Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1362 Returning to the team another day 2

Wang Xinsheng nodded in agreement, he understood what Lu Shuai meant.

They were worried that it would be too late and didn't tell the old leader about Luo Cheng's illness, so they came first.

Before leaving, because he couldn't go in to visit Luo Cheng, Xibao put the candy in Lian Fengguo's hand. "When grandpa is well and he is obedient and takes injections and medicines, you can help me put the candy in his hands." Leave it to grandpa."

Lian Fengguo smiled, "Okay!"

When we walked out of the hospital, there was heavy snow falling like goose feathers outside.

"The snow is so heavy, like balls of cotton! Mom, it wasn't this heavy when we got in the car or when we came back." Xibao opened his mouth wide and exhaled a cloud of white steam, jumped on the spot, turned around and was caught by Feng Qingxue Wrap his cashmere scarf around him.

"It's windy and snowy, don't freeze." Feng Qingxue has always been considerate of her children.

Xibao put on his own gloves and said, "I know, Mom."

Wang Xinsheng saw his car approaching, "Hurry up and get in the car, let's go home!"

"Sorry to trouble you, Uncle Wang." Feng Qingxue pulled Xibao to sit in the back, closed the car door, and immediately blocked the wind and snow.

Before arriving at the compound, Xibao fell asleep leaning against her mother in the car.

In terms of sleep, Feng Qingxue always arranged for her children to go to bed early and get up early. It was rare that they stayed up like this today. When getting off the car, Wang Xinsheng directly asked the guard Shi Hong to carry Xibao into the house.

The previous guard, Lan Tianming, has been transferred and now serves as deputy regimental officer, replaced by Shi Hong as Wang Xinsheng's guard.

Guo Yan had been waiting for the news at home. After learning the whole story, she couldn't help but give Feng Qingxue a thumbs up.

"Go to bed quickly. It's already midnight. Let's talk tomorrow if you have anything to say." Guo Yan had already tidied up the room and prepared hot water. She asked Feng Qingxue to wash her face and feet, and also wiped Xibao's hands and feet. Apply ice cream on your face, "The children all smell good and their feet don't stink. There's no need to wash them every day. Let them sleep peacefully."

Feng Qingxue felt sorry for her son and didn't object, so the two of them just slept together for the night.

The next day she got up early as usual. During breakfast, Feng Qingxue brought up the idea of ​​buying tickets to go back to the army. She was worried that the triplets would make a fuss without seeing her, especially Zhuang Zhuang who never left her side.

Wang Xinsheng took a bite of the pancake rolled with scallions and pickles, and said vaguely: "The old chief learned about last night's situation early in the morning. While complaining that we didn't tell him about it, he asked someone to send a message and asked to see him. You and Xibao, you two were still awake when they arrived, so I will put the matter of returning to the army on hold until we see the old chief."

Feng Qingxue was stunned for a moment, and gained a new understanding of Luo Cheng's identity.

It seems that he is more important than he thought.

When the old leader saw Feng Qingxue and Xibao, he had already thrown aside Wang Xinsheng who had followed them, and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I have heard about it. Comrade Qingxue, you have made great contributions."

Even though Luo Cheng looks about seventy, he is actually a bit older than the old leader.

He made countless contributions. Although he retired due to illness, the old leader and the country are thinking of him.

How dare Feng Qingxue really respond like this, and quickly repeated what she said to Lu Shuai, "If the patient's identity is important, I will take action. If the patient is a working-class and peasant class, I will not come forward and watch the other party get into trouble. Then who am I? Saving people is our duty as doctors.”

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