Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1152 The biological mother comes to visit 6

"Neither denying nor admitting means you don't know anything. No matter how the other party accuses you, if you just say it back without knowing or remembering it, it will naturally not bring about a change in the composition of you two brothers." Wang Fengqiao suddenly said He admired himself very much, "After the New Year, Ayu was only fifteen years old. Fifteen years ago, you were only four or five years old. What impression do you have of the Guan family? You know nothing and remember nothing. Living under the glory of socialism as an orphan, how can we deny it? "

If you don’t know your own life experience, you can’t deny it or not.

Guan Cheng smiled and said: "I understand what you mean. In fact, that's what I planned too. I won't deny it or admit it. I said that I wanted to ask my uncle and grandpa to come forward because I wanted to downplay the influence of the Guan family on me and Ayu. Ayu didn't know The Guan family, and I don’t remember the Guan family, so the elements of our father’s generation will not be passed down to us.”

This is a rule to follow. Many children with bad elements will sever ties with their parents in order to protect themselves. Although he and Guan Yu did not take the initiative to sever ties with their parents, they did not know that their parents in their hometown had always regarded themselves as orphans. On the contrary, it is much better than those who have severed ties with their parents.

As for the time when the Guan family can be vindicated in the future, they can claim to the outside world that Father Lu finally told them their life experience, allowing them to find their roots and know their life experience.

There is no way, in this ridiculous era, Guancheng can only use this method to protect himself and his brother.

Han Xin can still endure the humiliation of his crotch, let alone him? As long as the two brothers can live peacefully, what if they tell a few lies in public? He felt at ease without harming anyone.

Even the issue of his biological mother can be ignored, because he took Guan Yu to wander around when he was very young, so it is reasonable that he does not remember.

From beginning to end, he had no intention of recognizing this biological mother.

He would repay the favor, but he would not admit her just to repay the favor, causing endless trouble for himself and his brother.

But before he could express his decision, his younger brother and Wang Fengqiao spoke.

Wang Fengqiao said, stroking her palms: "That's right, people should know how to be flexible and not just follow a dead end."

Guan Yu was confused when he heard this, "Auntie, brother, do you admit it or not? How can we drive them away? I want to go home, and I don't want to be unable to go home because of them."

Wang Fengqiao said hurriedly: "I didn't lead them to your door. I'm not stupid."

"Then where are they now?" Guan Cheng and Guan Yu asked in unison.

"Brigade, the brigade's office!" Wang Fengqiao replied triumphantly, and then said: "The Lu family is my niece's home. How could I lead a group of strangers to their door and violate their home? I can't open the door. Just jumping over the wall and kicking in the door, it’s not like this has never happened before, so I took them directly to the brigade office and handed them over to my elder brother.”

Lu Tianzhi smiled and said: "Grandma, I find you are so smart!"

"That's not true!" If Wang Fengqiao had a tail, it would be raised now.

Chen Dazhuang interrupted: "Stop talking so much. You ladies are cooking and eating at home. I'll go to the brigade office to see what's going on. I'll ask my uncle if I need Guan Cheng to come forward."

Wang Fengqiao waved her hand, "Go and come back quickly."

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