Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1242 Shuitian leaves the team 3

Feng Qingxue is not in the army and stays in the family compound every day to take care of her children. The news is much delayed than usual.

If Lu Jiang hadn't told her, she wouldn't have known such a big thing had happened.

After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, Li Shuitian nodded without waiting for Lu Jiang's answer and said: "Yes, sister-in-law, our husband and wife were taken away and tortured for a long time. It was Comrade Commander of the Army and comrades from many troops who came forward. , Joint Guarantee asked us to write a letter of apology before bringing us back, but they cannot change the order of expulsion. "

Things happened too fast and violently, and the couple was taken away without warning, and the charges were still so ridiculous.

Cao Hongzhu's truth-telling back then turned out to be the life-killing blade for the couple!

Feng Qingxue took a closer look and found that Li Shuitian's posture was not normal. There were indeed bruises on his face and the corners of his mouth were cut.

"Damn it!" She didn't dare to say it out loud, so she could only say it in her heart.

At this moment, she felt more fear in her heart, because you don't know when the words you said could lead to death for yourself, and you can't even tell the truth. Can you keep your peace by just shutting up?

She thought that the two most intense years had passed, and a large number of educated youths had gone to the mountains and countryside, and the situation had eased. It turned out to be a dream!

"In the evening, Qingxue and I will go to your house and let Qingxue check your injuries and prescribe some medicine." Lu Jiang exhaled a long breath, "In the face of this situation, there is nothing we can do, because some things are simply impossible. There is no reason! All we can do is send you back home safely, do whatever you need to do, take good care of yourself, and don’t forget the training you received in the military camp. I believe that one day you will Will definitely return to the army!”

Li Shuitian first looked at Lu Jiang with gratitude. When he heard what happened later, his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of excitement, "Is it possible? Is it really possible? I have spent most of my life in the army, and I can't bear to leave! I... Is there really any chance of coming back?”

"Yes!" Lu Jiang said firmly.

"Okay, Comrade Commander of the Army, I'm waiting at home, waiting for the call of the troops at any time!" Li Shuitian saluted him with a standard military salute, holding back the tears in his eyes, "Hongzhu has a stubborn temper and contradicted others at that time. , the injury is a bit serious, and the military doctor is not allowed to treat us. Thank you, my sister-in-law, for being willing to treat her injuries. If you want to thank me, I won't say more. But, as long as the Army Commander. Comrade gives the order, and I, Li Shuitian, will go through fire and water, even if I die!"

It's not a little serious, it's very serious, so serious that it's a bit terrible.

Feng Qingxue did not let Lu Jiang follow. She and Li Shuitian arrived at his house alone. As a result, Guo Xiuying and Wang Sanbao also came quietly. The three of them looked at each other and sighed in a low voice.

While treating Cao Hongzhu's wound, Guo Xiuying whispered: "When you come out, who is watching the child?"

"A Jiang, I asked A Jiang to watch at home. I don't feel at ease when others are watching." Feng Qingxue replied softly. When Cao Hongzhu saw the wound being bandaged, Cao Hongzhu twitched in pain, "Be patient, your injury is too serious." I will be injured for a hundred days. I will take good care of myself when I get home. If I have any difficulties, I will send a letter to the army."

Cao Hongzhu gritted his teeth and sweated on his forehead in pain. When he heard Feng Qingxue's words, tears of regret rolled down his face.

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