Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1166: Never suffer future troubles 10

In fact, the current situation is chaotic, the laws in many aspects are not perfect, and orders are being changed day by day.

But it is not sound, so the commune is basically Secretary Zheng's word. The biggest reason why he gets support is that he acts impartially and often makes people convinced.

Especially regarding the issue of adopted children, which has been adjudicated several times, Secretary Zheng is very experienced.

When rural people can't live well, they give away or throw away their children, giving them to those who are infertile or those who want a son or a daughter, and most of them are baby girls.

When the child grows up, many biological parents will come to visit him, and the two families often have quarrels with each other.

Wang Xiangmei was very dissatisfied, and was about to jump up and act, when Secretary Zheng said: "Let's not talk about whether you are the biological mother of these two children. Even if you are, you should be sentenced to abandonment if you ignore them. Sin! According to what they said, if you are really Wang Xiangmei, then you are a daughter of a well-known family, and you know what the crime of abandonment is!"

The crime of abandonment existed during the Republic of China before the founding of the People's Republic of China. Men who abandoned their wives or failed to raise children could be convicted of the crime of abandonment. Of course, there was a time limit for the act of abandoning a wife.

"What crime of abandonment? Why do you sentence me to the crime of abandonment?" Wang Xiangmei jumped in anger.

Chen Xingguo suppressed the desire to yawn and said coldly: "You abandoned your so-called two sons and let them almost die from hunger and cold! If they hadn't been rescued by others, do you think you would be entangled today? Chance?"

"Why are you nagging her? There will be no end to it once you babble." Wang Zhengguo said, "She insists on saying that Guancheng and Guanyu are her sons, which makes our team restless. We have no way to confirm her statement. If she continues like this If so, Acheng, Ayu, come here and accuse her of abandonment before she asks you to support her!"

Guancheng and Guanyu immediately took two steps forward to show by their actions that they listened to Wang Zhengguo's words.

"How dare you!" Wang Xiangmei was furious.

Secretary Zheng waved his hands towards Wang Zhengguo and the others, "You all go back, I will arrange a place for them to live, and ask the guards from the militia camp to go to the local subdistrict office where they live early tomorrow morning. I have to ask them How is it managed? How come a few good urban residents came to our commune asking for food and drink? "

Wang Zhengguo said hurriedly: "You have to handle this matter well and don't leave any trouble for these two children. The two children have been without a mother and a father since they were young. They have only managed to live a peaceful life for two years."

"Don't worry!" Secretary Zheng didn't want to cause trouble.

Wang Xiangmei was furious. Seeing that Guancheng Guanyu's hard-heartedness had caused her to fail to achieve her goals and her future life would be unstable, she immediately thought of putting Guancheng Guanyu to death, "They don't recognize their own mother, so you don't care about it? They are spies and spies, why don't you ask me to report them to the county and city committees?"

Chen Xingguo clicked his tongue twice, "As soon as I heard this tone, I knew she was definitely not my mother! If she was my mother, how could she treat her own child like this? No wonder everyone doesn't believe it, and I don't believe it either."

Having said this, he stood up and said: "I'm going to call some female soldiers from the militia battalion to perform the task."

Secretary Zheng waved his hand, and regardless of Wang Xiangmei's obstruction, Chen Xingguo quickly called four or five female militiamen over, "Comrade Wang Xiangmei and her four children are the ones in front of you. The task of guarding them will be left to you."

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