Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1170 Let’s go to the border 2

The young man didn't have any sense of defensiveness, and directly replied: "My name is Zhao Xiaoyun, what about you?"

Hearing this surname, Guan Cheng's heart moved. For some reason, the first thing he thought of was Zhao Yong and Guo Xiuying. Because he often heard Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue mention it, he thought of them when Zhao Xiaoyun said that his parents were in the army.

It can't be such a coincidence, right? Guancheng didn't dare to think deeply.

At this moment, Lu Tianzhi had already answered Zhao Xiaoyun's question and told Zhao Xiaoyun the names of his three brothers in turn.

Probably because they had exchanged names and because they hit it off, the two teenagers chatted affectionately.

"Your surnames are different? Aren't you brothers? Tianzhi, you and Guan Yu look alike, almost like twins. I thought you were brothers!" Zhao Xiaoyun touched his head, "But this time I If you go to find my parents, you should see triplets from my dad’s comrade’s house, I don’t know what they look like.”

As soon as they heard the word triplets, the three Guancheng brothers immediately looked at me and me at you.

"What's your dad's name?" Lu Tianzhi asked, "How did you know that your dad's comrade-in-arms had given birth to triplets?"

Zhao Xiaoyun said with a smile: "Of course my dad's surname is Zhao, and his first name is Yong. My dad's comrade-in-arms, Uncle Lu, is my dad's savior. Of course my family knows about the birth of a child in his family!"

He coughed twice and said sheepishly: "My dad was on the phone with my grandpa. I crouched under the window and eavesdropped. My grandpa was talking about a baby. I have never seen triplets, so I wanted to see them. Look, I also wanted to see that Xibao, the cute little fat guy in my family photo. So, I ran to my hometown to find my grandma, and I got on the bus from my hometown to go to the army. A few bags of fine grains, but I don’t know if the eggs will be spoiled when they reach the army.”

Hearing him mention the triplets and Xibao, the three Guancheng brothers were sure of his identity and couldn't help but lament the word coincidence.

"Unless the bumps are severe, it shouldn't be broken. The weather is so cold." Lu Tianzhi comforted, "And when I bought the ticket, I heard the conductor said that this train is an express train, the fastest train, and it is faster than the train in several years. The train in front is half faster, which means we save half the time. You see, we also brought a basket of eggs and four old hens in the chicken coop."

Hearing that they were going to the army to visit relatives, Wang Fengqiao and her second and third brothers immediately caught an old hen from home and asked them to take it with them. The other one was given by Jiang He, as well as the eggs they had saved.

Wang Zhengguo and Miao Fengqin wanted to give them to her, but Wang Jiao was in confinement, so they gave them to her.

Zhao Xiaoyun looked down and saw the chicken cage that was smaller than an ordinary chicken cage.

"Haha, you are better than me. I bring the eggs, but you bring the old hens? Who wants to be in confinement?"

Guan Cheng smiled slightly and said, "When we arrived, we didn't know if Auntie was in confinement, but the old hen doesn't have to be eaten during confinement. Anyway, it is to replenish Auntie's health. You can eat it anytime."

"That's right! Anyway, I'm not taking advantage of others. Oh, by the way, are you also going to visit relatives?" Zhao Xiaoyun finally remembered to ask this question, "The relatives who are visiting relatives over there are either third-line workers, soldiers, or... The educated youth who support the construction of the country cannot go home for many years. What kind of person is your aunt? "

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