Qiao Desheng sighed, "Since my sister-in-law has heard about it, I won't hide it from you two. In fact, there is nothing to say and no one can help. My parents had something happen to them in the capital and were sent to northern Shaanxi. , I took this family leave just to see them. In the name of Qiao Desheng, no one doubts our relationship. "

"In the name of Qiao Desheng? Do you have another name?" Lu Jiang interrupted.

Qiao Desheng said sheepishly: "My original name is Zhou Wenbin, which means gentle and gentle. My parents are old revolutionaries and have a place in the capital. I didn't want to use my parents' guise to use a pseudonym when I joined the army. I have used the name Qiao Desheng for more than ten years. Year, there is no difference from my real name. I think that few people know about it, so when I go to visit my parents, it is not easy to attract attention by using the name Qiao Desheng. Since my sister-in-law knows the situation of our family, she must have known that I used a pseudonym. Is it over?"

Feng Qingxue nodded, "Since you admit it, we have something we want to confirm with you."

"What's the matter? Sister-in-law, you can tell me, but you won't hide it," Qiao Desheng said hurriedly.

"What is your mother's real name? We were asking about a lesbian named Wang Xiangxue, and we were told that it was your mother's previous name, but we are not sure if she is the person we are looking for."

After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, Qiao Desheng's eyes flashed with surprise, "Why are you asking about this matter?"

Lu Jiang replied: "You should answer yes or no first, and whether your daughter is a Shanghainese, the daughter of a capitalist."

Qiao Desheng did not deny it, "Yes, my mother's original name was Wang Xiangxue, and she later changed her name to Wang Xuehai, which means studying the sea and working hard, and also imitating my father's name. My father's name is Zhou Xuekui. My mother did come from a big capital family. St. John's University and Jinling Women's College. Their devolution has something to do with my mother's background."

"Has your mother mentioned her family?" Feng Qingxue asked.

"Family?" Qiao Desheng thought for a while, "More than ten years ago, something happened to my grandfather's family. When my aunt severed ties with them, she accused them of exploiting the hard-earned money of working people. My grandparents fell ill and died one after another. Then, My eldest uncle, second uncle and third uncle immigrated to Hong Kong and took their family members with them. Their property was put into the national treasury long before they were taken away. Now looking at the current situation, we are extremely lucky that they left. Otherwise, they would have stayed here. I don’t know what kind of disaster we will face.”

Thinking back on this matter, Qiao Desheng sighed deeply, his eyes a little confused, "I don't understand, why are people always judged by their bloodline? Are they judged by their bloodlines for loyalty and traitority? This was probably the reason why my parents asked me to change my name. "

Lu Jiang's response was to pat him on the shoulder.

"Oh, let's not talk anymore. The more I talk, the less I know where to go." Qiao Desheng said this and asked: "Sister-in-law, you haven't said why you asked about my mother. It can't be for no reason, right? After all, few people know about me. Mom’s real name.”

Feng Qingxue pointed to Guan Cheng, who was sitting below them, serving them wine and food, "My nephew's name is Guan Cheng, Guan Guan Jujiu's Pass, the Great Wall's City, but I guess you haven't heard of him, but You should have heard the names of his parents. His father's name is Guan Zhixuan, who passed away fifteen years ago. His mother's name is Wang Xiangmei. It is said that she is the daughter of a big capitalist in Shanghai and has a sister named Xiangxue. "

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