Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1150 The biological mother comes to visit 4

"Brother, we are brothers, and brothers are like brothers. We must repay what we owe her together. You cannot bear it alone!" Guan Yu said seriously, "Why did she come here after so many years? What does she want to do?"

Guancheng told his younger brother what Wang Lingzhi's family had done.

Lu Tianzhi was shocked, "You can actually do this? Didn't Wang Lingzhi bring it upon himself? How can I blame you?"

Wang Fengqiao sighed: "People are different. When something happens, a kind person will look for the reason from himself and reflect on himself. A narrow-minded or mean person will only shirk the responsibility that should be attributed to himself. Wang Xinlai and his wife would not think about it at all. If Wang Lingzhi had not resorted to unscrupulous means, then she would not have ended up where she is now. They only think that everything is your brother's fault. Without your brother, Wang Lingzhi would not be in ruins. ”

Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu frowned at the same time, feeling disgusted.

"Grandma, how do you know that Wang Xinlai and his wife brought them here?" Guan Yu has no memory of his biological mother. He used to have some fantasies, thinking that he and his brother might have become orphans after their parents died. Now he knows that his two brothers Being abandoned like that, any longing for her biological mother naturally disappeared, so she called her like her brother.

"Besides Wang Lingzhi's family, who else do you have grudges with?" Wang Fengqiao asked.

Lu Tianzhi blurted out: "Wu Lijuan's family. Her family asked people to come to our house twice to propose marriage to Brother Acheng, but we rejected them both times. According to Wang Lingzhi's description, Wu Lijuan should be very scheming and has a grudge against me, Brother Acheng." It’s not unreasonable.”

Guan Cheng helplessly patted his head and said: "Wu Lijuan's family is not from our Wanglou Brigade, how could they guess our origins? So the person who encouraged her to come to us must be from the Wanglou Brigade, between you and Ayu’s appearance and our surnames determine our origins. Count carefully those who have grievances with us. Except for Wang Xinlai’s family, there is no one else.”

"It's not just speculation. I asked them. Based on their descriptions, it can be concluded that it was Wang Xinlai's wife who told them the news about you." Wang Xinlai and his wife were not stupid enough to explain the origin of their names to Guancheng's biological mother, but Guancheng The biological mother was also thoughtful, and her description was accurate, even their clothes, shoes and hats were correct. “I even took them through the door of Wang Xinlai’s house and asked them to confirm, and it turned out that I was right. "

Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu finally understood.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Mr. Lu Tianzhi shook his head, "This human heart is really unfathomable, and the brain works so fast. You plot against me, and I plot against you. Everyone wants to take advantage of the other, and no one wants to." They are all guarding against someone. Isn’t it just that Brother Acheng is more handsome than ordinary people? Everyone is thinking about him and will be destroyed if they don’t get it. It’s really hard to describe their vicious thoughts! "It's rare to see someone like you get into trouble for no reason."

Wang Fengqiao pushed his head in a funny way, "I don't know what situations you and Ayu will face when they grow up. Your aunt was still mumbling something before she left. She is actually in the mood to watch your brother's jokes here!"

Lu Tianzhi crossed his hands and covered his mouth.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Guan Yu ignored Lu Tianzhi's joking and looked at his brother worriedly, "Her husband is dead and she brought her children to us. They will definitely not give up. They may Making a lot of outrageous demands.”

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