Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1172 Let’s go to the border 4

Sang Hong saw their family portrait at Lu Jiang's house, and immediately recognized Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu, two young men who looked very similar, as well as Guan Cheng who followed behind. He held up a placard with one hand and performed a military salute with one hand. He smiled and said: "Hello, my name is Sang Hong, and I have been ordered to pick up you and Comrade Guancheng. However, I still have to wait for one person."

"Xiaoyun! We know." Guan Cheng pushed Zhao Xiaoyun to Sang Hong.

Zhao Xiaoyun gave a standard military salute, "Hello Comrade Sang Hong, I am Zhao Xiaoyun, am I the one who asked you to pick me up?"

"Oh, what a coincidence, you actually came together." Sang Hong found it incredible, but it did not affect his answer to Zhao Xiaoyun's question, "Yes, the Army Commander and Commander Zhao sent me to pick you up. Knowing that you are taking the same train, Just ask me to take you back at once. You came at a good time. There is no large area of ​​snow on the mountain road, so it is easy to walk. "

The four of them thanked each other very politely.

Zhao Xiaoyun has lived with his grandparents since he was a child, and going in and out of the compound has become a common thing. But the other three bumpkins can't, especially Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu. They sit in the car and look around, touch here and there, and follow the trend with their novelty. Qingyun is exactly the same.

Guancheng is stable and stable, and he tries his best to suppress his desire to study.

Zhao Xiaoyun laughed and said, "If I have the chance, I will teach you how to drive. When I saw the car for the first time, forget it. I chased the master every day and asked how the car could run so fast if it didn't eat or drink. Later I found out that they also Eat, eat oil! This oil is not simple, it is a good thing, many machines need it!”

Guan Yu said in surprise: "Oil is so precious, but it is given to cars! Each person in our team only gets half a catty of oil a year."

Guan Cheng knocked him on the head, "The oil we eat is cooking oil, which is different from the oil used in mechanical cars. I asked you to study hard, but you didn't. Are you making a joke now? Let me tell you, the principle of machinery is That’s how it came about!” He lectured the two silly brothers incessantly, and all the content was copied from Jin Ruochu, who was not only a physicist, but also an expert in ordnance research.

Zhao Xiaoyun and Sang Hong were both almost fascinated by what they heard. After getting out of the car, Sang Hong gave Lu Jiang a thumbs up, "Commander of the Army, your nephew is really amazing. I think he is knowledgeable enough to join the factory!"

"This can't be nonsense. He is just a child. How can he reach that level?" Lu Jiang did not dare to respond to Sang Hong's compliments and took the chicken coop that Guancheng was carrying. "It was not easy to bring him here all the way, right? You guys didn't dare to respond to Sang Hong's compliments. Auntie is talking about chicken soup, so you bring it. Go home and kill the chicken to make soup for your aunt."

Zhao Xiaoyun blinked at Lu Tianzhi, and Lu Tianzhi said, "Uncle, he is Zhao Xiaoyun. The good friend we met on the train is the son of Uncle Zhao Yong."

Lu Jiang looked back, and Zhao Xiaoyun immediately bowed, "Hello, Uncle Lu!"

"Hello, Comrade Zhao Xiaoyun." A smile appeared on Lu Jiang's serious face. "I have seen your photo. You and Sang Hong quickly go to find your parents. They are waiting for you."

"Okay, Uncle Lu, let's go slowly." After Zhao Xiaoyun finished speaking, he did not forget to say to Lu Tianzhi: "I'll play with you later!"

The purpose of his trip was the triplets. He looked at the basket in his hand. This was the reason why he came to see the triplets, so he cleverly did not hand the basket directly to Lu Jiang.

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