Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1193 Zhuang Zhuang is critically ill 5

Fang Ning took a step forward and scolded in a deep voice: "Xiaoyun, what are you doing here? You have nothing to do, right? Have you forgotten the rules of the army? Why don't you go back and write a review for me!"

It was clearly a rebuke, but it was actually a shield. Feng Qingyun understood very well in her heart and immediately made a confession, "I understand, Comrade Captain."

After returning to the Lu family, Feng Qingyun immediately asked: "Teachers, how is Zhuangzhuang?" She had to take care of Xibao and Fubao, reduce the burden on Tian Ling and Yang's mother, and there was no way to go to the hospital to find out what was going on. .

In fact, she could go when Xibao and Fubao were sleeping, but she was afraid and afraid of hearing bad news.

Just like now, the question came out of my mouth, but I didn't dare to hear the answer.

Fang Ning and Yang Fengying shook their heads slowly, "The doctor is still discussing how to treat it."

Hearing these words, Feng Qingyun's heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

Night came soon, and only Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were guarding Zhuang Zhuang in the ward. In the past two days, he had developed symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and asthma. Poor Zhuang Zhuang, the doctor was completely helpless.

"Ah Jiang!"

Feng Qingxue grabbed his hand, and her nails dug deeply into Lu Jiang's skin, but Lu Jiang didn't feel any pain and hugged her with his backhand, "Don't cry, don't cry, we Zhuangzhuang will definitely do it." Everything is fine. Didn’t Master Shan say that we are destined to have four sons and one daughter, and Zhuangzhuang is one of them? How could he be absent from our lives? "

Feng Qingxue burst into tears and gritted her teeth: "For the first time, I hate the backwardness of medicine in the era I live in!"

"Qingxue!" Why doesn't Lu Jiang hate the lack of medical treatment? Does he really want to watch Zhuang Zhuang leave them?

No, we can't!

"Ajiang, I want to give Zhuangzhuang medicine. Let's give him medicine ourselves! Infusion!"

"You mean?" Medicine in space?

Feng Qingxue sniffed and said in a deep voice: "At the beginning, I prepared a lot of commonly used medicines. Except for the medicine for bruises and bruises that are almost the same for you, because I considered that I might get married and have children in the future, I also prepared all the medicines for children. We have them all, even the equipment for infusion, but the quantity is not large and it is not easy to buy. It takes a lot of people to take care of the space. Zhuangzhuang is a lung infection, which is inflammation. , there are medicines in the space that are anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-asthmatic... all of them are symptomatic!”

Lu Jiang gritted his teeth, "Okay, I believe in your medical skills and the medicine you prepared!"

"During the infusion process for Zhuang Zhuang, don't let anyone approach the ward, and don't let anyone see the things and medicines we take out!" Feng Qingxue made a prompt decision and moved incredibly fast, looking for medicines, dispensing medicines, and preparing injection tools. .

Zhuangzhuang's skin is very tender and thin, and the blood vessels are very thin. The ones on the wrists cannot be used, and the ones on the feet...

It was a cold night, and Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue did not dare to unswaddle him for fear of freezing him, so Feng Qingxue looked for a place for infusion on his head. When the light bulb in the ward was on, Lu Jiang gave her a flashlight. Light up the sky above Zhuangzhuang's head.

After dripping in, Feng Qingxue took Zhuang Zhuang into her arms and drove Lu Jiang out to guard the door.

She thought very carefully, and soon doctors and nurses came to watch the night. When she saw Lu Jiang squatting outside the door with his head in his hands, his sympathy increased, "Commander of the Army, let us go in and see the child!"

All the doctors in the pediatric department were helpless about Zhuang Zhuang's condition. They came to do night rounds just to give themselves some psychological comfort.

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