Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1247 The old clam grows pearls 4

Bai Xue's daughter's nickname is Yaya, and her first name is Su Minmin. It is said that Su Junlin thought about it for a lot of time and decided on a good name. The original name was Su Xiuxiu, but Bai Xue rejected it. She didn't look like Bai Xue, her eyes were neither big nor small, and her nose was small. Neither flat nor straight, her face neither round nor square, her only advantage is that she has fair skin, eats well and is fat, making her very cute.

Yang's mother sat at the Lu family and left. Although she didn't have to take care of Feng Qingxue, she had to take care of her wife.

Bai Xue complained to Feng Qingxue: "Who do you think Yaya looks like? No matter how I look at it, I feel that she is not like me, but not like Lao Su and his family. Of his family members, I annoy every one of them, and none of them look good. Dejun, it’s a lot of trivial things every day! Before I came here, Lao Su’s sisters-in-law were causing a lot of trouble, and it only stopped in the past few years because of the revolution.”

She had a hand in it at the time, and now I don't know who lost and who won among them, but I haven't heard of Su Junshu's divorce, which shows that Liu Hongxiu is still very capable and didn't let those houses be driven away.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, "You used to say it didn't matter if it was a boy or a girl. What do you care about appearance now?"

"It doesn't matter if it's a boy. I have a good family background and I have some abilities. I won't be afraid of not marrying a good-looking wife in the future. Girls are different. It took a lot of effort for me to give birth to such a daughter. Of course, she must be better-looking. The better-looking girl is. The less you worry about marrying a good family!" Bai Xue said plausibly, "Don't look at all the talk about having a good family background and a good mind. It's all nonsense. How many gay men really do it? What the eye sees is appearance, nothing else.”

Feng Qingxue listened and said, "Is this your experience?"

Bai Xue coughed twice and said nothing.

"Let me tell you, Bai Xue, don't pass on to your daughter the ideas your mother's family instilled in you when you were a child. You have suffered a lot yourself, so why bother to mislead the next generation?" Feng Qingxue said, "Your daughter Unlike you, she is Mr. Su’s old daughter and does not need to fight to marry into a good family. Being a serious person is more important than anything else. "

Bai Xue's heart moved, and she lowered her head silently, just in time to see Fu Bao's big round eyes.

Her eyes are very beautiful, like two black jade dots in white mercury, and like two small stars in the sky.

It turned out that Fu Bao had walked up to her at some point, standing on tiptoes to look at the swaddled Yaya. When Bai Xue wasn't paying attention, he secretly stretched out his little finger and tapped Yaya's cheek, "Sister!"

She quickly retracted her hand and kept a straight face.

"What's wrong? Don't you like your sister?" Bai Xue specially sent his daughter to her.

Fu Bao looked confused, "When she grows up, will she steal my hairpin? Steal my necklace? Steal my incense?"

Bai Xue couldn't help but laugh, "So when your mother was pregnant with triplets, this was why you called her brother instead of sister every day? Don't worry, sister Yaya won't steal your things!"

Fu Bao then showed a sweet smile, looking particularly delicate and beautiful.

"Qingxue, you are really good at giving birth!" Bai Xue was extremely envious, "Fu Bao is the most handsome boy in our compound. Fu Bao is the most beautiful little girl. She will be a big boy like you when she grows up. Beauty, the triplets each have their own merits, they are all smart and handsome, they are like a dragon and a phoenix."

Even Feng Qingyun is only slightly inferior to Feng Qingxue. Now she is young and deliberately looks ugly. In a few years, I don’t know what she will look like. The name of Yi Zhihua in the art team will definitely be fell on her.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiong Xiong woke up from his nap. The first thing he did was cry, and then he woke up his brother and brother.

Three cries came one after another, and Yaya cried too. Bai Xue was in a hurry, and was no longer in the mood to say that the triplets were cute.

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