On the last day in the capital, Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang decided to take their children for a walk.

Although they had been in the capital for several days, they had not had a serious time to travel, and the couple felt a little sorry for their children.

Visiting relatives and friends and going out for dinner did not count as walking.

Xibao was a child who had seen big scenes and was very reserved. Fubao was better. She was very quiet now and was a little lady. She did not have much curiosity. The others were just country bumpkins who had come to the city. Even though they had seen many things they had never seen in the past few days, they could not help but stare at the scenery on both sides of the road, and could not bear to blink.

In addition to the buses they had taken, there were also taxis and cars on the street.

Guan Yu was quite curious, so he ran over to ask a few questions, but was scared back by the conditions and fees for soliciting customers.

"Oh my god, dozens of dollars!" Guan Yu patted his chest. He and his brother could not earn dozens of dollars a year by work points. The year before Lu Tianjun joined the army, the family earned 100 yuan. Most of the living expenses were given to them by Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue. The passbook was in Lu's father's hands. "And they only take foreigners, not our countrymen!" Feng Qingxue smiled, "Anyway, we don't take it. It doesn't matter to us whether it's rich or poor." Ping Zhengkai smiled and said, "We don't have a car. Why do we take someone else's taxi? The army has a car for leaders above the division level, but Comrade Lu rarely uses it." He is also an outlier in the army. Except for picking up family members or business trips, he doesn't use it at all. Guan Yu and Lu Tianzhi stuck out their tongues and said in unison: "Uncle, aunt, where are we going?" "Where are we going?" In fact, Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang were also worried. The capital does have many scenic spots and historical sites. After all, it is the capital of the last dynasty. There is a well-preserved Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Prince Gong's Mansion, the Temple of Heaven, the ruins of the Old Summer Palace, etc., but the times are different. Taking the bus is a decadent life of the bourgeoisie. It has become a fleet of foreign guests, let alone sightseeing?

Besides, a few years ago, a disaster destroyed many scenic spots and historical sites, and many city gates and old cities were demolished. The staff of the Palace Museum went to the grassroots to participate in labor learning last year, and now the Palace Museum is still closed.

After thinking about it, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue took the children to visit the grocery store and department store.

As soon as he entered the grocery store, Lu Erxiong refused to leave.

His fat face was pressed against the glass of the counter selling cakes and pastries. The salesperson saw his flat face clearly, and saw the saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth, as bright as his sparkling eyes, which reminded her of a little white fat man a long time ago.

Feng Qingxue felt embarrassed and reached out to grab him.

Although Erxiong was wearing thick clothes and looked bloated, he was very flexible and a soft and flexible little fat boy. He avoided his mother's hand and said to the salesperson without any shame: "I want to eat cakes!"

Very confident.

"No money!" Feng Qingxue answered straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Dundun swallowed his saliva and said nothing, while Zhuangzhuang said to Lu Erxiong: "No money!"

Lu Erxiong's eyes turned around, "I have money!"

He looked down and flipped through his small bag, and took out a handful of money, one, two, five yuan, roughly ten yuan.

"Where did you get it from?" Lu Jiang frowned.

Because their family had no shortage of food, clothing, housing and transportation, they did not have the habit of giving children change.

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