Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1168: Never suffer future troubles 12

After listening to Guan Cheng's words, he looked at the food stamps and money he handed to him, and recalled that Wang Xiangmei's actions were as despicable as those of several children. Looking at the young man in front of him, Chen Xingguo didn't know what he felt in his heart.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to cook some porridge for them later."

After seeing them off, Chen Xingguo returned to the office and handed the money and food stamps to Secretary Zheng.

Secretary Zheng had already picked up his old coat and was about to go home to sleep. When he saw this, he was stunned and asked, "Why are you giving me money and food stamps?"

After Chen Xingguo told his story, Secretary Zheng sighed: "This kid is kind and kind. No wonder the people in the Wanglou Brigade are protecting him. They must know his nature. We really can't ask Wang Xiangmei to give up his two brothers." Disaster."

Wang Xiangmei is so vicious that she wants to kill the Guancheng brothers, but what about Guancheng?

Although he didn't express anything to Wang Xiangmei, he saw the situation of several children who were hungry and cold and kept it in his heart.

Chen Xingguo hummed, "Yes, the Lu family has a good family tradition, and the Lu family has contributed a lot to the fact that the two children have grown into what they are now."

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Guan Kun and Guan Zhixuan's father and son can rest in peace in heaven.

"Hey!" Secretary Zheng nudged Chen Xingguo with his elbow, "Are Guancheng and Guanyu descendants of the Guan family? If not, the Lu family would definitely not have adopted them as their biological sons. Raise the same.”

"How did I know?" Chen Xingguo glared, "It doesn't matter whether it is or not, the big thing is helping the two children deal with Wang Xiangmei."

In the subsequent handling of Wang Xiangmei, Chen Xingguo was particularly attentive.

After learning what Wang Xiangmei had done, Liu Aihong, director of the Women's Federation where her family was located, turned red with shame and apologized to Chen Xingguo repeatedly, "Don't worry, don't worry, we will never let her do such a thing again!"

"Don't just talk with your mouth, you have to control the people. If they can't live their lives..."

Liu Aihong hurriedly interrupted Chen Xingguo's next words, "Can't survive? Impossible, impossible. All urban households have a certain food supply. In recent years, the food supply has not been tight. Their family of five has enough food for five people. Why can't you survive? Don't listen to her nonsense. Wang Xiangmei must be lazy and has no money to buy food without a job. "

Chen Xingguo spread his hands and said, "No matter what the reason is, her appearance has indeed caused great trouble to a brigade in our commune. I hope you can strictly discipline them and not make everyone's faces look ugly. Those elders The villagers did not pursue the case because they were kind, and because the child did not remember his parents at all, and there was no evidence for them to believe Wang Xiangmei's confession, they did not pursue the crime of abandonment against Comrade Wang Xiangmei. "

"The legs are on their legs, so we can't stop them from leaving. Please understand our difficulties." Liu Aihong is very good at talking. "But we will not just give her a letter of introduction to visit relatives. We will arrange one for her immediately." The work of cleaning streets and toilets left her no time to leave to trouble the two children, and she also had the salary to buy food to feed the remaining children. "

"Can't we avoid future troubles forever?" Chen Xingguo frowned.

Liu Aihong said helplessly: "Comrade Chen, it's not that I don't want to guarantee it, but that I simply can't do it. Now that I'm in office, I can control her. When I'm gone, who knows what will happen to the person who takes over?"

Chen Xingguo also knows that it is difficult to avoid future troubles in this situation. People like Wang Xiangmei basically will not give up until they achieve their goals.

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