After about five days, several doctors surrounding Zhuang Zhuang happily announced that Zhuang Zhuang was out of danger.

"It's okay, it's okay, Zhuangzhuang is getting better!" Lu Jiang, who had a stubble on his face, gently stroked his wife's back.

"Is everything really okay?" Feng Qingxue grabbed Lu Jiang's sleeve.

Lu Jiang nodded heavily, "Didn't you hear just now? Doctor Zhang said that Zhuang Zhuang is fine for the time being."

Doctor Zhang and Guo Xiuying said at the same time: "Yes, he has stabilized and is okay for the time being. You can tell by listening to his breathing and crying. He is much better than when he was sent to the hospital. You two take good care of the child. What's the problem? Call us immediately."

Wang Sanbao rubbed his eyes after staying up for several days and nights, "Thank God!"

She finally took back the child's life from the hands of the Lord of Hell. This child was declared dead from the beginning. She encountered this situation many times in her life, but few children had such a fate as Zhuang Zhuang. big.

The fate is great, this is the unanimous thought of all the doctors and nurses present.

"Thank you, thank you... thank you all for your hard work!" Feng Qingxue didn't know what to say except thank you.

"Although Zhuangzhuang is out of danger, we still have to take good care of him. We can't take him out of the hospital for the time being." Doctor Zhang said to them, and then sighed, "There are sick children in other wards. Let's go there first. There are a few Two children are in the same situation as Zhuangzhuang. One of them has better health than Zhuangzhuang. He has already taken medicine and I don’t know if he can survive.”

Not everyone is lucky enough to be strong, but Feng Qingxue secretly used medicine to save his life.

Feng Qingxue rushed Lu Jiang home to see how the other four children were doing, while she stayed in the ward to take care of Zhuang Zhuang. She was feeding Zhuang Zhuang when she suddenly heard heartbreaking cries from the next ward. .

"Doctor, Doctor Zhang, look quickly, look quickly, come and save my grandson!"

"Didn't you take medicine? Didn't you take medicine? Why is the child out of breath? Why, why?"

Feng Qingxue's reaction was to hold Zhuang Zhuang tightly in her arms, with cold sweat breaking out all over her body.

In the evening, the little nurse came to check the ward and told Feng Qingxue: "The child was sent to the pediatric department from home just after he was born. He also had a lung infection and was choked in the womb. He had this symptom when he was born and it was only two days old. ”

"Is this the child that Doctor Zhang mentioned?" Feng Qingxue asked.

"Ah?" The little nurse recalled what Dr. Zhang said today, shook her head and said, "No, it's another one. His mother gave birth to the child at home, and her mother-in-law delivered her. She found something was wrong with the child before sending it to the hospital. The child was not even breathing at first. Well, it was Sister Sanbao who sucked out the phlegm. The condition of the child that Doctor Zhang mentioned during the day was not very optimistic. He was only a few months old."

Feng Qingxue hugged Zhuangzhuang's arms tightly, "You work in pediatrics, do you often face this kind of situation?"

The little nurse sighed, "We are used to facing life and death. Before there were no family members to join the army, there was no pediatrician here. Later, when there were more children, there was a pediatrician. That's when I was assigned to the pediatrician. My sister-in-law doesn't usually go to the pediatrician. So I don’t know that children are more difficult to take medicine than adults, they are too delicate, and their mortality rate is higher.”

The first time she was on duty, she faced a baby that had died just half a day after birth. It was still a boy. It was caused by wind and was brought from the obstetrics and gynecology department without resuscitation.

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