Since Luo Zhonghua and Cheng Kun came here, no one mentioned the matter of letting Feng Qingxue return to the team immediately. Life in the Lu family returned to peace. Feng Qingxue took care of the children in the family compound and talked with her neighbors. Build a good relationship with the right house.

They brought back a lot of fabrics and pastry specialties, and the latter took them out and shared them, and everyone remembered her good things.

Materials are in short supply and life is difficult. Everyone is scrimping on food and clothing, but no one hates generous people.

Food is always tight, but there is no shortage of clothes in the army. The adults' military uniforms are modified for children to wear, and few companies really pay attention to wearing new clothes during the New Year.

Therefore, the fabric Feng Qingxue brought back was not used for the time being until Ping Zhengkai came to ask for Feng Qingxue.

"Sister-in-law bought a lot of cloth that day, can you give me a few feet?" Ping Zhengkai put his big ball on the table with an embarrassed look on his face, "I just received a letter from home saying that my brother wants to get married. , but there is no cloth ticket to buy cloth, and there is no way to buy cloth. The woman does not ask for anything else, she just wants to wear new clothes when she gets married. "

Feng Qingxue heard this and said, "What do I mean? Just wait!"

She turned around and entered the bedroom. After a while, she came out with a pile of fabrics, a bag of candies, a red gauze scarf, and a pair of red pillow towels. She handed them to Ping Zhengkai, "Take it and send it home. Think of it as us giving it to your brother." I’ll take back the money as a wedding gift.”

Ping Zhengkai's family situation was not good, and Feng Qingxue had always known about it.

After his salary was paid every month, Ping Zhengkai only kept a few yuan for his daily expenses, and sent the rest back to his hometown. I heard that his parents had to support his grandparents, and sometimes his mother had to subsidize his grandparents. Here are a group of unmarried people His brothers and sisters, with low wages in their hometown, if it weren't for Ping Zhengkai's subsidies, his brother would not even be able to marry a wife.

Ping Zhengkai took the things, shook his head and said: "My sister-in-law bought the things with money. I must not take the money back, otherwise I will feel uneasy. Sister-in-law, I took the things, you keep the money!"

Before Feng Qingxue could say anything, he hugged his things and ran away.

"Comrade Leader Lu, let me send the things back first." A voice came from afar.

Lu Jiang lowered his raised hand and said helplessly: "I want to say, it's already night. You go back and have a good rest. You don't have to come over. I'm in the army. I can't be in any danger."

"Okay, wouldn't it be nice for Zhengkai to be serious and responsible?" Feng Qingxue looked at the unity on the table, "What should I do with the money?"

Lu Jiang said: "Keep it. If you don't keep it, he will feel uneasy."

Although prices are lower than they were a few decades ago, they are not cheap compared to the current wage level. The things Feng Qingxue gave Ping Zhengkai definitely cost more than ten yuan. Lu Jiang could tell at a glance that the cloth was enough to make two clothes. There were clothes, including cotton, khaki, denim, and a piece of purple corduroy.

Ordinary cotton fabrics cost 60 cents a foot with a ticket. The price of processed fabrics is very low. Ten feet costs 5 yuan, which is only enough to make a suit of clothes. However, corduroy fabric is considered a high-end fabric and is never cheap.

Hearing what Lu Jiang said, Feng Qingxue had no choice but to accept it.

Lu Jiang didn't have to work the next day, so he went to the military service agency early and bought a pair of sheep racks, including the sheep's head. He also bought some mutton and pork with his ticket. When he came back, he cleaned the sheep's head and rack and put them into a big pot to stew. .

The aroma came from the kitchen in waves. Lu Erxiong drooled with greed and appeared in the kitchen with a bowl.

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