Lu Jiang smiled slightly, "There are so many good soldiers in the guard camp. Someone will come to take your place. You don't have to worry about my safety. Don't get involved in anything when you get to school. Seize the opportunity and study hard. I recommend that you go to Capital University. School starts in September, and you will leave in August 20th. However, don’t make any noise about this. There are many people who want to go to college. If they know that you have a place, there will be trouble. "

Ping Zhengkai said respectfully: "Yes, don't worry!"

The smile on his brows and eyes was like watermelon juice dripping from a watermelon.

Feng Qingxue was almost jealous to death. She also wanted to go to college and at least get a diploma.

She was too old to take the college entrance examination seven years later and was unable to take the college entrance examination. The only chance to go to school was now, but there were conditions for going to school. Soldiers, workers, staff of various government agencies, farmers, educated youth who went to the mountains and countryside, regardless of their previous No matter what your education level is, you can take it regardless of your age. Of course, it is a recommendation system, not just anyone who wants to can take it.

Although they will not be recognized as real college students for many years after graduation, and workers, peasants and soldiers college students who graduated from Capital University can only be regarded as undergraduates, but it is still better than Feng Qingxue who does not have a diploma? It also makes it easier to continue studying in the future.

However, Feng Qingxue knew that she could not bring it up to embarrass Lu Jiang.

She has retired. She is not a worker, a soldier, a farmer, a staff member of an agency, or a family member of the military. If she wants to go to school, Lu Jiang can certainly get her a place, but she doesn't want to do this, and she can't let Lu Jiang It leaves a stain on my life, and I can't leave the children at home and only care about myself.

Therefore, she said nothing about this matter, even though she was particularly envious of soldiers who could go to college. She only asked Lu Jiang to send a telegram to her family and not allow several children to participate in the competition for places in the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers' University.

After a few years, the university is recruiting students again, even if it is a one-year or two-year system, which makes many people excited. It is said that it is a recommendation system, but there are still signs of backdoors, and there are repeated prohibitions. The Long Live Army is strict in Lu Jiang Under the management, soldiers are recommended to go to school in accordance with regulations. Regardless of their origin, they are usually grassroots soldiers, but outside the army, they are not in charge.

Hearing that the branch secretary of the brigade next door had given the only spot to his son-in-law, an educated youth, the villagers from the Wanglou brigade who wanted their children to go to college and the educated youth who wanted to go to college came to ask Wang Zhengguo to whom the three spots in his brigade were going to be given.

The Wanglou team is no longer what it used to be and got three spots.

There is a place in a junior college to study mechanical manufacturing and two universities, one is Huaihai Mining University and the other is Capital University.

Wang Zhengguo knocked on the table and looked at the room full of people. "There are three quotas, one for educated youths and two for children from our brigade. Those who have good education must be those who have not gone to school or have a primary school education and are in university." , Do you understand? Choose those who meet the criteria first, and then vote. Whoever has the highest number of votes will go."

Take a vote? This is fair!

Everyone dispersed in a hurry and went to canvass for votes for themselves.

Wang Zhengguo lowered his raised hand and looked at the empty room where only he and his eldest son were left. He couldn't help but said: "I haven't announced the list of people yet, how do you know you are there?"

He knew what everyone was doing, except Wang Dachun, who unfortunately heard his words.

Wang Dachun smiled and said, "I'll post the list so they don't waste their time."

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