Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1205 Applying for Retirement 6

"The Army Commander and Sister-in-law Qingxue gave us this bracelet because they didn't treat us as outsiders. Why do you treat yourself as an outsider instead?" Qiao Desheng touched his wife's forehead and said with a smile, "I owe the Army Chief's family today. Yes, we will pay it back in another way tomorrow, but we will keep our feelings in our hearts and will never forget them."

Fang Ning glared at him, "Do you take it for granted?"

Qiao Desheng had an idea, "We are related to their family. Isn't it normal for relatives to help relatives?" Although the Zhou family and the Lu family are not directly related, as far as Guancheng Guanyu is concerned, the two families are relatives.

Fang Ning had nothing to say to this shameless man.

Probably it is true that birds of a feather flock together. Some of the soldiers who had a good relationship with Lu Jiang, such as Zhao Yong, Shang Kun, Ouyang Zijin and others, had very similar temperaments, they were bold and generous and informal.

Half a month had passed since Qiao Desheng came back, but Feng Qingxue's discharge application had not yet been approved.

She wondered if her application was not approved because she didn't show up.

Therefore, the first thing she did after recovering from the illness was to go to Chen Lancheng in person to inquire about the progress of the application.

"Comrade Qingxue, have you really made up your mind?" Chen Lancheng asked.

Feng Qingxue pointed to her haggard face that had not recovered from the disease, and said with a wry smile: "You see that I am so sick, can you joke with the troops? Seeing a doctor and prescribing medicine is not a trivial matter, it is related to the life of every patient, and the wrong dose Every penny can make a difference, and I don’t dare to take the risks of working while sick.”

Chen Lancheng took a look and found that his complexion was indeed worse than when Zhuang Zhuang was discharged from the hospital. He was also thinner. Even his eyes were full of fatigue. "Have you not recovered from your illness?"

"Without three or two years, it will be difficult to return to the previous state." Feng Qingxue knew her physical condition better than anyone else.

She applied for discharge from the army, firstly to make it easier to take care of her children, and secondly for her own health. She cherished her life. She wanted to accompany Lu Jiang for a long time, move towards the next life together, and watch her children get married and start a family.

For most people in this era, country is above family, and they are willing to dedicate everything to the country.

Feng Qingxue admires their selfless dedication, but will not imitate them.

In Feng Qingxue's heart, the most important thing is always herself and her family. She will not betray her country, but she will not give up her family for the country. As she told Lu Jiang, she does not have too noble sentiments. .

Seeing that she had made up her mind, Chen Lancheng pondered for a moment and said: "Since this is the case, then we will approve your application."

When the topic changed, he said in a very slow tone, seriously and solemnly: "Comrade Feng Qingxue, you just transferred from active duty to reserve duty. When the country needs you, I hope that you will be like all the soldiers who have retired. When you hear the order, return to your job immediately and serve the country!”

Feng Qingxue saluted him with a military salute, "Comrade leaders, please rest assured!"

After receiving the instructions, Feng Qingxue finally settled her worries and officially returned to her family.

Many people felt sorry for Feng Qingxue, but seeing the triplets growing up and laughing and moving, Feng Qingxue didn't feel sorry at all. Tian Ling did the housework, and she just took care of Xibao, Fubao and After having triplets, taking care of their bodies, continuing to study calligraphy, painting and medical skills, they lived a fulfilling and happy life. It was a rare leisure time in the past eight years.

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