Father Lu unloaded the luggage on his shoulders and held his little grandson... ah, no, his precious grandson in his arms, "Oh, my little Xibao, I haven't seen grandpa in almost a year. Do you miss grandpa?" Grandpa misses you so much!”

"Grandpa, I miss you so much!" Xibao's mouth felt like it was covered with honey, "I have a younger brother, and I am no longer little Xibao."

"Okay, okay, you are a happy baby, but you are still grandpa's precious grandson!"

Xibao smiled happily, "Am I grandpa's baby?"

"Of course, grandpa likes Xibao the most!" It was Xibao who really allowed Father Lu to enjoy the joy of making babies, and his status in Father Lu's heart was naturally very different.

Xibao was particularly excited, "I also like grandpa the most!"

Apart from his parents, he likes his grandpa the most. There is nothing wrong with him. Xibao nodded his head carefully.

When the grandfather and grandson had enough intimacy, Lu Jiang, who was carrying the luggage bag, smiled and said: "Dad, let's get in the car and go back now. We will be home in the evening. Qingxue has already asked Sister Tian to clean the room and the bedding has been dried. ”

When they got to the car, Xibao snuggled into Father Lu's arms.

"Grandpa, my brother is sick and my mother is sick. Xibao is very sad." Before Lu Jiang could stop him, Xibao told Lu's father like he was pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, "Mom and dad haven't come back for several days. I'm scared." !”

When Father Lu heard this, he looked at Lu Jiang sternly, "Why didn't I see your letter? Did it happen after Guancheng and the others left?"

"Dad, it's okay now!" Lu Jiang didn't want to tell the old man that Zhuang Zhuang was hospitalized and critically ill, lest the old man be worried. This was what Feng Qingxue meant. For them, it was enough for Zhuang Zhuang to gradually improve.

"Say!" Father Lu didn't believe his son's words and didn't come home for several days? He must have been hospitalized.

Facing Yan's father, Lu Jiang immediately sat up straight and spoke briefly, skipping the matter of Zhuang Zhuang's critical illness.

Lu Jiang was sitting in the passenger seat and was so angry that Lu's father patted him on the shoulder from behind, "You still want to hide such a big thing from me? Don't you think I won't find out about the triplets when I see them?" The fact that two brothers are weak?"

No one knows more about a son than a father. If his son didn't tell him, wouldn't he be able to guess Zhuangzhuang's details?

Xibao took Lu's father's hand and said, "Grandpa, don't hit dad, I will feel sorry for him."

"Your father is disobedient, why do you feel sorry for him?" Father Lu glared at his son angrily.

Xibao rolled his eyes and said, "Grandpa, I feel sorry for you. If you hit Dad, your hands will hurt! Dad's flesh is so hard. I bit him in anger and almost broke my teeth!"

What a smart boy!

Zhou Rong thought to himself, no wonder everyone said that the smartest among children is Xibao. Sometimes he takes Xibao out to play, and Xibao is very good at gathering the children in the family compound who are not in school to do military exercises, which seems to be the same.

Father Lu slowly calmed down, "Xi Bao is still obedient."

Lu Jiang smiled helplessly and did not dare to look back, fearing that his helpless expression would be seen by his father.

He is already sixty years old, how can he be so angry? Tsk!

Lu Jiang did not dare to say these words, otherwise he would get more than one slap from his father. He only asked Zhou Rong to stop the car when it was time to eat. Everyone had a lunch of dry food and water, and then continued on the road, paying great attention during this period. In the case of Father Lu, we found that the old man was in good health and had no adverse reactions due to entering the plateau area.

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