Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1249 Instructions before departure 2

Feng Qingxue held his butt up and said with a smile: "This child developed a little later, so he is always one step slower than his two brothers... ah no, three steps slower. Now he can stand up, step on my The legs can stand up. "Otherwise, there is nothing wrong. She has carefully examined her son. He is just born weak and has a little developmental delay. He speaks fluently than his two brothers, but he doesn't like to talk much.

Wang Sanbao nodded, "You took good care of me and taught us all a hard lesson."

Speaking of Zhuangzhuang, who doesn’t envy her for having a good mother? In the eyes of many doctors, a child like Zhuang Zhuang is not easy to feed. However, although he has had minor ailments such as colds, fevers, and coughs every three days over the past year, he has grown up peacefully. , still looks good and no longer looks like he died young.

Feng Qingxue said softly: "I am the child's mother."

In one sentence, she explained that her care for Zhuang Zhuang was justified, and of course she was grateful for the role played by her medical skills.

The cheers of Dundun and Xiongxiong came over, and Zhuangzhuang turned his head to look over.

"Does Zhuang Zhuang want to play too?" Feng Qingxue hurriedly took him over and put him on the ground to stand. Of course, he put his hands on Zhuang Zhuang's armpits so that he didn't have to worry about falling. "Both brothers and sisters are Over there, please go over there, okay?"

Zhuangzhuang raised his foot, hesitated for a moment, and then put it back down.

Feng Qingxue encouraged: "Zhuang Zhuang, be good. Zhuang Zhuang is so awesome. Can Zhuang Zhuang take two steps to show his mother?"

"Mom!" Zhuangzhuang turned around and opened his arms for her to hug.

After standing for such a short time, the little guy felt tired. It was obvious that his legs were weak and wanted to slide down. Feng Qingxue sighed, quickly picked him up in her arms, and headed towards Guancheng and the others. direction.

The beautiful little guy smiled sweetly and rubbed his cheek against Feng Qingxue's, "Mom!"

Seeing him like this, Feng Qingxue felt soft-hearted for no reason.

Feng Qingxue knew that this was not going to work. She had to train him to stand and walk steadily. She could not let him rely on herself, so he originally planned to set off in early April half a month earlier.

The one who was most reluctant to leave was of course Lu Jiang, who looked pitifully at his wife packing her luggage.

"Light snow!"

Except for Zhuang Zhuang, the other children were not at home. He called out, and then called out again, and called out again. Zhuang Zhuang, who was sitting on the kang playing in the kang, turned his head in surprise and looked at him strangely, "Mom!"

Feng Qingxue responded, turned around, looked at Lu Jiang, and suddenly smiled.

"What do you look like?" He looked pitiful and had the same expression as when Xiong Xiong couldn't drink milk powder.

"I can't bear to leave you!" Lu Jiang put his hands around her waist and put his face on her shoulder, "It's hard to live a life together day and night, and you're back home again. Are we destined to be separated often?"

Feng Qingxue hugged him with her backhand and patted his lower back.

"We will go back and live for a while, no more than a year and a half. Unknowingly, Xibao has been living alone with his father at home for a year. I miss him very much. We can't ignore him because of ourselves." Even if it is for the sake of Let the child study hard and make progress every day, and we should not let him become a left-behind child and leave indelible scars on his childhood.

Lu Jiang sighed, "You only see children, as if you don't have me."

"Who said there wasn't?" Feng Qingxue immediately pushed him away, put her hands on his shoulders, and raised her head to face his face, "You looked at my face, you looked into my eyes, did you say there was? you?"

have! All you see is yourself!

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