Li Panpan has no children, but she likes children. She praised them with a smile: "They are so good, they are all good babies. Narcissus, where is your Zhongzhong? The triplets have come out, why is he hiding at home?"

Hu Shuixian said sheepishly: "It's cold, Zhongzhong hasn't gotten up yet!"

Eucommia ulmoides is weak and afraid of strangers, so she doesn't dare to take Eucommia ulmoides out because the temperature today is too low.

"Zhong Zhong, little lazy bug!" Lu Erxiong said loudly, "Little lazy bug doesn't have candy! Er Xiong does."

After hearing this, Feng Qingxue slapped him lightly on his hat, "What did you say, brat? So rude? Zhongzhong won't give you any delicious food from now on!"

Lu Erxiong wanted to cover his head with his hands, but he was holding the candy in both hands and stomped his feet unhappily, "Mom!"

"You're rude, I'm not your mother!"

Lu Erxiong immediately changed his words: "Mother Zhuangzhuang!"

Amid everyone's laughter, Feng Qingxue nodded, "Yes, I am Dundun's mother, Zhuangzhuang's mother, not Erxiong's mother."

"Mother Zhuangzhuang, you hit me!" Lu Erxiong said matter-of-factly, "You are Mother Zhuangzhuang, and I am Erxiong."

Li Panpan said in confusion: "Sister-in-law, what does he mean?"

"It means that I am Zhuangzhuang's mother and he is Erxiong, so I can't beat him. If I want to beat him, I can only hit Zhuangzhuang." Feng Qingxue has been around her child for seven or eight years. How could Feng Qingxue not understand the evil thoughts of Xiong's son? .

Zhuang Zhuang glanced sideways at Er Xiong and said, "Bear is bad!"

"Yes!" Dundun nodded. He was worried that Erxiong's next sentence would be to ask his mother to hit him, because his mother was also Dundun's mother. He glanced at Erxiong, and Dundun nodded again to confirm Zhuangzhuang's statement. "Bad Bear!"

Hu Shuixian and Li Panpan couldn't help laughing, and Li Panpan almost burst into tears.

Li Panpan had nothing to do and played with Feng Qingxue for a while, mainly to tease Erxiong. She thought Erxiong was so cute. Although he was not as honest, strong and beautiful as Dundun, he was lively and active, with childish words. The words make people laugh and suit my own mood.

When the wind picked up, Feng Qingxue invited Li Panpan to visit her home.

Li Panpan didn't go because he had something to do, but Luo Zhonghua's wife Tang Jie came with a gentle little girl.

"When I was in the capital, I wanted to personally thank my comrade for saving his life. I went to pick up the old lady and my sister-in-law first. When I arrived at the hospital, I heard from the guard comrade that Qingxue had returned to the army." Speaking of Feng Qingxue's life-saving work for Luo Cheng. Tang Jie burst into tears of gratitude for his kindness.

The person with the highest salary level in the Luo family is currently Luo Zhonghua, but his status in the capital is completely different with and without the elderly.

Luo Cheng is safe and sound, he is the Luo family's Dinghai Shenzhen.

Feng Qingxue said hurriedly: "Look, sister-in-law, Comrade Luo Zhonghua has thanked you several times, and sister-in-law said these words again. Let's not say these things. That's what I should do. Come on, let's drink tea." "Who is this little girl?"

"Luo Xiuxiu, the third eldest child in my family, is also the only daughter among the Luo family's grandchildren." Tang Jie said.

Luo Xiuxiu was very polite and said shyly: "Hello Aunt Qingxue, thank you aunt for saving my grandfather. My mother and I made new clothes and shoes and socks for each of my younger brothers and sisters. The sizes are according to age, slightly enlarged. I may be a little unsure, so I hope my aunt and younger siblings won’t dislike it.”

As she spoke, she held up a large bundle with both hands.

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