After understanding what Jin Hong meant, Lu Zhaodi couldn't believe her ears.

"What? You said Comrade Commander of the Army came specifically to see Li Shuitian?" She grabbed Jin Hong, and the uneven cream on her hand rubbed against Jin Hong's hand, which aroused Jin Hong's disgust, and he pulled out his hand with all his strength. Rub the cream on your clothes.

"You heard me right, he just came to see Li Shuitian. Li Shuitian must have played some trick to get back to the army!"

Lu Zhaodi interrupted Jin Hong, "Want to return to the army? No way!"

Jin Hong nodded, "I think so too. No matter what, we cannot let Li Shuitian return to the army. If he wants to return, I will return. I am the director of the Political Department. What should I do if he goes back?"

Lu Zhaodi glanced at him sideways, "Don't forget how you left and still want to return to the army? Is it possible? The reason why Li Shuitian left the army was because of Cao Hongzhu. He was implicated by Cao Hongzhu. You left because of yourself. It made us, the mothers, follow you all the way back to our hometown and suffered all the ridicule."

"Why are you talking about this? I told you, I was wronged, I was wronged, Li Shuitian and Cao Hongzhu are determined to sabotage the revolution!" Jin Hong's face darkened, he pushed her away and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Lu Zhaodi said loudly, her expression not good-looking at all.

"I'm going to find someone and try to find a way to visit Comrade Commander of the Army at the Long Live Army garrison." If he couldn't see Lu Jiang and couldn't get help from Lu Jiang, why should he swallow his humiliation and succumb to Li Shuitian? Later I found out that Li Shuitian was the leader.

Lu Zhaodi stamped her feet angrily and spat at Jin Hong's back.

Sister Jin Zhaodi in the bedroom didn't dare to take a breath, but what do babies of a few months old know? Crying loudly.

When Lu Zhaodi heard this, she ran to the west room in three steps and then slapped the swaddled baby. Her face was full of anger, "Cry! I asked you to cry! Why are you crying? You have to pay for it! Why don't you die?" Is it a waste of money?"

Jin Zhaodi hugged her little sister and couldn't even hide, because the more she hid, the more she would be beaten and scolded.

"Mom, I'll coax her and she won't cry for a while. You go find dad quickly. Don't let dad go out alone. I saw him talking to an older sister he didn't know yesterday. My father and older sister were so happy that they laughed. ”

"What?" Lu Zhaodi yelled, "Which fox was your dad talking and laughing with again?"

Jin Zhaodi shook her head, "I don't know her, but that eldest sister is very pretty. She has fair skin, black hair, red mouth, and two big braids that reach her buttocks."

There are no such people nearby. Many of them have short hair. Even braids are at most a foot long and none reach their waist.

Lu Zhaodi rushed out and ran out, fearing that she would be a step too late.

Jin Zhaodi patted her little sister, changed her diapers and prepared milk powder with great skill.

After her sister was born and before she left the army, her uncles and aunts in the army collected a large amount of money and gave it to her privately. The total amount was more than 600 yuan. Tian Ling had a son, and the conditions were so poor. I gave her ten yuan and asked her to get her sister's birth certificate and go to the store to buy milk powder, but she could only secretly give it to her sister.

"We need to grow up quickly. When we grow up, we can make money to support ourselves. We don't have to be beaten and beaten every day." Jin Zhaodi coaxed the little sister and gave the remaining milk powder to the two sisters to drink a few sips each to supplement their nutrition.

Jin Pandi and Jin Laidi nodded, with a happy smile on their faces after drinking milk powder.

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