Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1154 The biological mother comes to visit 8

"Guancheng's mother said that Guan Yu was a posthumous child!" someone interrupted.

Chen Dazhuang spread his hands and said, "The mouth is just two skins, and it can make up anything. You have forgotten that Wang Lingzhi used these two skins to go to the commune to make up nonsense, frame up the Lu family and Guancheng, and cause trouble. It is difficult to find a good wife in Guancheng. Now the people they have found are unknown and their identities are unknown. Do you think you can believe what they say? Anyway, I don’t believe it. How dare you let them live on the streets and survive until they are adopted by Xiaoxue?"

Grandpa Lu San sat on a stone covered with an old sheepskin mattress, tapping his crutch on the snow, "Da Zhuang, please stop for a moment. What does the person who is causing trouble today have to do with Wang Xinlai's house?"

Others echoed, obviously all having the same problem, "Tell us about it!"

Chen Dazhuang pretended to be surprised and said: "Don't you know? They were found by Wang Xinlai's wife. I don't know if there is anything about Wang Xinlai. After all, I didn't see it with my own eyes. They happened to run into my house when they entered our brigade. That guy, my guy was clever and didn’t take them to the Lu family. On the way, I asked them how they got it. They said someone told them and asked who it was. They happened to pass by Wang Xinlai’s house and they said she was Wang Xinlai’s wife. !”

As soon as they heard these words, someone immediately said: "Yes, it must be the new couple who want to take revenge on Guancheng!"

"What does the Ganzhi girl's labor camp have to do with Guancheng? She did it all on her own, and Guancheng didn't do anything."

"Normally, Wang Xinlai and his wife are honest and don't talk much, but I didn't expect them to be so vicious. Then it's not unfounded that Wang Xinlai's wife went to the commune to settle accounts with Wu Lijuan and Wu Lijuan is now afraid to leave the house."

"Oh my God, people's hearts are so poisonous. This is going to ruin Guancheng and Guanyu for the rest of their lives!"

Everyone felt the same. It was just like what this girl said. Guancheng and Guanyu were descendants of the Guan family, but their compositions were different.

Grandpa Lu San couldn't help but frowned and said: "What is all this mess? Guancheng and Guanyu are two orphans who were adopted by our brigade. They are just like us country people. They go to work to earn work points, and they are the same as the poor Guan family." Does it have anything to do with it?"

Several middle-aged and elderly people who understood the truth nodded, and an old man whose life was saved by Guancheng said: "That's right, that's right, he obviously grew up here, and the Guan family who disappeared long ago has never raised him. They haven’t taught them anything. Their good ideas and abilities are all cultivated by us working people, and they have nothing to do with the Guan family!”

"Yes, yes, the children we raise are the children of the working people and have nothing to do with the Guan family."

"Such a good young man, diligent and smart, travels across mountains and rivers every day to collect medicines, treats diseases and injuries for poor people from all over the country, with a red heart pointing towards the sun. How is he like that Guan family member?"

Just as he was talking passionately, Wang Zhengguo came out.

"Dachun, Dachun, go and find me. Find me the two brothers from Guancheng and Guanyu. Let's talk about this matter in front of everyone today. Don't let any random people come to our brigade of ordinary people. trouble!"

Wang Dachun, who was saying in the crowd that Guancheng Guanyu had nothing to do with the Guan family, exclaimed, "I know, I'll go find it right now!"

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