" Feng Qingxue was decisive, leaving no room for negotiation.

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