Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1380 Remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet 7

Although it was New Year's Eve, there was no New Year's atmosphere in the military compound.

This has been the case in recent years. The most lively performances are probably the performances of the cultural troupe. Even if they are performing revolutionary dramas, everyone enjoys it because it is the only form of entertainment.

Lu Jiang told Feng Qingxue that he would not go to the show today, but Feng Qingxue did not find him in his office.

"Sister-in-law? Are you here to see Comrade Lu Jiang?" An unknown soldier on guard saw Feng Qingxue nodding and said hurriedly: "You are all in the canteen reminiscing about the hardships and sweet things. You can go to the canteen to find him."

Remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet?

With this question, Feng Qingxue found the canteen where Lu Jiang often ate, and heard He Chunming, the Minister of the Political Department, cheering there.

After giving the order, many senior generals, including Lu Jiang, picked up their rice bowls and ate the sweet and bitter rice.

The so-called Yikusi sweet rice is porridge cooked by mixing tree roots, wild vegetables, and bark with dried sweet potatoes, corn crumbs, wheat bran and other coarse grains. Each person eats a big bowl, and after eating, Yes, no limit.

Lu Jiang glanced at his wife and was anxious to go back, but he couldn't show it or eat too fast.

Remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet means looking back at the sufferings of the past and looking forward to the beauty of the future. You have to savor this meal carefully. How can you remember the bitter and think of the sweet when you drink it like a gulp?

Although Feng Qingxue didn't know what kind of food her husband ate, she knew it must not be delicious, otherwise she wouldn't have that expression.

Others can't notice it, but they know that a husband is better than his wife!

Lu Jiang was often expressionless towards others, and others would not study his thoughts. Feng Qingxue was different. She could guess her husband's thoughts from his subtle expressions and behaviors.

"Of course it doesn't taste good. It's bitter, astringent, and throat irritating." After the gathering of remembering bitterness and sweetness was over, Lu Jiang immediately got up and went out to join his wife, and hurried home. When he heard his wife asking him if it tasted good, He replied in a low voice, "Let's go, let's go, my stomach is still empty, I'm just waiting for our New Year's Eve dinner."

For the New Year's Eve dinner, he ate a bowl of Yikusi sweet rice.

The couple walked into the family compound and passed by the door of someone else's house. They heard sharp and high-pitched criticism coming from inside.

Lu Jiang pulled his wife forward and whispered: "Let's go, don't listen."

"What's going on? It's the Chinese New Year." Feng Qingxue had never experienced this before and was very confused.

Lu Jiang coughed and said, "This is a family meeting before dinner on New Year's Eve. If our family doesn't have it, it doesn't mean that other people's families don't have it."

Feng Qingxue understood and frowned, "What are you doing?"

"The army is not the only one who remembers the bitter and remembers the sweet. Each government unit will organize a remembering the bitter and sweet memories. There should be some in rural areas too. It is organized by the commune and people are selected from each brigade to participate, but we have never experienced it."

. . . I feel uncomfortable, please update again in the evening, at least four chapters, a little more, football tickets, monthly football tickets at the end of the month.

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