If Lu Tianzhi wants to boil water for washing clothes, he needs a briquette stove.

There is not enough firewood at home, so I have to use it to make fires for cooking, but I can’t bear to use it to boil water.

Feng Qingxue prepared milk powder for the triplets and asked them to sit and drink it obediently. Then she came out and walked into the kitchen. "This is not a big deal. Let's take the briquettes to your Aunt Narcissus to exchange for one."

She has children at home, and the briquette stove stays on all year round.

Feng Qingxue sometimes forgets to change the briquettes, causing the stove to stall, and often goes to Hu Shuixian to find a fire.

Lu Tianzhi responded, picked up the tongs and took a piece of unused briquettes to Hu Shuixian's house to replace it with a half-burned one. The upper half was black and the lower half was red. When he came back, he quickly put it in the briquette stove.

Three briquettes, the bottom one is burned briquettes, and the top one is unburned.

Lu Tianzhi opened the stove door, Feng Qingxue poured a steel pot of water and sat on the stove, "It's snowing and it's too cold. Let's eat noodles in the evening. Put the mutton fat in the pot. Take out the food for the younger brothers and sisters first. Then cut some chili oil and put it in.”

"Okay! I'll make the noodles right now." Lu Tianzhi washed his hands.

None of the children of the Lu family wanted to eat the food cooked by Father Lu. It was too unpalatable. It didn’t matter when they couldn’t eat when they were young. After eating the food cooked by Feng Qingxue, they no longer wanted to eat pig food, so the brothers Learned good cooking skills.

It was the mutton fat that Feng Qingxue refined before coming to the army. Some were spicy and some were not spicy. They solidified into blocks like candles.

Lu Tianzhi is used to it every time he makes noodles or stir-fries cabbage, cuts a little bit and puts it in the pot.

Sheep oil is hot, and after a big bowl of hot and fragrant cabbage noodles, both adults and children felt warm all over. They clutched their stomachs and slumped on the chair. Lu Erxiong's voice was the loudest: "Full, full!"

"You've eaten the most, how can you not be full?" Fu Bao ate less than half a bowl, which was the same amount as Zhuang Zhuang.

After hearing what his mother said, Lu Erxiong grinned and stretched out his arms towards her, "Mom, it's snowing, it's snowing!"

"It's too cold, I won't take you out!" Feng Qingxue said.

Lu Erxiong turned to look at Lu Jiang, who also shook his head, "Dad is also afraid of the cold and doesn't want to go out."

Lu Erxiong flat-mouthed, "They are all bad people!"

He climbed down from the chair and wandered around the house. The house that Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu had finally tidied up was messed up by him again. There were small wooden horses, small pistols, stuffed bears and other toys all over the floor. Everyone couldn't even find the strength to get angry. No more, too lazy to pay attention to him.

Speaking of the topic of returning to the army, Lu Jiang said: "What do you mean? The army also mentioned this matter when they received instructions from the capital."

"Who made the call?" Feng Qingxue asked.

Lu Jiangdao: "Comrade Shi Hong next to Uncle Wang made a call. Then Uncle Wang also talked about your problem, saying that the old leader has spoken and cannot let you waste your good medical skills. I hope you can return to the team as soon as possible. There is no big incident in the army today. , several senior generals were discussing this issue and asked me what I meant."

Feng Qingxue was also very conflicted. Heaven and man were fighting for a while, but in the end the emotion of taking care of the child gained the upper hand.

"I am still worried about their strong bodies. I will take care of them for a few more years and let them enter school early, and then I will return to the team." Although the children all enter school at the age of seven, there is no precedent for early or late enrollment.

Xibao should have entered school last year, but he did not choose to go to school because he liked studying with his grandparents.

Fu Bao, Feng Qingxue is going to send her to school in the spring.

They planned this, but the troops didn't see it that way, so soon someone came to find Feng Qingxue.

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