Jewelry and fine clothes are all luxuries for capitalist hedonists and will only be destroyed.

Of course, those who take advantage of the opportunity to enrich themselves are another matter. Except for those young and passionate students who don’t know the value, adults are not fools. They secretly hide a few items and no one can find them. They will take them out in the future after the news is over.

Jiang Xiaoyue took out an jade bracelet from a compartment in the jewelry box drawer and put it on her wrist, "Does it look good?"

She stretched out the light wheat-colored hand bowl in front of Lu Tianjun and shook it at the same time.

"It's beautiful!" Jade is most respected for its green color, and the emerald-green bracelet looks crystal clear under the kerosene light, so it is naturally very beautiful.

Lu Tianjun always knew that his aunt liked jade the most, and he also told him to buy it for her when he saw someone selling jade on the black market. Unexpectedly, she gave Jiang Xiaoyue her favorite bracelet, which was included in his mother's dowry list he had seen. It seems that there is no such pair of bracelets.

Although his mother didn't care much about external things, most of her dowry included gold and gems.

I heard from my grandpa that at that time, it was a very popular place.

Lu Tianjun had a good memory. He looked carefully at the contents of the jewelry box and found that most of them were not his mother's dowry.

Jiang Xiaoyue took off the bracelet and put it back, pushed the drawer, and closed the lid, "When I was a child, I also liked to wear beautiful hairpins and red headbands, and liked beautiful clothes. I remember that I also wore a small floral Bragi. , I don’t know what happened later. It seems that after we broke up with each other, my father and my brother and sister-in-law confiscated these things and refused to let me wear them. I cried for a long time. "

There is no normal girl who does not love beauty, and there is no girl who does not like sparkling jewelry, let alone lesbians who keep the current regulations in mind and strictly abide by them.

Lu Tianjun felt a little distressed when he heard this, "It doesn't matter. From now on, you can wear it for me at home and don't let outsiders see it."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "We are all in the army, and there are strict regulations on food, clothing, housing and transportation. At that time, I asked my dad to keep the bracelets that Aunt Qingxue gave me. I dare not carry these things with me. After returning to the capital, I have to leave it to my dad to hide it for me. Aunt Qingxue is so generous that she is not afraid of surprise inspections and carries so many valuables with her."

"Uncle's rank is so high, most people won't come to search." Lu Tianjun told the truth, "Besides, aunt's ability to hide things is unparalleled in the world, and no one can find what she hides."

After he and Guan Cheng handed over the things he and Guan Cheng bought from the black market to Feng Qingxue, they never saw the shadow of these things again.

Jiang Xiaoyue hummed, "We are a bit older, both are soldiers, and our salary level is not low. We can support a family and make a living. It doesn't matter whether we have jewelry or not. You also buy them for me. It’s quite a lot. Let’s give the rest of the things at home to Tianzhi and Xibao. Especially Fubao, she loves beauty so much. She will be happy if you give her more as a dowry.”

Lu Tianjun felt very warm in his heart, "Do you know how many things our parents left behind? Give them all, don't you feel bad?"

"Then what's there to feel bad about? It's not given to outsiders." Jiang Xiaoyue looked at him inexplicably, "Do you feel bad? You have to share it equally with Tianzhi and not give any to Xibao and the others? Even if you are the eldest grandson, you won't do this. Bullies. Uncle Lu and Aunt Qingxue raised you and Tianzhi. This kindness is much more valuable than gold, silver and jewelry."

In times of famine, can gold, silver and jewelry be used as food? Can? Even if you get it on the black market, you may not be able to exchange it for two kilograms of whole grains.

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