Stationery such as blank paper, pens and paints can be kept at home and announced to the outside world as being for children to go to school, but the works cannot be used. For fear of causing trouble and danger, sometimes the old people admire the finished work and then directly stuff it into the kang and destroy the body. It would be destroyed, so in Father Lu’s opinion, it was better to store it in Feng Qingxue’s mysterious and magical space as a souvenir.

Father Lu believed that his level was limited, but the works of these old friends amazed him. Even if they were left to his daughter-in-law and grandson as examples to copy and learn in the future, it would be better than being burned.

After hearing what Father Lu said, Xibao couldn't help complaining: "It's not here yet? It's so slow!"

"Have you forgotten? It's winter now, and it's hard to walk on the road." Father Lu touched his grandson's bald head, feeling a little guilty, because as he grew older, Xibao liked to play outside more and more, and his skin was exposed to the sun. It turned into a light wheat color.

"When will the road get easier, and yesterday's letter will be in mom's hands today?" Xibao asked.

Father Lu thought for a while, "It probably won't be possible in a short time."

The old man was not blind to what was going on outside the window. He was well aware of the development of the country. He rubbed his grandson's head and said, "But when Xibao grows up, we will see who is interested and let him deliver the letters." He said I think it has great development prospects.

"Okay!" Xibao said loudly.

Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and Xibao then said: "Grandpa, grandpa, can you ask mom to come back? Mom said she would come back. If mom comes back, I can see her every day, and there is no need to write to mom. It has nothing to do with us whether the letter arrives tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!”

He is so smart, he wants to write a letter to his mother and ask her to go home and prepare delicious food!

The little guy let go of his hands and landed firmly on the ground with his feet, "I'm going to write a letter. Mom is coming back!"

Guan Yu came to deliver food to them. He happened to hear this and said in surprise: "Auntie is coming back? Really or not? When will she be back? My brother, Tianzhi, and I tidied up the room together. Taking advantage of the good weather, we put the quilt on Show some light."

Xibao was about to say that he wanted his mother to come back, but Father Lu said first, "What's the big deal? It's Xibao who wrote a letter and wanted your aunt to come back. Whether she can come back or not is another matter. It's freezing cold over there and the road is not easy to walk. , It’s not like you are strong and weak, how can you dare to leave easily? Even if you come, you have to wait for the weather to warm up. "

Those words were like a bucket of ice water, pouring over Guan Yu’s head in the middle of winter.

He said listlessly: "I thought Auntie was coming back, so I was overjoyed. Now, Xibao, you and the grandpas, you have to take in the food... Forget it, I'll take it in. Don't fall and burn it. you."

"What kind of rice?" Xibao looked into the basket.

"What kind of good meal can I get in the morning? Steamed steamed buns with steamed noodles, stir-fried pickles with red pepper, stir-fried goose eggs with garlic made for you individually, and brown rice porridge with corn crumbs." Guanyu News posted the menu.

The four old men in the bullpen ate happily and kept cheering.

"Grandpa, eat it!" Xibao pushed the fried goose egg with garlic in front of them.

"Just eat it. Grandpa likes pickles." Zhou Fengchu looked at Xibao with loving eyes, and her love almost flowed out.

After secretly recuperating for more than half a year, the wounds on his body have long since healed, and only his right arm has become a decoration. However, the wounds in his heart can never be healed, not only because of the treatment he received, but also because of the children he adopted. At the critical moment of life and death, he actually looked on with cold eyes, and even two people separated themselves from him. The pain caused was no less than the physical pain.

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