Feng Qingxue turned to Luo Zhonghua and Cheng Kun and smiled sheepishly.

"I know that my idea is too selfish and does not conform to the idea of ​​working hard to die. If someone hears what I say, they will definitely make a big fuss and gather the public to criticize my thoughts."

As soon as she said this, Cheng Kun said: "Since you know, then why did you choose to leave people with something to say?"

Luo Zhonghua and Cheng Kun both disagreed with Feng Qingxue's concept.

To dedicate one's work to death is what state officials should do.

Feng Qingxue smiled lightly, "Because, in my mind, family is very important. I gave birth to the children. Before they grow up, Lu Jiang and I will be responsible for their lives. I did not give Zhuang Zhuang a With a healthy body, he has been tortured by illness since he was a child. Every time he gets sick, I, as a mother, feel heartbroken and wish I could take my own life. Now, Zhuang Zhuang seems to be better, but he still has a lot of problems with me. They are allergic to many things and I don’t feel comfortable sending them to daycare.”

Luo Zhonghua and Cheng Kun never expected Feng Qingxue to speak so bluntly, because they were used to seeing lesbians giving up everything for work, and almost everyone focused on work.

"Comrade Qingxue, your words are so hard that I don't even know how to speak." Cheng Kun said with an emotional expression.

A loving mother's heart is revealed naturally.

Feng Qingxue touched the top of her youngest son's head. Instead of facing Cheng Kun's words, she said: "No one knows better than me how difficult children are. Not to mention my Xibao and Fubao, they are now They are big, but the triplets can make my head explode like an atomic bomb. You can imagine what it feels like. "

Cheng Kun and Luo Zhonghua groaned, not understanding why she suddenly said that.

After looking at them, Feng Qingxue asked, "Both comrades have been working in the army for many years. Before the policy of accompanying the army came down, they always spent less time with their families and more time away from each other, right?"

Luo Zhonghua and Cheng Kun nodded one after another, "Isn't this normal? Everyone is like this."

"So I say, you two don't understand how hard it is to take care of children. In my opinion, it is more troublesome than work." Feng Qingxue said unceremoniously, "You two comrades don't understand Do you think that your children can grow up on their own after they are born? You only need to give them food and clothes to fulfill your responsibilities as a parent."

Luo Zhonghua said hurriedly: "Of course not, of course not, don't say that! But it's not as hard as you said, right?"

Feng Qingxue glanced at him and said, "Comrade Luo, you should really go back and ask my sister-in-law whether it is harder to work or to raise a newborn child. Most of you gay men only care about giving birth and not raising a child. I think it is more difficult." It seems great that you have fulfilled your responsibilities by raising your own family. You go out to work in the morning and go home to sleep at night. You don’t even have to worry about clothes, food, and children. You simply don’t understand the hard work that we lesbians put in to take care of our children and families.”

Luo Zhonghua touched his head, "Comrade Qingxue, don't say that, women can hold up half the sky!"

Feng Qingxue said unceremoniously: "Women hold up half the sky. What I mean is that in certain fields of work, as long as we are given a chance, we lesbians are not inferior to you gays. When you gays focus on work, the world of family is Women can hold up half of the sky, but you two are here to ask me to hold up the whole sky! How can I do that?"

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