After having dinner with Zheng Jinrui and Chen Xueniang, the family boarded the train back to Baozhou.

When we got on the bus, snow began to fall in the capital.

"I don't know if it will snow in Baozhou, but we got off the bus in the middle of the night!" There is no formal weather forecast now.

Lu Jiang took Zhuang Zhuang from his wife's arms and said smoothly, "It's okay, don't worry, I have already contacted the army, and two cars will be sent to pick us up then, one for me and one for Mr. Chen gay."

Feng Qingxue hummed and was wrapping Zhuang Zhuang in a cotton cloak when she heard a call for a doctor on the radio.

"You take care of the child, Zhengkai and I will go over and take a look." Feng Qingxue did not forget to bring up her first aid kit.

She carries this box with her all the time.

Lu Jiang wanted to replace Ping Zhengkai and accompany his wife. Obviously, his wife couldn't let go of the children, so he had to warn him: "You must be careful when you go there. If you solve the problem, come back immediately."


Feng Qingxue got up and walked through the aisle. Within two minutes, she arrived at the sleeper car mentioned on the radio, which was also a box.

Ping Zhengkai shouted that she was a doctor along the way, and all the conductors and passengers walking in the aisle gave way. The main reason was that Ping Zhengkai was wearing a military uniform and was particularly eye-catching.

When they arrived, there was already a doctor tending to the patient.

Hearing Feng Qingxue say that she was a doctor, although the conductor was a little skeptical because she was too young after all, he still quickly gave way because the middle-aged male doctor who was giving first aid to the patient shook his head and said that he was powerless.

"It's no longer curable."

The situation was critical, Feng Qingxue pushed him away and approached the patient.

The seventy-year-old man was a heart patient and suffered from sudden angina pectoris. At this time, he was laid flat on the sleeper. Feng Qingxue was far away and it was too late. Indeed, as the middle-aged male doctor said, his life was in danger.

Feng Qingxue decisively gave him the life-saving medicine she had prepared, such as isoamyl nitrite, Suxiao Jiuxin Pills, etc., and they all changed their appearance.

At the same time, unbutton the old man's jacket and loosen the collar.

Then, he pressed a nitroglycerin tablet on the bottom of the old man's tongue. Compared with isoamyl nitrite, the effect is slower, but it can expand the coronary arteries, improve myocardial ischemia, and relieve symptoms such as angina pectoris.

Following the acupuncture, the old man's expression finally eased, and a middle-aged man accompanying him thanked Feng Qingxue profusely.

Although he was relieved quickly, he had to be sent to the hospital.

Feng Qingxue said to the conductor: "My life has been saved for the time being, and my condition has been alleviated. It is impossible to alleviate it for a long time. We still have to send this comrade to the hospital without any delay."

The conductor was so anxious that he was sweating, "But the train can't turn back. The best hospital must be in the capital!"

The middle-aged man said decisively: "When we stop at the nearest stop, we will get off the car immediately and take the bus back to the capital! We have to trouble this comrade to accompany us, lest there is a crisis on the way that we cannot solve."

The last sentence was said to Feng Qingxue, with a very sincere attitude.

"Ah?" Feng Qingxue pointed to her nose.

When she saw the middle-aged man nodding, Feng Qingxue couldn't refuse. After all, human life was at stake.

Moreover, she could tell that this old man must be a senior cadre.

She thought for a while and said to Ping Zhengkai: "Tell A Jiang that I will go with this old comrade. You take the children home first. I will go home immediately after the old comrade is completely out of danger."

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