Fu Bao is a girl and loves beauty. Feng Qingxue is willing to pamper her without affecting her husband and family.

Fu Bao has snow-white skin and jet-black hair. Wearing this red plaid woolen gown and a red headband, she looks like a pink jade sculpture, with picturesque features, watery and pretty eyes, attracting a lot of attention along the way.

Although she is ashamed of dressing up nowadays, she is a five or six-year-old girl, and she cannot be called well-groomed.

Such is the so-called natural beauty, even wearing rags and rags can't hide the fact that she is a beautiful little girl.

After finally getting off the crowded bus, Ping Zhengkai led Dundun behind Lu Jiang and said with a smile: "Our Fubao is getting better and better as it gets longer. You must hold Comrade Lu's hand tightly and don't talk to us." Separated."

"Thank you, Uncle Ping!" Fubao was not shy at all and was very generous.

"Of course, my daughter is the smartest, cutest and most beautiful little girl in the world!" Lu Jiang held his daughter in one hand and his son Xiong in the other, and responded proudly to Ping Zhengkai.

In fact, all the compliments are inferior to the word "good-looking".

Fu Bao smiled broadly and was almost jumping around like a bear. Suddenly, she remembered that the jumping posture was unsightly. She immediately calmed down, took light steps, and began to behave in a reserved and elegant manner.

Lu Jiang's belly was full of smiles. His wife often said that children like to imitate their parents in their words and deeds, and she was indeed right.

The daughter's current appearance is clearly a smaller version of his wife.

Fu Bao imitated Feng Qingxue, and Lu Erxiong was obviously imitating his father. He broke away from Lu Jiang's hand and walked in front, holding his head high and chest out, walking like a dragon or a tiger. But he was too young and too fat, so he imitated in a nondescript manner, which almost caused unintentional mistakes. Lu Jiang was furious when he caught a glimpse of him.

"Dad, buy a big fish!" Lu Erxiong quickly ran to the fish counter and looked at the fish swimming in the bucket.

Children just love animals, and Lu Erxiong was so excited that he jumped up and down.

In fact, there is not much to do in the city. The places of interest and historical sites are all damaged, and because they belong to the old culture, no one will pay homage to them. After wandering around, I walked into the grocery store unknowingly, as if it was the way Lu Erxiong led me.

Lu Erxiong!

Lu Jiang's face turned livid with anger and he stared at Xiong's son who was lying next to the bucket looking at the fish after jumping over.

Lu Erxiong was unaware and turned around and waved to Lu Jiang, "Dad, dad, come quickly, there are big fish, big carp!"

Ping Zhengkai smiled and said: "I actually know the big carp, Er Xiong is really smart!"

The fish seller looked at them and knew that they were not ordinary people. Although Lu Jiang was not wearing a military uniform, Ping Zhengkai was. She looked like a follower beside Lu Jiang, so Lu Jiang must be a leader. She smiled kindly and said: " It can be purchased with a ticket.”

"I have money!" Lu Erxiong dug out his penny, stretched it out to hand it to the fish seller, and said confidently: "I have money, I buy fish, big fish, big carp!"

The fish seller laughed heartily, looked at the cute little white fat man, and teased him: "It's not enough, I can't even buy the fish tails."

Lu Erxiong ran over and pulled Lu Jiang over, "My father is rich."

"I have money, but I don't have a ticket!" Lu Jiang said bluntly, "You can't buy fish without a ticket."

Lu Erxiong bit his finger, but before he could say anything, a hand stretched out from beside him, holding a fish ticket and a city resident supply certificate, "I have them here, catch two big carps for Xiong Xiong!"

Lu Jiang turned around and saw Li Shuitian's face.

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