Sang Hong, as if he had received an amnesty, hurriedly carried his two children to the car one after another, and got into the driver's seat.

That's it for Xibao and Fubao. Either they have never seen a car or flown on an airplane, but they probably don't have a deep impression.

Feng Qingyun was extremely curious, her eyes widened, she wiped the sweat from her palms on her pants, carefully touched the car seat, the car door and the glass window on the door, her face pressed against the glass Looking out the window, he turned back to Feng Qingxue and said, "Sister, I actually took a car! A car! When I get home, they will be jealous to death!"

I was already very excited about taking the train, but I didn’t expect that I could also take a car.

Feng Qingxue was worried that she would feel uncomfortable in the car, so she didn't eat for two hours before getting off the car. After listening to her sister's words, she stroked her queasy chest and said with a smile, "Yes, it's a car."

It was the first time to ride in a car. Even though the mountain road was rugged and the bumps made her butt hurt, Feng Qingyun felt a little reluctant when she got out of the car. She kept looking back at the car that Sang Hong drove to a stop in the distance.

Feng Qingxue couldn't stop laughing.

My health was very good, I didn’t vomit along the way, but the bumps were a bit uncomfortable.

Breathing the familiar air, Feng Qingxue felt very comfortable. She flicked her sister's nose sideways and said, "Okay, look at your stupidity. When you grow up, you can earn money to buy a car and drive it by yourself."

"Sister, you are laughing at me again. It's not like I don't know that the car rationing system has levels. Only those with a level like my brother-in-law will be allocated a car and guards by the army." Feng Qingyun is not easy to fool. Yes, the municipal party committee cadres did not reach a certain level, and there was no rationing of cars. Cheng Bao owned it, but the economy of Huaihai City was backward, so he didn’t want it. “The military camp is so big, and the family home is so big, where is our home? What’s the matter? Is it a mud house? It has a flat roof, aren’t you afraid of rain? "

Feng Qingxue explained: "That's not a cellar, it's called a diwozi. There is very little rain here, so you don't have to worry even if it rains."

Sang Hong stopped the car, followed behind with his luggage, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you and my little sister take the Xibaofubao and go home to rest quickly. Our place will not change. My little sister can come out to see it anytime."

"Thank you, brother Sang Hong!" Feng Qingyun already knew Sang Hong's name in the car, and also knew about the military camp and the family home.

Smart and beautiful girls are naturally easily liked by everyone.

Before they even arrived at the door, Yang Fengying and Fang Ning came up to them, one on each side, holding Feng Qingxue in their arms, and said in unison: "I didn't hear you say you were pregnant when I left. Why is your belly so big when you come back?"

"It's been three months. We didn't find out about the pregnancy until we were on vacation. The fetus was unstable and I took ten sets of miscarriage pills!"

After hearing Feng Qingxue's words, everyone present except Feng Qingyun opened their mouths wide.

"Three months? Are you coaxing me? You haven't even shown pregnancy in three months!" I have never eaten pork and have seen pigs running away. Besides, Fang Ning and Yang Fengying are used to seeing pregnant military family members recently, so they can probably estimate Out of the month.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, then looked down at her belly, "It's probably not the same baby, so it looks bigger."

Before, Wu Zheng couldn't confirm whether they were twins when he checked his pulse, but now he is absolutely sure that they are not the same child.

"Are they twins?" Fang Ning blurted out, and immediately smiled, "Xibao and Fubao are already cute enough, and a pair of identical twins will definitely be even cuter, especially when they are dressed the same."

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