Father Lu's expression brightened slightly after hearing Wen Ruyu's words.

Xibao took a sip of the soup and wrinkled his face, "Bitter!"

"This is a bitter vegetable. Your grandma Wenyue didn't knead out the bitter juice. How can it not be bitter?" Wen Ruyu touched her pocket. After touching for a long time, she remembered that she was in the countryside and had not carried two pills with her for a long time. Bingtang was used to it, "Xibao, how is your brother? Do the triplets look exactly the same? Aren't they cute?"

They already knew it from Guancheng, but they still wanted to hear Xibao say it.

Xibao groaned, shook his head and said: "Dundun is good, Xiongxiong is bad, Zhuangzhuang is little, Zhuangzhuang is sick, and mother is also sick."

After hearing this, everyone quickly asked what was going on.

Father Lu told the truth in a few words, "Zhuang Zhuang was born weak and sick, so his mother applied for discharge from the military. Now the family has hired a nanny, and she is taking care of Zhuang Zhuang wholeheartedly."

"It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive. If you are weak, be weak. Keep the nutrients close to him first." Wen Yue spoke first, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, "We are all old men and women in our sixties and seventies. What kind of things have you never experienced? Just look away. Fortunately, Qingxue has good medical skills, Zhuangzhuang... Didn’t the blind man say that Qingxue and Ajiang will be safe and sound? When he grows up, maybe he will be as strong as Xibao when he grows up."

Zhu Ling shook his wife's hand and comforted her, knowing that she was thinking of her eldest son who did not live more than three days after birth.

Father Lu said, "Zhuang Zhuang looks like his mother, almost exactly the same."

Jin Ruochu smiled while stroking his hands, "That's good, that's called blessing! What's the old saying? A boy who follows his mother is blessed, and a girl who looks like her father is blessed. Being strong and like her mother, blessing lies behind!"

Xibao nodded, "You are so lucky to be strong. My brother, I want to take him to play with me."

"Xibao is the most blessed and has extraordinary luck. His words will definitely come true!"

After listening to Jin Ruochu's words, Father Lu couldn't help but said: "Although everyone always says this, and I think so myself, sometimes I, like Ajiang Xiaoxue, feel that it is outrageous. The relationship between God and Xibao is definitely not that good. If it’s so good, why did my brother suffer such a disaster when he was born?”

"You don't believe it? Look at me." Jin Ruochu wanted to roll up his sleeves, but found that he was wearing a torn sweatshirt for work today. He smiled awkwardly and lowered his head to tease Xibao, "Xibao, do you think it will rain tomorrow? "

"Raining? No, no!" Xibao shook his head violently, "I want to play!"

How can we play when it rains? Of course it won’t rain!

As expected, it didn't rain the next day. Xibao got up early as usual and did a set of punches first, then dragged Lu's father outside for a run. When he came back, he performed another set of punches in the bullpen, sweating profusely. The appearance immediately attracted Zhou Fengchu.

"Who taught you the boxing in the army, Xibao?" Zhou Fengchu vaguely thought that it should be Lu Jiang.

The Wanglou Brigade is truly a place of outstanding people. The children of the Lu family that I have met recently are all outstanding among men.

Xibao asked Father Lu for his own towel to wipe his sweat, and said loudly: "Report to the leader, dad taught me."

"I am no longer the leader, Xiao Xibao." Thinking of the current situation, Zhou Fengchu's eyes were slightly sad, and then said: "You can just call me Grandpa Zhou. Don't call me the leader. If others hear it, we will be in trouble."

"Unlucky? Are you beating Xibao?" Xibao asked.

Seeing Zhou Fengchu nod heavily, Xibao immediately covered his mouth with the hand that was not holding the towel, "I won't tell, I won't tell!"

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