Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1352 Preparing to leave Beijing 9

When you meet someone who knows the goods, you can naturally increase your prices.

Therefore, Jin Laoqi was very straightforward and moved out the things he had prepared, including porcelain, jewelry, calligraphy, paintings and ornaments. "They are either from the palace or from the prince's family. During the war years, I survived many house raids before I preserved them." . Now that people are old, I don’t know how many days they can live. What’s the point of keeping them in my hands?”

At this point, he laughed at himself, "The things I brought out are more than Qiao San's, and they are more valuable than Qiao San's. I don't want a penny from you, I just want food, at least three hundred kilograms of fine grain!"

"We don't have that much on hand at the moment." Lu Jiang said, bringing a total of just over a hundred kilograms of fine grain.

"It doesn't matter, you take the things first. As for the food, you can send it to me tomorrow, or you can send it to me later if you have it. I'm not in a hurry." Jin Laoqi was particularly free and easy, "That little food supply every month It’s not enough for me to eat, and most of it is coarse grains. It’s not like you can’t find fine grains during the holidays, and you can’t get them if you do. Give me some first to fill my stomach.”

Lu Jiang nodded in agreement, "We have your address, and we can send it to you every month in the future. We really won't be able to get that much food for a while now, but we can give you 120 kilograms of food and some bacon and sausages first." Peanut oil.”

"Okay!" When he heard that there was bacon, sausage and peanut oil, Jin Laoqi agreed without hesitation.

The transaction is completed and everyone receives the goods.

Watching them collect and load things, Feng Qingxue took out the ivory mat and rolled it up in her arms. She said boredly: "Master Jin Qi, I heard Master Qiao said that your ancestor was Lord Beile during the Qianlong period. Which Beile Master? Let me tell you, the old lady of my ancestor was a princess from Baylor Mansion during the Qianlong period, and you are somewhat related."

Jin Laoqi was stunned and glanced at them for a moment, "Are you Han Chinese?"

"Yes, you want to say that Manchus and Han people don't intermarry, right?" Feng Qingxue said with a smile.

Jin Laoqi nodded, "Let's not talk about the late Qing Dynasty. It was a mess. Before and after the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong, Manchu and Han did not intermarry. However, it is not that there is no such precedent. Manchu princesses can be named after Han people. If you marry a Han under an official name, it will not violate the rule of not intermarriage between Man and Han, and it can also promote the friendship between Man and Han. There is an aunt in our ancestors who married outside like this. I think her surname was Lu, and she was very favored. However, Their family has been in decline for a long time. They have not been rich for three generations, and they have wandered to nowhere. "

Hearing these words, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue looked at each other.

No way?

Feng Qingxue just said it casually, and she actually met a relative who was separated by countless generations?

Jin Laoqi couldn't see the expressions of the couple, and asked with great interest: "Which princess did your ancestors marry? If he was from Baylor Mansion, he should have a title. If he was favored, and he was born to the direct descendant of Fujin, maybe It’s a different matter if you are granted the title of Duoluogege, if you are not favored or if you are born to Fu Jin.”

Lu Jiang hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't remember, I just remember it was a princess."

They knew it but couldn't say it. They didn't want to get married to Jin Laoqi.

"Then what's your surname? The old lady married by your ancestors is the legitimate descendant." Jin Laoqi has been alone in this life and has no other relatives. He has the attitude of asking the question, "Maybe we may be relatives. "

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