Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1147 The biological mother comes to visit 1

Guancheng gave her five yuan and a pound of food stamps, and at the same time took away the silver dollar and jade feather tube.

When money and goods are settled, children and old men will not be deceived.

"Thank you brother, you are such a good person. Good people will be rewarded!" The girl happily ran away with the money and food stamps, and disappeared for a moment.

Guan Cheng shook his head, just think of it as doing one good deed every day!

Without the compassion of the Lu family and Feng Qingxue, he and his brother would not be where they are now, so when he encounters poor people, he is willing to help them instead of just watching indifferently.

On a rare trip to the city, Guancheng visited a few more black market locations and spent more than 20 yuan.

The money was given to him by Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, so in his heart, unless he asked Feng Qingxue for these things he particularly liked, everything else belonged to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue.

In the evening, he walked through the snow back to the Wanglou Brigade. As soon as he arrived at the intersection of Zhuangzi Road, he found someone waving to him.

"Grandma, what do you want me to do?" Guancheng spoke quickly after recognizing that the armed man was Wang Fengqiao.

Wang Fengqiao pulled him towards her home and said as she walked, "Don't go back now. Come to my house and sit there. Then go back when it's evening. I've called Tianzhi and Ayu to our house."

"What happened?" Guan Cheng was confused.

Wang Fengqiao snarled, "At midnight today, a crazy woman came to our team with two or three boys and girls. She was looking for you, but she happened to run into me. I asked her who she was. , why are you looking for her? She said that she is your mother. I heard that you are living a good life, so she came to you with your younger brothers and sisters. "

Guan Cheng was shocked, "What?"

After many years, he heard news about his biological mother for the first time.

When he and Guan Yu were brought by Feng Qingxue, they did so quietly and did not alert the locals, including the group of orphans. So how did he find his biological mother? How did she know that she and Guan Yu were in the Wanglou Brigade?

Wang Fengqiao seemed to see the confusion on his face, and whispered: "As soon as I heard that I was looking for you, I knew something was wrong. Although Xiaoxue didn't mention the matter between you and A Yu, I guessed it Inseparable. I often went to and from the Lu family when I was a child, so I naturally met your aunt and your father, but your surname is Guan. Many old people in the brigade can guess it, but they just don’t say it out loud. "

"Thank you!" Guan Cheng said in a low voice. He also knew that the origins of himself and his younger brother could not be hidden from the wise folks, so he was especially grateful to them for keeping quiet and allowing his brother to grow up safely.

Wang Fengqiao continued: "Your mother, I asked her why she was sure that the two orphans adopted by our brigade were her sons. After all, there are many people with the same name in the world. What do you think she answered?"

"It probably started with the Lu family. She knows everything about my aunt marrying here."

"That's right!" Wang Fengqiao clapped her hands, "She said that her sister-in-law married the Lu family of the Wanglou Brigade, and the Lu family adopted Guancheng Guanyu, who was not her son? It is said that the younger Guanyu and Lu The younger son of the eldest family looks very similar to the younger son of the Lu family. Even a fool would not believe it when she said he was not related to Guan Yu. Moreover, she found out that the time when the Lu family adopted you happened to be the time when you were breaking the law. Isn’t this the time of disappearance in the temple?”

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