Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1245 The old clam grows pearls 2

Feng Qingxue handed a jar of water to her mouth and gave her a drink to rinse her mouth. She repeated what she just said, "You are serious too, Sister Tian, ​​don't you think you haven't been here for two months?"

Tian Ling murmured: "I thought it was because I was old. After all, I am forty-one this year."

Before taking menstruation pills, she would take them once a month or two. From the initial surprise to the final disappointment, she had become accustomed to it over the years.

Grabbing Feng Qingxue's hand, Tian Ling stared into her eyes, "Qingxue, tell me again, I'm afraid I heard wrong."

"Sister Tian, ​​you are pregnant for more than two months. I was right and you heard me right. Congratulations, you and Comrade Zhuo Ran will be able to have a baby this year." After saying this, Feng Qingxue felt a little bit Something was wrong. After thinking about it, I realized that the current solar calendar month is January and the lunar calendar month is the twelfth lunar month. The older generation likes to talk about the lunar calendar when giving birth. He hurriedly added: "I am talking about this year in the solar calendar. If calculated according to the lunar calendar, , probably in July or August next year.”

Tian Ling suddenly covered her face with her hands and started to cry.

The surprise came so suddenly that she didn't know how to express her joy.

Feng Qingxue understood her mood, and when she had finished crying, she handed over a handkerchief, "Okay, eldest sister, this is a happy thing, why are you crying? I know you are crying with joy, but you have to take care of yourself."

Tian Ling immediately stopped crying, took the handkerchief and wiped her face randomly.

"Thank you, thank you Qingxue, without your help, I definitely wouldn't be here today." She touched her belly carefully, "Whether he is a boy or a girl, it is a big surprise for me and Lao Zhuo , What a big baby. I’m so old, Qingxue, what should I pay attention to?”

Feng Qingxue thought for a while and said with a smile: "Although you are not young, you are strong and strong. There is nothing you need to pay special attention to. You just need to add more nutrition and don't tire yourself out."

Upon hearing this, Tian Ling hurriedly said: "I'm only two months pregnant, but I can still work. Don't let me do it."

When she was eight or nine months pregnant, she was still working in the fields in her hometown. What kind of work was washing clothes and cooking? Not tired at all.

Now that she has a child, she needs money even more. She needs to supplement her nutrition and buy milk powder for her child. If she doesn't have milk, she must prepare the money for milk powder.

Feng Qingxue was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and said with a smile: "Sister Tian, ​​if you say you quit suddenly, I will be in trouble. I don't know where to find someone as good as you to help with housework. Don't worry, I don't mean to fire you. We will go home in March or April, and your belly will be a little bigger by then. You can have a good time while we are away. What do you think? Of course, if you feel that you can't do it, you need to We’ll find someone else to take care of the baby in her belly.”

"I can do it, I can do it!" Tian Ling said impatiently, "I will work for you for a few more months to save some money for milk powder for the child. And if I feel uncomfortable, you can help me check it out. I am grateful to you. It’s too late!”

Tian Ling didn't want to quit, and Feng Qingxue didn't want to fire her, so everyone was happy.

However, Feng Qingxue gave her some of her red dates, longan and other nutritional supplements, saying it was a reward for her serious attitude towards work. In fact, she was worried about Tian Ling's anemia and had made preparations in advance.

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